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Episode 3 Title: What Is Dead May Never Die


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I think most watchers wont be that frustrated by the disapearance of the Iron Born later on.

You are right; they won't be frustrated because they won't disappear (in my opinion). Think Robb in the upcoming Season 2, versus A Clash of King.

At the very least I expect Theon and Asha/Yara will be shown and not go off-page for two-three seasons, and I would think we would see Balon's death. Since we don't know what will happen with Aeron, Victarion, and Euron at this point, hard to say there.

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Yes, so we will see Pyke by episode 3, I can't wait. I love the Iron Islands and the Greyjoys (crazy, psychotic nutjobs that they are), so this is an episode I will be definitely looking forward to.

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I think the ironborn will get an expanded role in seasons 3 and 4 so viewers aren't so confused or frustrated at their absence.

I doubt Alfie Allen will consent to just wait around for two years until they need him again, so I expect a small arc for him at the Dreadfort. We only need about four scenes across both seasons:

.Theon arriving at the Dreadfort

. A (hopefully not too gruesome) torture scene, where Theon becomes Reek.

.His false escape with Kyra

. His first DWD chapter moved to the end of season 4 to make a good cliffhanger.

As for Asha I think we'll be seeing some of her conquests in The North during season 3. I also get the feeling that the ironborn subplot in AFFC will be moved at least partially into season 4. I think this would be pretty good as it always seemed to me that there was too long a gap between Balon's death and Aeron finding out about it. And we'd get introduced to Aeron and Victarion. So the ironborn subplot in season 4 could end at the Kingsmoot, then in season 5 we'd get Asha's flight from the iron isles, the taking of the shield islands, and some of Victarion's voyage to Meereen.

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