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The Next World of Warcraft Thread

Mack Kilimaro

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I was supposed to play last night, but didn't get home until late and had to make batches of these for work:


Pretzel Turtles


  • 20 mini-twist pretzels (doesn't have to be 'twists', just make sure the pretzel is configured to not let the rollo leak through. Synder's Butter Snaps work great.)
  • 20 pieces of Rollo candies
  • 20 pecan halves
  • Of course you can make as many as you want, 20 won't last long (they're not kidding, :drool: )


  1. Preheat oven to 300
  2. Place 20 pretzels on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper or sprayed with PAM
  3. Place a Rollo on top of each pretzel
  4. Place in oven for 5 minutes, or just until chocolate starts to melt
  5. Remove from oven and press one pecan half onto each Rollo, smashing is down a little, making the chocolate spread out
  6. Cool completely before eating (if you used Wax paper under them: slide the turtles off the cookie sheet and onto a flat surface -- if you used just spray: leave the turtles alone for a 2 hours until they set completely)
  7. Make yourself sick by eating them...


In other news. I finally hit 400 skill points in Maces! :-)

I also got an epic LW recipie from FL last night but I'm still 6 points away from being able to use it :-(, it's too bad because I know a few druids who could use some iLevel 226 boots.

Time to hit Sholozar Basin and Wintergrasp to farm mats...

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Thanks all for the Faction Champions comments. Unfortunately, still spent another 90 minutes wiping on those guys last night with my 10 man Horde folks. We ended up with the exact same enemy team comp as last week - shaman/paladin healers, then warrior, DK, mage, hunter. We had adjusted to having only two healers and we finally managed to have attempts last long enough to kill the shaman and get the paladin to bubble territory. Unfortunately, only one attempt of the night did we manage to kill both healers, and in fact in this attempt we also killed the warrior ... then our entire raid was disconnected. That's the most swearing I've ever heard on vent.

I think we were hurt because both of our healers were paladins and without as many instant cast options, we were more susceptible to counterspell. Plus of the two of us, one is usually a tank. However, melee people weren't doing a good job avoiding bladestorms, so there was only so much we could do. Also, someone kept breaking our CC. I think it may have been the raid leader's girlfriend who apparently wasn't listening when we said, "Don't do whirlwind." So it goes.

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Guest Nadine
Oh and I got my staves up to 400 because I thought it would give me an achievement :P

Did on my mage because there is something wrong with me.


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I'm working on mY raptor mount-omg he is so cute! He's a baby that follows me around and I feed him for 20 days and then I guess I get the mount.

I'm collecting my final raptor tooth today ^_^. My favorite part about those quests is that as you collect dinosaur teeth the raptorling actually slowly grows up. Mine is actually the same size as me now and I miss the baby that followed me around Tanaris and Un'Goro, so I bought the black one from Dalaran.

May have slight foreign accent fetish. Considerring re-rolling on euro server in my spare time in order to fully test/ develop such sickness :P

My guild ran a raid with another guild on my server last week and there was a scottish guy, a british guy and a french guy, so there were accents all over the place. It was awesome.

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Just to help more, I'll give a recap of our 10man FC on Tuesday.

Was a two-shot this time. Enemy composition was boomkin, enhance shaman, rogue, mage, holy pally, and holy priest.

Our composition: I've been 3-healing Trial ever since it opened because there is a lot of damage flying around, gear-checking and achievement-checking to make sure the DPS will be provide enough damage. I also try to get a good mix for buffs and CC. We had a resto shaman, resto druid, and disc priest (I love these guys) for heals. I'm a blood DK tank, and after Stego's post I just felt the warrior love and got a Warrior OT. DPS-wise we had a ret paladin, warlock (banish is especially good for keeping one infernal under control on Jaraxxus), rogue, hunter, and mage.

Overall strategy-wise, I'm going to have to come down firmly in favor of dealing with DPS before heals on 10-man, the reverse for 25.

Fail attempt: Seeing the holy pally, I sent the Warrior OT to pull a Stego, and assigned the mage to sheep the priest until diminishing returns kicked in at which point the Lock would take over with fears. We decided on the order rogue (thinking he was squishy), shaman, mage, boomkin. We take out melee first because the spell casters will do the same damage regardless of who they hit, while the melee will do drastically greater damage on cloth or leather. I ran into take the initial heat, the hunter shot a freeze trap out, and we went to work.

It went badly. By the time we got the rogue down, half the raid was dead. There was too much raid damage overall, and we underestimated the shaman (I blame Wowwiki). His windfury crits will eat your clothies alive if the champions focus them.

Second attempt: The differences - new kill order of shaman, then rogue; the rogue switched to his pvp spec because he felt like it gave him more control (the mage considered switching to his pvp spec but we figured it would hurt his DPS too much compared to the rogue), and my role changed. Rather than bother trying to get initial aggro and then just being a hearty dps, I was in charge of tying up the rogue. Other tanks can try doing this to one of the melee as well. At the start, I death gripped the rogue away from the pack, and used a combination of chains of ice and taunts to keep him either by me or coming back to me while the raid took out the shaman. Taunts do work for that three seconds and then possibly longer until the aggro swap. Being a tank the rogue posed little threat to me with the occasional heal (not to mention I use a heavy DS rotation). This effectively cut the champion's DPS to 75% before we even killed the shaman while not tying up one of the healers or good dps contributors on CC.

Marked difference - not a single raid member died. It was a thing of beauty. :P

We then went on to completely cream Twin Val'kyr, which while fun and interesting was stupid easy, but hey, I got Reckoning out of it. But Blizzard hotfixed it to be harder last night, so I can't say if it's loot pinata anymore.

Edit: Apparently the board doesn't like tildas over the "n."

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Next time I see the champions (I assume next week, since while I haven't checked, I'm expecting no raid tonight), I'll suggest that we work on their melee dps first.

I like the idea. Between me and our rogue, as long as we only get two healers, we should be able to keep their activity to a minimum.

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Thanks all for the Faction Champions comments. Unfortunately, still spent another 90 minutes wiping on those guys last night with my 10 man Horde folks. We ended up with the exact same enemy team comp as last week - shaman/paladin healers, then warrior, DK, mage, hunter. We had adjusted to having only two healers and we finally managed to have attempts last long enough to kill the shaman and get the paladin to bubble territory. Unfortunately, only one attempt of the night did we manage to kill both healers, and in fact in this attempt we also killed the warrior ... then our entire raid was disconnected. That's the most swearing I've ever heard on vent.

I think we were hurt because both of our healers were paladins and without as many instant cast options, we were more susceptible to counterspell. Plus of the two of us, one is usually a tank. However, melee people weren't doing a good job avoiding bladestorms, so there was only so much we could do. Also, someone kept breaking our CC. I think it may have been the raid leader's girlfriend who apparently wasn't listening when we said, "Don't do whirlwind." So it goes.

We usually have a prot warrior sit on the pally, and a rogue sit on the other healer, and dps down the hard hitters first. (it's been the rogue and enh shaman for us mostly) I'd say for that comp you really need to get the warr and DK down first. Blow hero off the start and try to chain CC the hunter or mage.

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New expansion looks really cool. They are doing more and more to force me to play Alliance to see all the cool stuff though. Stupid alliance. I guess I'll have to have at least 1 Worgen and 1 Goblin Character. I'll probably have to make a Space Goat at some point too, to see what's up with their starting area. Fucking stupid Space Goats.

I'm on a break now. I guess I'll check out the new patch in September so I can get my Brewfest stuff done too.

Carry on with the talk of raids I no longer understand.

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New expansion looks really cool. They are doing more and more to force me to play Alliance to see all the cool stuff though. Stupid alliance. I guess I'll have to have at least 1 Worgen and 1 Goblin Character. I'll probably have to make a Space Goat at some point too, to see what's up with their starting area. Fucking stupid Space Goats.

I'm on a break now. I guess I'll check out the new patch in September so I can get my Brewfest stuff done too.

Carry on with the talk of raids I no longer understand.

You can join what seems to be a board-wide consensus to start up an all worgen ex-horde member group. :thumbsup:

Also, space goat area is more fun then Ghost Lands, and there's no reputation gain (i.e Tranquillien) to take away from earning faction rep. There's a bad ass Furbolg Shaman-Druid quest, and a timed Kessel run-esque quest where you get to ride an Elekk. If I didn't love the Horde so much I would have been a space goat a long time ago....

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So, a guild was kind enough to take me into Ulduar 10 last night....

It's awesome! I had only done FL before and loved that fight, but we went all the way through Kologarn. Guess we're gonna pick it up next week.

Got a nice shoulder upgrade for my hunter...it's leather, but it was better than the blue I was wearing, for sure. So what if I lost a bit of defense?

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Yeah, armor value is nothing if the stats were an improvement. It's not like you're the tank.

I've pushed hard on my final weekend before the fall semester starts up. Too many runs to remember. All pugs. All decent. I've got tanks who sign on at different times looking for me now. Anything I doubt I'm ready for, they talk me into anyway and it turns out fine. I've gotten at least 6 upgrades and finally did ToC which wasn't fun as a healer. Had a Naxx 10 group trying to ninja me from a H Nex run last night. And I almost jumped into a BT-for-Fun run.

Did H VH with 3 Druids and a Paladin. I don't think any of them lost more than 15% of their health the entire time. I basically got free emblems. One of the only runs I've been on without a DK.

Still have trouble getting people to do the regular daily instances. Last night it was HoL and didn't get a group until midnight.

I love DTK just as much in Heroic as I do in Normal. Smooth as buttah.

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Guest Nadine

Since when did QD start having queues? Utter ass. Have gone quite mad gearing up Rick and have been working (kinda) on timmet's JC. Speaking of ass...fuck JC right in the ear. My OCD can't handle the sheer number and variety of JC receipes to collect. Every time I think about it I have a seizure. *shakes*

Oh, more ass? I am 3 quests away from the zul'drak zone cheiv and I can't find any that I haven't done already. I even did the ones that start with a drop. My frustration tolerence has been extremely low this weekend so I moved on to DB. Thinking of switching to HF and doing that with Mandy. Need to up my rep so I can start making the motorcycle. Will utterly undercut Sreth, as much as I like him so I can get epic cold water flying on timmet and messy.

Not ass? Careful use (aka lucky) of the AH lead to amazing finds due to other's stupidity. Got a copter (eng slow mount) for 12 silver, 15 runed orbs for 12g and 5 of the epic reds for 9g. WOOT! Have put the copter up twice, no sales and will be using the orbs and gems for personal use. Still. HA!!

Having a hard time leveling timmet or messy - too much fun with Rick.

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Guest Nadine


Regarding the questing in zul'drak situation - anyone have any advice, know of add-ons, etc to find the missing quests?

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Did you do the Gundrak quests for the instance itself? And the Amphitheater of Anguish event? And you're sure you got the drop item that starts the chain near the flight path/quest hub that's closest to the entrance to Crystalsong Forest? I think it's a necklace that drops.

QD is having queues probably because Bliz listed it as "recommended" which is how they try to place new players. That's how I rolled on the first server I played on, it was the one they recommended when I first logged in.

I spent most of this afternoon in an AQ40 fun run hosted by one of the raiding guilds. We got up to the twin emps then people started leaving. It was fun.

Got my standard daily H DTK run in. Went fine but for some reason the DK tank was taking crazy damage vs. King Dred. I actually felt a bit panicked for a second cause I couldn't seem to keep her above half health. Turned out fine though. Sometimes it's fun to wake the healer up a bit.

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Guest Nadine

No, I havent done those yet - I thought instance quests didnt count for the achievement. *hugs*

Recommended my ass. No wonder there has been such an influx of moronatude.

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So 10 man Vezax, it turns out, is ridiculously easy with that 25% health nerf they put in. First night we ever really fought the guy and we two-shotted him - and it only wasn't a one-shot because people didn't interrupt the fire whatever twice and burned all the healers' mana (and we didn't realize you only get six saronite vapors for the whole thing).

Still haven't killed Faction Champions in either raid. Starting to get pissed.

Took a peek at Yogg-Saron. I don't look forward to these people figuring out how to dodge the clouds.

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So 10 man Vezax, it turns out, is ridiculously easy with that 25% health nerf they put in. First night we ever really fought the guy and we two-shotted him - and it only wasn't a one-shot because people didn't interrupt the fire whatever twice and burned all the healers' mana (and we didn't realize you only get six saronite vapors for the whole thing).

Hard mode is also stupidly easy compared to how it was before, we were up to it the week of the patch that nerfed it (only had yogg and firefighter left aftwards) and 1 shot it. Was such an anticlimax!

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