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Who Would You Stand With?


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Starks. hands down.

then umbers

then baratheons.

but the starks seem to be the family that i relate to..I would never want to rule the seven kingdom, I would not want to play the game of thrones. I would do whats right and get my head chopped off. so I would stay in winterfell and never go south!

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House Stark

Fiz- starks are not decimated there are two and a half boys and two girls alive

I want to see Tyrion on the throne (married happily to Sansa) or perhaps as hand supporting Aegon who is married to Arya. - but Jon Snow ruling Winterfell with Brandon his Naval commander and Rickon as a loyal heir.

Now for my theory (rather Days of our Lives) the Starks have a distant claim to the throne - this is HEAVILY suggested in GoT - Ned chapter - he says Robert has the BETTER claim. I think we will find a Targ ancestor their. After Stannis and Shireen die it turns out that the Starks have the next best claim - Arya marries Aegon thus uniting Stark, Dorne, Targ, Riverland. With Tyrion as hand, add Lannisters. Alternatively Arya marries Gendry who is legitimized by Stannis, thereby bring in Stormlands (but not targs or Dorne). Or folowing Dornish custom Sansa is the eledest Stark and becomes Queen with a very able partner Tyrion.

Now for Jon - I want him to be the TRUE heir of Winterfell - you see it happened this way - Ned headed home when Lyanna was taken and Robert called his banners. He fell in love/lust along the way. Just like Rob at the same age he MARRIED and then headed home.

Meanwhile Catelyn was up the duff to Brandon. Brandon dies. Ned turns up to Riverrun after Brandon is dead to find a 5m month pregnant Catelyn. Pressured by Jon Arryn and to save Cat's honour he marries Catelyn (Bigamously) - perhaps in the Sept not godswood so he protects his honour.

Jon is born - his mother dies

Robb is born just a few weeks after but Ned knowing him to be Brandon's son believes he is the rightful heir

Jon is however the rightful hier - which is why Cat hates him so.

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I think I would be a Dany groupie, Whoever I were serving, probably Stannis because he actually had the toughest claim, I would find a way to offer my service to her. Ser Barriston had the right of it, and for all the good it did him, Ser Jora too. Not to mention Tyrion found his way over there, Aegon tried, and Martell. Like a moth to the flame I would like to think I would have common cause with them.

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Now for Jon - I want him to be the TRUE heir of Winterfell - you see it happened this way - Ned headed home when Lyanna was taken and Robert called his banners. He fell in love/lust along the way. Just like Rob at the same age he MARRIED and then headed home.

Meanwhile Catelyn was up the duff to Brandon. Brandon dies. Ned turns up to Riverrun after Brandon is dead to find a 5m month pregnant Catelyn. Pressured by Jon Arryn and to save Cat's honour he marries Catelyn (Bigamously) - perhaps in the Sept not godswood so he protects his honour.

Jon is born - his mother dies

Robb is born just a few weeks after but Ned knowing him to be Brandon's son believes he is the rightful heir

Jon is however the rightful hier - which is why Cat hates him so.

That's an interesting theory, but I think we can draw from a lot of Cat's chapters how the situation with Brandon, Ned, and Jon went down. If they were covering something up, we would know from Cat's inner monologue.

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