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The Weird Events Thread: supernatural stuff


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I guess we'll never know. It probably was just a weird coincidence, but it does make ya wonder right? It can't really be explained by science like most paranormal events.

It's definitely an odd coincidence, I'll say that for sure.


The Hessdalen Lights

The Hessdalen light is an unexplained light usually seen in the Hessdalen valley in the municipality of Holtålen in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway....

...Unusual lights have been reported here since the 1940s or earlier. Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15–20 times per week. The frequency of the lights caused a gathering of numerous tourists staying there overnight to see the phenomenon.[1] Since then, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed some 10–20 times per year.

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Amy Tan: Saying Thanks To My Ghosts

Ten years ago, I clearly saw a ghost, and she talked to me. It was my mother. She had died just 24 hours before. Her face was 10 times larger than life, in the form of a moving, pulsing hologram of sparkling lights. My mother was laughing at my surprise. She drew closer, and when she reached me, I felt as if I had been physically punched in the chest. It took my breath away and filled me with something absolute: love, but also joy and peace — and with that, understanding that love and joy and peace are all the same thing. Joy comes from love. Peace comes from love. "Now you know," my mother said.

I believe in ghosts. Whenever I want, they will always be there: my mother, my grandmother, my ghosts.

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I guess we'll never know. It probably was just a weird coincidence, but it does make ya wonder right? It can't really be explained by science like most paranormal events.

"We have no explanation" ≠ magical woo woo we can't see did it. A lot of this stuff seems to be based on these kind of arguments; "you can't explain x event but my notion of spirits/ghosts or whatever explains x event, there must be some unknown forces etc etc." Anyway, I'm not trying to attack you or anything, this video explains the kind of scenario you're describing pretty well (link should start at around 20:20). Your event doesn't even seem to be that improbable (compared to dreaming about family members and later finding out they died during your dream and stuff like that), although obviously still quite a coincidence.

edit fixed link

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A Two-Year Investigation of the Allegedly Anomalous Electronic Voices or EVP [Electronic Voice Phenomenon]:

Several operators were involved in the many tests conducted in Acoustic Laboratories and professional recording studios equipped with very high levels of acoustic shielding. The protocols and procedures followed in the experiments, as well as the results obtained, are herewith described. Several extra voices were recorded during the many experiments performed for which no normal explanation was found.
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When I went to Disneyland with my family, I had this dream I was going to get a job here, because a lady (I never met her, but saw her face in my head) liked my smile and character. Then while we were walking around buying all those over priced trinkets my mother bumped into the lady from my dream and she offered me a job while she was actually trying to sell us something

Gah :eek: Witchcraft!

Jokes, I could use this gift of employability foresight.... on the other hand, I may not like what I see.. who knows what job I'll land, probably just depress me

Also never been to Disneyland... too old to go now I'd imagine, I'd have to procreate to have any sort of legitimacy

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This one is old school and pretty gross.

Pubic Love

Date: Late 40's

Location: Northern Greece

So in the village my grandmother grew up in she had a friend who had a huge crush on this guy that barely knew she existed (he was supposedly a ladies-man), so after desperately trying to get his attention for months she went to the towns local "healer/wisdom/herbalist" and asked for her advice. The lady told her to pluck a few of her pubic hairs out, burn them and put the ashes into his coffee or tea and he will fall in love with you. Not knowing any better she does exactly so. Fast forward 12 months and they are married and have a child on the way. When I heard the story I didn't believe it so I asked my mum if she had heard anything about it and she told me she met the couple on her most recent visit to Greece when visiting the town. I've also seen old pictures of them from before my grandparents immigrated to Australia. Scary shit :stillsick:

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@Sci, et al...

There's a 50/50 chance that I'm going to Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors' full moon celebration this saturday. If so I'll report back on what it was like. Basically I just want to see all the Alex Grey artwork but some of my friends are into the hokier shit involved so I'll probably be able to witness that as well. If I can end up tripping balls on DMT it'll just be an added bonus.

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@Sci, et al...

There's a 50/50 chance that I'm going to Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors' full moon celebration this saturday. If so I'll report back on what it was like. Basically I just want to see all the Alex Grey artwork but some of my friends are into the hokier shit involved so I'll probably be able to witness that as well. If I can end up tripping balls on DMT it'll just be an added bonus.

Awesome, I'm supposed to go up there later this year.

Would love to hear about the event, and see any photos you might take.

If you do trip on DMT, make sure to stay safe...and say hi to the Machine Elves. :-)

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Gah :eek: Witchcraft!

Jokes, I could use this gift of employability foresight.... on the other hand, I may not like what I see.. who knows what job I'll land, probably just depress me

Also never been to Disneyland... too old to go now I'd imagine, I'd have to procreate to have any sort of legitimacy

You're never too old Disneyland! And if you feel weird still, just take a child family member with you under the guise of it being a gift, like a niece or nephew, or cousin.

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Is Precognition Real? Positive Replications of Daryl Bem's Controversial Findings

Here is a list of several positive Bem replications - these are not all extant conceptually similar "implicit precognition" experiments (which Dean Radin says are under meta-analytic review, presently), but only those studies that specifically replicate the experimental paradigms in Bem (2011):

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No. And if someone thinks they can demonstrate it they can go to the JREF and demonstrate it under proper conditions and get a million dollars. Also, if you go to the homepage of a website and it says "Top Five Phenomena That Offer Evidence For An Afterlife" and "Are Super-Intelligent Aliens Hiding Within Our Atoms?" There's a chance this might be a dubious source for real information. Is the purpose of this thread to trawl through all the supernatural websites you can find and post stuff you like? Because that is some lovely confirmation bias.

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I've said several times over this thread is primarily for entertainment purposes.

That page presented links to successful replications of a study by Bem I posted about previously and where I noted the multiple failures to replicate. Figured I should mention the successes as well.

I trust people to look at the data and come to their own conclusions.

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On thinking one sees people who aren't there, today I thought someone was lying on the couch. If I wasn't living alone I wouldn't have thought twice about it but I focused my eyes and realized no one was there.

[i had a left a comforter there from last night before going to bed, along with a pillow which is what confused my brain.]

I figure that explains a lot of mysterious doppleganger stories.

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No. And if someone thinks they can demonstrate it they can go to the JREF and demonstrate it under proper conditions and get a million dollars.

I should have noted the study by Bem, like many Psi studies, was attempting to measure something that is elusive and not necessarily manifest in a particular person.

As such, this criticism is irrelevant. [Which is not to say that Psi is real or not, but this particular charge is misguided.]

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Bems study was a fishing expedition. One where he looked at the data then set his hypothesis. That's OK to do, if you don't have a specific hypothesis. But you don't get to do that then say you have discovered a science fact. What you have done is developed a hypothesis for testing. This is where replication comes in. And sure enough on every replication on the hypotheses Bem developed the effect went away.

Here's the thing about those shotgun studies. They are based on a p-value of .05. In English this is saying 1 out of 20 times this study will interpret random noise as real data. And what do they do in these shotgun studies? They collect the data on 50 or 100 or more data points, the more the better for them. And when the p - value is .05 then one of those data points is almost bound to show significance, even if it is just noise.

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Bems study was a fishing expedition. One where he looked at the data then set his hypothesis. That's OK to do, if you don't have a specific hypothesis. But you don't get to do that then say you have discovered a science fact. What you have done is developed a hypothesis for testing. This is where replication comes in. And sure enough on every replication on the hypotheses Bem developed the effect went away.

These people seem to claim there was replication, though I would agree that replication gave us no definitive reason to believe in precognition.

But I did Bem ever claim to discover a new scientific fact? AFAIK he just printed his results.

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Those are not replications. They merely did the same shotgun study, using the same experimental protocol. And hey look. They found completely different data points from Bems as significant.

Look. If I wanted to sell a pill and the first time I tried it I looked for 100 different indications and I got a positive on toe nail fungus. I ask for it to be replicated, and someone just repeats the experiment for all 100 indications and finds that a positive for hair growth. Then what have we learned?

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Hmmm, I wasn't intending to bat for precognition. I just thought the fact people still study this stuff was interesting.

Though you may want to check out Not Feeling the Future: New Bem Replication Fails to Find Evidence of Psi which links to and critiques a critique of Bem's work. This way people can suss it out for themselves.

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Watched this last night:

Some of these cases are pretty far out. The one with the three girls is creepy as hell.

eta: Note that she's just one person who strongly believes in the placebo effect. Don't throw away your medication and try to will yourself healthy.

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