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"Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!"


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Ehh the whole idea of one man beating five fully armored men at once is pretty far fetched, even in a fantasy series with guys like Dayne and Barristan. (One of my biggest gripes with LoTR) It's just literally not possible when you look at a human body, reflexes, etc

This. I don't have any gripes with LOTR, because it's a 'mythic' fantasy; ASOIAF is meant to be more grounded in reality, so the whole idea of fighting off multiple attackers is something I think that should be used sparingly, lest it become a Hollywood action movie. I briefly trained in Krav Maga, and one of the first things you learn is to separate real fighting from the stuff you see in the movies. We did train in scenarios against multiple attackers, but the instructors made it clear that this was a 'desperation' drill - we were training because you wanted to prepare for it, but your chances of coming out alive were minimal no matter how hard you trained.

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The five Kingsguard members Barristan is refering to are Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Boros Blout, Ser Preston Greenfeild, Ser Mandon Moore and Arys Oakheart, I think it is possible that Ser Barristan could take them. If he had to face Ser Jamie and his replacement Sandor Clegane methinks he might not have been so boastful.

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The five Kingsguard members Barristan is refering to are Ser Meryn Trant, Ser Boros Blout, Ser Preston Greenfeild, Ser Mandon Mo ore and Arys Oakheart, I think it is possible that Ser Barristan could take them. If he had to face Ser Jamie and his replacement Sandor Clegane methinks he might not have been so boastful.

agreed.. those five guys, even combined, don't come close to a 1 on the Selmy Scale. Sandor + Jaime would maybe be a 1.3 or so.

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He said cake in the show and cheese in the book, I think

Wait, he says he could cut through them like he was cutting cheese? Ummm, eww Barristan? But I guess old men can get away with that kind of thing.

Really though, I've always thought he was pretty badass. However it was in ADWD that I began to feel sorry for him. He seems to be living in the past and trying to hold on to the memories of his glory days. It's probably a good thing he had a chance to prove himself again, otherwise he might have spent the rest of his days in his cups.

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I was uncertain what to expect from Selmy until Dance. I feared he may be somewhat still held in esteem because of what he'd been able to do when younger. But the ease with which he dealt with a great fighter...not just the fighting ease, but the fact that while engaged he's able to consider his words and what the man 'deserved'.,,swayed me.

So, I'm pretty much on board with thinking he'd be a more credible source of what he could/could not do than I am. I think the Hound gives him some problems, but when a guy's as good as BS is, I'll take his word for it.

(I don't think he says/means it if Jaime is there.)

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I think it's clear that they don't make Kingsguard members like they used to. Yeah, I do think Barristan could've taken them all. Just like Jaime said Arthur Dayne could've cut through the other five with his right hand while pissing with his left, or was it the other way around?

Sad thing is I could actually see this happening at least with Robert's kingsguard
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ABout Jaime Lannister, and what Barristan thinks of him:

A few might well be ready. The boy from the Basilisk Isles, for a start. Tumco Lho. Black as maester’s ink he was, but fast and strong, the best natural swordsman Selmy had seen since Jaime Lannister.

Meaning he saw nobody better than Jaime before Meereen.

I think it's clear that they don't make Kingsguard members like they used to. Yeah, I do think Barristan could've taken them all. Just like Jaime said Arthur Dayne could've cut through the other five with his right hand while pissing with his left, or was it the other way around?
That's just him bullshiting, though, as Dayne was cut down by seven people, while having two other Kingsguards from the old mould to guard his back. He still died.
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ABout Jaime Lannister, and what Barristan thinks of him:

A few might well be ready. The boy from the Basilisk Isles, for a start. Tumco Lho. Black as maester’s ink he was, but fast and strong, the best natural swordsman Selmy had seen since Jaime Lannister.

Meaning he saw nobody better than Jaime before Meereen.

That's just him bullshiting, though, as Dayne was cut down by seven people, while having two other Kingsguards from the old mould to guard his back. He still died.

But Dayne and KG members did take down quite a lot of people with them and we don't have any idea about the powers Howland Reed has.

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Ehh the whole idea of one man beating five fully armored men at once is pretty far fetched, even in a fantasy series with guys like Dayne and Barristan. (One of my biggest gripes with LoTR) It's just literally not possible when you look at a human body, reflexes, etc

I think he was just saying that they were awful, disgraceful, etc. I have no doubts he could have danced circles around all of them individually. (Except maybe Moore)

This is rather off topic, but in the LotR most of the Men who play a big part aren't pure human. The "high men" also have the blood of elves and Ainur (god-angels who created the world); they are not ordinary "men" at all. This explains, for instance, the heroics of Aragorn or Boromir or Faramir being far beyond those of what could be considered natural - they are descended from supernatural beings and have some of that power. This is part of the theme of the books - the lessening in might of men, which is a parallel of "golden age" myths you see around the world, with men starting off as far greater than they are in Hindu, Greek, Jewish, etc. mythology and then through history becoming lesser beings.

Hopefully this helps out with your gripes and you can accept it now. :D

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i kinna find it silly..ok he's a badass, old man ? what's the sense of it ? Epic beard man didn't have the armour to slow him down.. :P how is it ever possible ?

how doesn't he get a heart attack at his age ??? he only sleeps 6 hours too ??? come on! how far fetched is that?

and why doesn't he stare at Dany's teats hahah just as any normal higly testosteroned man (if that's what keeps him young) would ???? :P

crackpot : he's a robot..or maybe even a faceless (wo?)man!

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It's not unheard of for particularly skilled and/or desperate warriors to cut their way through several other trained armored warriors.

As an example from the most paralleled period in history, many reported that Richard of Gloucester cut through many of Henry Tudor's knights/protectors before himself being slain at Bosworth. Some of the reports were even from his detractors, so this isn't Ramses type revision.

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But Dayne and KG members did take down quite a lot of people with them and we don't have any idea about the powers Howland Reed has.

Yeah I'm not sure that the Tower of Joy situation is really all that good of a generalization, one way or the other. Especially considering that we don't know the order in which the men died or how, exactly, Howland subdued Arthur (or if he interfered with Whent and Hightower, too).

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If he had to fight all of them at once, odds are overwhelmingly against him, particularly in an open space with lots of opportunities for flanking, like the throne room.

In a one on one, Barristan could take them, even in succession. Moore and maybe Greenfield (whose skill I can't recall ever being described) might have given him a challenge though.

But of course, Barry's line was hyperbole. The White Swords weren't the only armed men in the room, and Sandor (who would be the winner in a one on one) was standing right behind them, ready to interfere.

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Embarrassed to admit this, but in AGOT when he is kicked off the KG I got a tad emotional.

Than as soon as LF said "naked knight" I pictured this big lightning strike... Suddenly in Dany's camp a similar lightning strike and a naked old man slowly rises from his knees while the Dothraki suddenly bust out the Terminator theme.

That's what I call magic...

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