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On 5/29/2019 at 3:58 AM, Jabar of House Titan said:

Daenerys neither killed Drogo nor Viserys. She was present for both and, in the case of Drogo, played a important role. But she did not kill them; she didn't even want them to die. To say she did is inaccurate and disingenuous.

Did Arianne kill Ser Arys? More fatalistic people would say "yes, she did" but the truth of the matter is that Arianne did not kill Ser Arys nor did she let Areo Hotah kill him.

I know what you mean here but the pedant in me cannot help pointing out Dany did technically smother Drogo in his vegetative state and thus technically kill him.


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On 5/31/2019 at 7:54 AM, HelenaExMachina said:

I know what you mean here but the pedant in me cannot help pointing out Dany did technically smother Drogo in his vegetative state and thus technically kill him.

I can't argue that.

I think that this is a theme that GRRM is playing at. The truth of a matter is often much more complicated -- and thus, very uncomfortable -- than what we would like to believe. That's why half truths and lies exist. They feel good and make us feel safe.

Arianne thinks that Daenerys killed her brother and husband in cold blood and it's making her worry that Daenerys is a bloodthirsty lunatic and that Quentyn may be in terrible danger.

The biggest moments of Sansa's story has been about the difference between fantasy, delusion and revisionism; Arya is learning how to play the game of faces; Ned Stark spent his last days being haunted by one secret he never told and another he must tell, etc.

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On 5/28/2019 at 10:58 PM, Jabar of House Titan said:

Daenerys neither killed Drogo nor Viserys. She was present for both and, in the case of Drogo, played a important role. But she did not kill them; she didn't even want them to die. To say she did is inaccurate and disingenuous.

Did Arianne kill Ser Arys? More fatalistic people would say "yes, she did" but the truth of the matter is that Arianne did not kill Ser Arys nor did she let Areo Hotah kill him.

Didn't she smother Drogo with a pillow?


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