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Which family would you want to be part of?

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Huum... a Selmy of Harvest Hall, of course. An honorable family and not one with a big target on its forehead either, like the great lords frequently are. Plus, longevity and good health are hereditary, you know?

If I had to choose among the big families, I'd say either Stark or pehaps Baratheon.

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North: 1.Stark, 2.Umber, 3.Manderly

Vale: 1.Royce, 2.Corbray(as long as Lyn wasn't around me growing up)

Riverlands: 1.Tully, 2.Mallister, 3.Blackwood

Westerlands: 1.Marbrand, 2.Crakehall

Reach: 1.Tyrell, 2.Oakheart, 3.Hightower, 4.Tarly(Randyll's kind of a dick but he would help make me a strong warrior)

Stormlands: 1.BARATHEON, 2.Selmy, 3.Swann, 4.Dondarrion

Dorne: 1.Dayne of Starfall, 2.Yronwood


Baratheon - As Robert true born or the youngest brother I could learn a lot of those three men

Stark - Ned teaches his children well and the North is awesome, plus being heir to the North (I'm older then Robb) I'd marry Dacey Mormont=)

Dayne of Starfall - I really wanna have a shot at being the next Sword of the Morning

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