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[ADWD Spoilers] Jon's Nissa Nissa

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Reading the last Jon chapter with all the elements of AA re-born, I was thinking about the sacrifice he, as AA, would need to make. A lot of people have talked about maybe Arya being his Nissa Nissa. I have a mad theory that it could be Ghost. After all, who is Jon connected to, is closest to and loves more than Ghost?

You can blast my theory but please be polite about it :P

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i always thought it would be a human,but what if jon decides not to make a sacrifice?that way, there wouldnt be a chosen one to fight the Others, make things harder for westeros, it would be an interesting twist

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Reading the last Jon chapter with all the elements of AA re-born, I was thinking about the sacrifice he, as AA, would need to make. A lot of people have talked about maybe Arya being his Nissa Nissa. I have a mad theory that it could be Ghost. After all, who is Jon connected to, is closest to and loves more than Ghost?

You can blast my theory but please be polite about it :P

I have never thought it Arya. I just assumed that, if he must, it would be Ghost.

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Cross-posted on another thread:

It's Ghost, I'm sure. One, because Jon loves Ghost. With all his heart and soul. Ghost is his other half and his true companion. Even Ygritte wasn't as close to him. If Jon is truly AA reborn and must sacrifice what he loves the most, then Ghost is the only real option. Sob.

And one other thing, that I can't stop thinking about. Assuming that Mel and the other red priests are right, then AA serves R'hllor. R'hllor will have no other gods before him (to borrow a phrase). Jon has often thought how Ghost reminds him of the Weirwoods, with his white fur and red eyes. By becoming AA, will Jon have to forsake his Old Gods, and choose R'hllor. How better to show that than to sacrifice Ghost?

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I think it's going to be Melisandre. She will sacrifice herself to bring her beloved AA into the World. Furthermore she is basically made of fire and warm all of the time. To me, plunging a sword into her heart might serve to make it always warm/glow like Lightbringer is supposed to.

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A lot of people have talked about maybe Arya being his Nissa Nissa. I have a mad theory that it could be Ghost.

I think this theory is a good one but I hope that its not true. I cannot bear the thought of Jon killing Ghost :crying: if that were to happen I'd seriously have to put the book down and take a panadol :ack: .

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I think that if Jon retains his current personality, and if the price of fully becoming AA is to kill Ghost, he'll say "fuck the prophecy" and try to defeat the Others his own way and keep Ghost. And I would adore that plotline, actually.

If he comes back in a drastically altered form and kills Ghost, it would indeed be sadder than him dying.

I could also see, though, Melisandre taking it upon herself to do it for him. :(

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I have problems with all the candidates suggested as AA because, if Lightbringer is supposed to be an actual sword, none of them is in love. Of course, Dany had her Drogo, but her magic produced dragons. I don't think Stannis is capable of love (lust, yes, AA-NissaNissa love, no).

John has Ghost, but killing Ghost would be like killing a part of himself, and I don't think self-love counts. (I would also hate, hate, hate it if John were to harm Ghost.)

I think Brienne is the only character in luuuuuurve, and she has one hell of a sword, but it would be too weird if she plunged her sword into Jaime's heart and pulled out a magic sword.

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The first Azor Ahai was alive when he sacrificed his wife to forge lightbringer. If Jon is dead, someone must die in order to bring him back as "Only death can pay for life".

My theory, which I just posted on another thread, is that when Milisander sees Jon's destiny as AA in her fire she will sacrifice herself to resurrect him and he will be reborn Azor Ahai, not as Jon.

Milisander believes that it is her destiny to help bring AA to the world, which would make her death for his birth a fulfillment.

Lightbringer will be longclaw reforged along with Jon from Milisander's sacrifice.

Does that make any sense?

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I think little by little Jon will be stripped of everything he thinks he is. It makes some narrative sense.

His faith in the Old Gods may, in due course, be transferred into a belief in R'hllor.

Ghost may have to be sacrificed and might be replaced with a dragon.

Ned Stark's son will find out he's actually Rhaegar Targaryen's son.

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Where did it say that AA reborn must sacrifice a loved one? That's what AA did the first time to make Lightbringer, but where does it say the same events recur for the rebirth?

Having asked that, if a sacrifice is necessary, Jon's (presumed) death was a kind of sacrifice and doesn't that serve the purpose?

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Reading the last Jon chapter with all the elements of AA re-born, I was thinking about the sacrifice he, as AA, would need to make. A lot of people have talked about maybe Arya being his Nissa Nissa. I have a mad theory that it could be Ghost. After all, who is Jon connected to, is closest to and loves more than Ghost?

You can blast my theory but please be polite about it :P

Not going to blast it (because I'm hard pressed to find someone closer to John though I do have an alternate Nissa in mind) but man would that be sad and depressing. One of the most heartbreaking things for me in the Red Wedding was the stories after about how Greywind tried to get to Robb. Jon's bond with Ghost is more profound for me than Robb's with Greywind so while I acknowledge that it might be possible (okay perhaps even likely if R+L=J and Jon is going to have a dragon of his own - one of them is white - to deal with so Ghost might not be needed - wow did that realization suck) I would hate it. Hate it like Mrs. White hates Yvette (Flames...flames on the side of my face). This is GRRM so I can't say it isn't possible but I sort of get the impression that animal blood wouldn't work this time any better than with the original, so my hope is that you're wrong even with good basis for your position.

My pick however would be Mel. She's certainly devoted to R'Hllor and seems to run hot which might give the metal the needed heat. Sure Jon isn't as close to her as Nissa was to Azor but I sort of feel like it has to be a human life involved.

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My pick however would be Mel. She's certainly devoted to R'Hllor and seems to run hot which might give the metal the needed heat. Sure Jon isn't as close to her as Nissa was to Azor but I sort of feel like it has to be a human life involved.

I would certainly rather it be Mel...and now that I think about it, the old story of Azor Ahai seems to speak more of Nissa Nissa's devotion to AA than the other way around, at least in my opinion. So someone who had devoted her whole life to the idea of AA, enough to willingly sacrifice herself, might just do the job.

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You know, I've just realized that some things are taken literally while others are not. For example, a lot of people now believe that Quentyn was the sun that set in the east.

Yet it seems to me that when it comes to the making of Lightbringer, everybody thinks that things have to happen literally like in story of the original AA; AA reborn kills the one he loves and creates Lightbringer. But IMO that's not what is going to happen.

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I assume it would be Ghost, but that would really suck, and I love the idea of him saying no thanks to that kind of prophecy. Maybe he doesn't have to have a Nissa Nissa, though - the original one was used in the forging of the sword, but the sword is already forged, presumably. On another thread, someone suggested that the Night's Watch itself would be the weapon - they say "I am the light that brings the dawn" - what if they're Lightbringer? (Not my original idea - I forget whose, but it's awesome).

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