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Fingers crossed.

I am trying to get the kid to farm animals in the barrens for the deviate delight recipe. I this wrong of me? :P

Maybe ill try to log on early and run some stuff. I have the sneaking suspicion that I am never going to finish an entire run through naxx :/

In the NW corner of the Barrens (I believe) you'll find an area full of Harpies. They're all super-low level, drop tons of cloth and have an awesome rate for the Savory Deviate Delight recipe. I've farmed the recipe 4 times, never spending more than 30 mins to an hour grinding them. Respawn rate is really fast so you can pretty much kill nonstop until the recipe drops.

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Bah, I caved and re-applied for our old raiding guild. So far no decision has officially been made, but both Joskii and I got selected for an achievement Ulduar 10 run yesterday. Council in hard mode is...well, hard. :lol: I had a tank getting one shotted mid-heal, which is a bit 0.o. (I got put on Steelbreaker healing as well, joy :P )

Freya with one guardian up on the other hand was not very tricky. We went on to do Mimiron as well (easy, we had a good group, although I cocked up and legged it straight through a rocket in phase 4, me = idiot), and we had a guild first on Vezax 10 man as well, which was surprisingly easy I thought, judging by all the moaning about him. We had three healers who rotated, and simply tanked him while using brute force healing and loads of CDs (PS, sacrifice, various bubbles, druid NS) and got him down on the second try.

Then we went on to the YOGURT MONSTER! I love that fight, it is totally nuts! We managed to stabilise P1 fairly fast, but LOL at P2. We had people running everywhere, too much dispelling for 3 paladins, two priests and one druid and people getting lost in the portal realm. It was a lot of fun tho, and I thought we could have muscled through P2 with a few more goes. We were soooo close to managing the portal realm on our last goes. It was a matter of 1-2 seconds. the tentacles that swing you around are absolutely hilarious, and it seems you can mindflay them midair too (our spriest tested).

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We killed Yogg Saron on 10-man, it really is an awesome fight. :lol:

The mad tentacle chasing just never gets old. Now we just need to try and get 25 people together who know what they're doing. :stunned:

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So far I think we've spent about as much time on Yogg as we did Illidan before we downed him. And that was definitely some frustrating times (3% wipes...sigh).

Much less time than on Brutallus though. Or Kael, for that matter.

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Ya, I shiver just thinking of the logistics of forcing 25 people through phase 2. It's pretty goddamn tricky just getting it to work with ten man!

On the other hand, P3 was really a piece of piss compared to the rest, if you just have enough people coming thro P2 it should be smooth sailing, unless something really weird happens. We took him on only our second time in P3, once we got P2 stabilised (and people stopped DCing, that also really, really helps).

I think we had some 2-3 hours working on him with our "leet" teem, i.e. in 25 man you are bound to get more clunkers who can't move out of clouds, can't figure out brain link and can't DPS the right target, etc. so I imagine the time spent on 25 man will be at least 10 times the time and effort you need to lay down on ten man.

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Our ten-man group has been able to down him twice now. The skills on 10-man don't seem to correspond significantly to the 25s. But that's just an outsider looking in; I've not tried him at all in either form.

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On the other hand, P3 was really a piece of piss compared to the rest, if you just have enough people coming thro P2 it should be smooth sailing, unless something really weird happens. We took him on only our second time in P3, once we got P2 stabilised (and people stopped DCing, that also really, really helps).

We own phase 1 and 2, enter phase 3 with everyone up, and end up wiped within 60 seconds of phase 3. Repeatedly.

Last night I think we were bugged or something. The adds were coming every 3 seconds. We simply could not keep up with them.

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When phase three starts all tentacles left over from phase two will remain active. One Immortal Guardian will spawn when phase three begins for every Crusher tentacle still alive. As long is there only a limited of Corruptor Tentacles up these can be safely ignored as long as the debuffs are dispelled.

So did you have a bunch of crushers up? That's the only thought I have; that crushers when they're up spawn more in addition to the spawning.

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Nope. One time we had ONE Crusher. We killed it ASAP.

We literally got an immortal every 3 seconds, and we were wiped before Yogg got to 25% from 30. I have some ideas to handle this shit.

Could sure use 5% crit, btw. Particularly since I am going to add another DPS tonight.

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Err, Juliand does 5% crit too. He's just a little bitch about it.

By 5% crit, I was referring to Felhoof. It is a synonym, after all. Like Baelor is Windfury Totem, Vyre is Consecrate, and Othor is Stack Intellect Tank.

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On EJ I just read that going into a sanity well in phase 3 causes an extra add to spawn....methinks we just found our problem...
Wow, hadn't heard that. I knew sanity wells in P3 were problematic because they reduce your dps by 50%, but if they also cause an add to spawn, hee.
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