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questions about HBO HD/ HBO on demand and HBO to go


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If not to expensive I want to watch game of thrones while paying a little bit for it.

I know you have HBO (watching on television on specific time in your country), HBO on demand, watching at your own time and HBO to go where you can watch on your laptop (what I'm doing now, my laptop is connected on TV when I watched GoT.)

I only want to watch game of thrones nothing else. Is there somebody who know what I have to take? Or something else where I can buy some sort of A subscription of GoT.

I want to pay something for the show, but if it's not to expensive, because later I'm buying the blu-ray box.

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If you don't need an HBO subscription but still want to watch GoT before waiting for a home video release, your best bet would be Amazon Instant Video or iTunes. You can typically purchase on a per-episode basis or a full season pass. However, the final cost is still likely going to be similar to the price you'll end up paying for the Blu-ray release.

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I've heard that HBO is considering making HBO Go available for subscription which would be really cool. Some have said that it would actually hurt their subscription based business model but they could certainly work things out. Maybe if you want HBO just for Game of Thrones you can subscribe for the duration of the season. Then if you want to subscribe for Girls or Boardwalk Empire you would do the same. It would allow people to legally watch without having to wait months for the DVD release and I'm sure plenty of people would buy the DVDs after their subscription is terminated anyway.

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Are you in the United States? If so the only way you can watch Game of Thrones as it airs is to subscribe to HBO on tv. The HBO to go on your computer option only comes with a subscription to HBO on tv. They are not separate subscriptions.

Also in the United States the amazon and itunes options don't work as the show is airing as they only get the episodes close to when the DVDs come out.

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Your best bet is getting HBO in the Netherlands, if you have cable. See HBO Nederlands. Bear in mind that while the price for adding HBO might be 15 euros a month, even if HBO sold episodes individually via iTunes they would probably come out to 3-4 euros each, so you'd be paying 12-16 euros per month just for individual episodes.

Obviously, this changes if you do not have cable service. But it's worth checking out, as the HBO Nederlands site provides links to all the cable providers who offer HBO packages.

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