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What will Stannis do/say to Jon if...

~Shiera Seastar~

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Yes we all know vows should be taken seriously and kept unbrokenly till death takes you away, like the “Promise me, Ned” of our honorable yet dead Lord Eddard Stark. But let’s just say Jon Snow is in a different situation where he’s free to choose his path, and Stannis Baratheon is still the lawful king fighting for the realm. What will Stannis do or say to Jon to the following scenarios:

Scenario #1

Jon Stark: “Your Grace, Robb named me his heir, and now, I’m the King in the North.”

Stannis will __________.

a. Acknowledge Jon’s kingship, give him his blessing, and ally with him.

b. Call Jon, “A thief! You’re just like your brother Robb who robbed me half of my kingdom!”

c. Fight Jon and the North till they bend their knees to him.

d. Do nothing. He’ll just leave the North to Jon and the Others.

e. None of the above.

Scenario #2

Jon Targaryen: “Lord Stannis, I’m a trueborn son of Prince Rhaegar. The Iron Throne is mine by rights, and now, I’m the King of the Seven Kingdoms.”

Stannis will __________.

a. Bend his knee and swear fealty to the rightful king.

b. Spat on Jon and say, “The Targaryens lose the kingdom to the Baratheons. Your claim is invalid. I’m the lawful king!”

c. Lead a “Stannis Rebellion.”

d. Leave Jon be or go to exile where he can live peacefully until the end.

e. None of the above.

Scenario #3

Jon Snow: “Your Grace, Melisandre misread her fire. She thought you were the hero who’s supposed to save us all, but truth is, I’m Azor Ahai reborn.”

Stannis will __________.

a. Accept Jon as Azor Ahai, give him his Lightbringer, and fight beside him.

b. Be furious to Jon and say, “You stole half my kingdom. You took the Iron Throne which is mine according the law. Now, you claimed to be Azor Ahai!”

c. Burn Melisandre for misleading him or demand Jon’s head for being a turncloak, oathbreaker, thief, traitor, or anything he can condemn Jon.

d. Be too tired to deal this thing.

e. None of the above.

What you think?

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Scenario #1: Probably option (B). Stannis does not recognise Robb as a king, only as a usurper, so he probably wouldn't be in the opinion that Robb has the power to legitimise Jon.

Scenario #2: Probably option (B). Jon is a man of the Night's Watch, anyway, and has zero claim to anything.

Scenario #3: Hard to say... but I think Stannis will work with Jon, regardless of who is AA, to fight the Others.

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1 - None of the above: "You swear an oath Lord Snow, you can't take land nor tittles, now get back to the Wall or I'll behead you for deserting"

2 - Same as 1

3 - Probably a. Stannis knows the real war is against the Others, but as soon as the war is over he will demand some "help" from Jon to take the Iron Throne.

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scenario 1: he will say something like "FU jon your brother had no right to be king o'no where in the first place" but i na a really, you know, "Stannis" way.

Scenario 2: It really depends on the situation he's in at that moment and if Jon has proof of it or not.

Scenario 3: same thing as scenario 2, jon would need proof and depends on the moment.

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Good and intelligent guys are boring?

Well, I guess some people just want to watch the world burn.

I just dont think hes a believable character... hes what? 14? He is written with almost no flaws, hes in a medieval society but seems to have a modern outlook on things... He is the ultimate Gary Stu!

Sorry I just think his character took a nosedive when he became the lord commander.

Also I wouldnt call Jon overly intelligent... hes not stupid but I also wouldnt call him smart.

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Scenario 1 & 2 E. Jon is a member of the Night's Watch and won't leave. Stannis is the rightful King by law.

3. Probably complain, get upset, and (in the end) accept it and remember its the kingdom they are saving it doesn't matter who AA is.

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I just dont think hes a believable character... hes what? 14? He is written with almost no flaws, hes in a medieval society but seems to have a modern outlook on things... He is the ultimate Gary Stu!

Sorry I just think his character took a nosedive when he became the lord commander.

Also I wouldnt call Jon overly intelligent... hes not stupid but I also wouldnt call him smart.

I don't see how he's not believable because he has different beliefs, unless you think everyone should conform to the world they live in...

He's nowhere near a Gary Stu, are you suggesting he's perfect and has skills that don't fit his upbringing?

Why wouldn't you call him intelligent? He seems to be a fair bit above average, aka, intelligent.

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Funnily enough, I would respect Jon a lot more if he broke is nightwatch Oath in order to become lord of the north.

I cant stand characters like Ned, Selmy and Jon who will refuse to do the right/smart thing because of "oaths" and "honor".

probably why I respect Jaime to a degree, he did the right thing even though it cost him his honor... Gary Stus like Ned, Selmy and Jon are willing to let horrible things happen to protect there honor

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I don't see how he's not believable because he has different beliefs, unless you think everyone should conform to the world they live in...

He's nowhere near a Gary Stu, are you suggesting he's perfect and has skills that don't fit his upbringing?

Why wouldn't you call him intelligent? He seems to be a fair bit above average, aka, intelligent.

I'm sorry, I just cant believe a 14 year old would be able t do half the things Jon has done. I just found the whole making a child your lord commander to be forced and ridiculous, Martin shouldnt have done it after he scrapped the 5 year time skip.

I question his intelligence when he does ridiculous things like sending his ships to (Hardholme I believe?), hes far too trusting of the wildilings and does an amazing job of alienating his officers. He doesent take anyone elses advice, calls his officers, listens to their advice then blows it off.

hes far too trusting of there former enemies (the wildilings) and seems surprised that men who have fought these guys all their lives MIGHT have a better idea about there trustworthiness then a child who basically just arrived at the wall.

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