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Sandor Clegane v. 7...better, faster, stronger...


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I find I'm often having a giggle on this thread. The enthusiasm is outstanding :D

I don't think there is one thing about our beloved Sandor that will not be dissected and discussed ad nauseam no matter how mundane or inane it may seem to others. Just the way I like it :)

:cheers: :grouphug:

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Somehow I can't see Sandor managing that maneuver in armor.

I don't know, he might be able to do it. We all know he's freakishly strong, so he could handle the weight of the armor. And I specifically remember someone (Jaime?) mentioning that he's also surprisingly quick and nimble for a big man, so... it could happen. Maybe. :lol:

I can, however, see him rasping, "Duck, girl, unless you want a bruised head" and swinging his leg over her head. Think how that would horrify Sansa.

I love this. It's my headcanon now.

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Thank you! I just finished watching the whole presentation. It's fascinating--watch from 30:00 to 40:00 and you'll see some really amazing stuff!


Wow, now I've seen it too (can't watch youtube at work, so I had to wait until now). Anyway I admit I have been in the armor is too heavy to move around in camp too, but not anymore. The clip of the guy in his custom made armor at 34:00 is amazing. And boy can he run fast. Also the clip at 40:05 on how flexible armor is had me drop my jaw. Thanks again for finding this!

And I now firmly believe Sandor did a couple of cartwheels and a double flip before jumping on the horse in front of Sansa. Easy peasy. That is why he hates Tyrion, he knows he is just a petty show off. Anybody can do cartwheels, bah, try doing them in armor :D

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So I was just flipping through a copy of ASoS and came across this bit, when Sandor first meets up with Arya while they're still with the BwB, and she confronts him about Mycah. Ngl, it made my fangirly heart sing a lil bit.

The Hound answered, "Seven hells. The little sister. The brat who tossed Joff's pretty sword in the river."

I think it's interesting, and very revealing, that the Hound's first thought of Arya is that she's Sansa's little sister. He doesn't think of her as "Arya" (unsurprising, since it's doubtful he ever bothered to learn her name), or "Ned Stark's daughter" (which would make a lot more sense and seems like something most men in his position would have done), or even as "the Stark girl" (which would probably make even more sense). No, his first instinct is to think of her specifically in terms of her relationship to Sansa. IT'S ALL ABOUT SANSA FOR HIM, YOU GUYS.

(Sorry for the caps, but sometimes I just get excited. In the future I will try to keep my Fangirly Capslock of Doom in check.)

I know it's a small thing, but it's just one more detail in a long list of details that makes me more convinced than ever that things are not finished between Sansa and our Hound.

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(Sorry for the caps, but sometimes I just get excited. In the future I will try to keep my Fangirly Capslock of Doom in check.)

I know it's a small thing, but it's just one more detail in a long list of details that makes me more convinced than ever that things are not finished between Sansa and our Hound.

He also mentions Sansa in every chapter he has with Arya. Sansa sang him a pretty song (Arya told him he was lying and he told her she didn't know as much as she thinks), Arya should sing him a pretty song for saving her life like Sansa did, he saved Sansa from Lollys' fate, and Sansa is such a proper little lady unlike her sister. :lol:

He almost seems to brag about that song and about saving Sansa.

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I know it's a small thing, but it's just one more detail in a long list of details that makes me more convinced than ever that things are not finished between Sansa and our Hound.

The more I think about it the Sandor arc needs more resolution. If Sansa hadn't been thinking of him quite so often in AFFC and subconsciously dressing in house Clegane colours I might be more tempted to think his role was over, but he still seems important to her.

He almost seems to brag about that song and about saving Sansa.

I think saving Loras and then saving Sansa are the two actions he may actually have some pride in and congratulate himself for. When Sansa says she should have found him to thank him, it probably meant more to him than he let on.

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Omg, when did this happen and how did I miss it?

It is very possibly just coincidence but in AFFC after LF tells her to change out of the Tully colours and avoid the colours of House Arryn so she ends up going through her wardrobe and choosing a dress of

"lambswool, dark brown and simply cut, with leaves and vines embroidered around the bodice, sleeves, and hem in golden thread. "

The she puts on a "simple velvet ribbon in autumn gold".

Compare this to Clegane's description of his House sigil:

"The three dogs on our banner are the three that died, in the yellow of autumn grass."

Again it could just be a coincidence but the colours and pattern of dress and necklace she chooses are very similar to House Clegane's. Clegane tends towards simple and plain cut clothing. Also in the scene before she had been instructed to avoid certain house colours, so it could be nothing, or it could be more of a hint.

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Okay, I remember someone from the forum pointing out the autumn gold ribbon, which I hadn't attached any significance to originally except that I thought it was weird she would wear a ribbon for a necklace. Surely she had something like a plain silver chain? Or why wear a necklace at all if she didn't have anything appropriate?

Anyway, aren't Clegane's colors BLACK and yellow? Now that I'm thinking about it, does it actually say what color the dogs on his sigil are in the books? I do get what you're saying... I want to believe it's significant but part of me doesn't buy it. However, it's probably something that GRRM knew would drive people nuts speculating about and that's so much fun.

Alayne has to dress plainly because she's a bastard and she doesn't want to appear to be acting above her station.

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I think the dogs are black, but dark brown can look quite similar.

You are completely right about her having to dress plainly. It could really be nothing and just GRRM doing some nice descriptions of clothing. He does it with her other people so why not her? I guess it is maybe more of a hope I'm clinging on to that he is subtly reference her and Sandor ! :unsure:

Although Golden thread and dark brown could represent another House. Barthareon is very similar in colour.

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