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Which House do you want to be born in and why?


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House Dayne of Starfall - chance to be the next Sword of the Morning

House Baratheon - chance to be an imposing force in size, plus the coolest older brothers and mine would be the Fury.lol

House Stark - only if I get the Stark features and honor is everything to that house.

House Umber - good genes and the GreatJon seems like he would be a cool dad.

Really most of the Northern Houses would be cool.

House Lannister - everything is paid for and I'd be in a good position to become Lord of Casterly Rock due to my siblings' situations.

House Tyrell - survival rate is high so far and money money money

House Royce of Runestone - getting one of those suits of armor would be cool and Bronze Yohn seems like a good person to have as a father.

House Tarly - Randyll may not have been fair to Sam but I am not Sam and he would make you a fierce warrior.

House Blackwood - One of the few houses in the south to keep the old gods. that awesome

House Mallister - Lord Jason seems like someone you would want to learn from.

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House Stark, Because they own the biggest land and are really well respected. There is a lot of mystery to the North so it would be fun to explore it and as long as I get it's wolf I'm cool. Plus the family seems honorable and loyal.

House Tyrell, would be my second cause of the exotic type land and their castle sounds peaceful. And Willias sonds awesome to be around so is Garlan but Loras is ugh.

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I think I would have been one of the Free Folk. I'm not good at doing what people want or expect me to do. And I have simpler desires than most of the high houses. None of the houses really fit me. And I wouldn't mind people saying I was "kissed by fire."

If I had to pick a house, I think I would go with the Starks because they really seem to prefer to stay in the North and govern their own lands and not get caught up in power plays and political plots (until they were forced to head to KL which it doesn't seem like they did much unless there was war or the King Insisted).

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1. House Hightower of the Reach (militarily & economically powerful yet not the centre of attention and you have Oldtown across the road)

2. House Stark of the North (Just cus they're the Starks :P)

3. House Arryn of the Vale (As High as Honour...yeah I'm cool)

4. House Dayne of Dorne (Seat of Starfall, The Sword of the Morning & its never cold)

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House Tully

I'm a big fan of their words, Family, Duty, Honor. Also, their location seems to experience all the seasons, which I like. I think I would get along well with both Edmure and the Blackfish.

A few drawbacks are the Freys. Having to deal with them on a day to day basis would probably drive me nuts. Also, their central location causes their lands to be ravaged every time there is a war.

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House Martell- Dorne is the closest of the 7 kingdoms to have taken steps in the equal rights direction- the eldest child inherits, regardless of gender, bastards seem to be treated better, and according to GRRM, homosexuality/ bisexuality is also more widely accepted in Dorne. As a woman myself, I don't think I'd want to be born into a family where I would be expected to keep house, make babies and wield no political power- fair play to those who want that, that's fair enough, personally small children make me want to kick them.

Really, Dornish houses in general would be fine, but the Water Gardens sound nice, and they have awesome house words, so I will stick with the Martells.

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I love winter, and because House Stark is honourable and loyal.

Tell that to Rickard and Brandon.

House Stark, for the direwolves.

except you are the sixth child conceived at the start of GoT. If Rickon had it bad, you would have been born in war. Without a father.

House Tyrell, would be my second cause of the exotic type land and their castle sounds peaceful.

Only if you live in the Tropics, the Reach sounds a lot like southern france

I would want to be a bastard of a rich dude preferably Littlefinger and a summer islander. or a Dayne if possible. Or better yet a half-brother of Bloodraven.

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