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One of the reasons I love skyrim is that my brothers and I can seriously debate on what Side in the war is the most "for the good of the people" .

In skyrim their are a variety of choices to side with ( mentally )

These choices are :

The Empire - the imperials are a dominative race that have decided to spread their empire , and have in doing so have spread themselves into Skyrim .

The Thalmor - these bogers are the reason I have a dislike towards high elves and wood elves .... They pretty much see themselves as being superior to to everyone personality wise and up hold the belief that the god Talos is merely a man therefore any man known to be worshipping Talos is immediately labeled a heretic .

Th Stormcloaks - the stormcloakes are made up of Nords whom resent the Empire for bending the knee to the Thalmor and allowing them to abolish the worship of Talos ( pretty much for signing the white gold concordat ). The Stormcloakes are lead by The Jarl of Windhelm , Ulfric Stormcloak , whom promise his men the ridding of the Thalmor and the empire both . The Nordstrom of these armies usually hold on to tradition .

I personally have always had a soft spot for the Stormcloakes , but I kill and love them as much as everyone else , so I'm pretty much neutral but I wouldn't mind some advice on the matter ...


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I followed the Imperium. Taking orders from a bunch of puffed-up, Thalmor-lite, racist pricks like the Stormcloaks didn't sit very well with me.

Plus, you have to remember the fact that the Empire -ahem- "dislikes" the Thalmor about as much as the Stormcloaks. They just are a trite more diplomatic about it. They have to be. Unlike the Stormcloaks, the Empire doesn't have the length and breadth of a Roman Empire expy to absorb any retaliatory strikes : P

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I followed the Imperium. Taking orders from a bunch of puffed-up, Thalmor-lite, racist pricks like the Stormcloaks didn't sit very well with me.

Plus, you have to remember the fact that the Empire -ahem- "dislikes" the Thalmor about as much as the Stormcloaks. They just are a trite more diplomatic about it. They have to be. Unlike the Stormcloaks, the Empire doesn't have the length and breadth of a Roman Empire expy to absorb any retaliatory strikes : P

i know the imperials dislike the thalmor , but i personally dont want to be anywhere near them :ack: my eldest brother thinks the imperium are cool though

There's already a skyrim thread, and that one doesn't have capslock.

sorrry about that :dunce:

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I grudgingly joined up with the Imperials because during the Main Quest when I broke into the Thalmor Embassy, I stole a Thalmor book from Elenwens room that mentioned Ulfric Stormcloak and essentially revealed that during the Great War the Thalmor essentially manipulated him into hating the Empire via torture and all that. Truth be told I was never a particularly big fan of either side and originally planned to stay neutral but I very quickly began to despise the Thalmor and when I saw that by supporting the Stormcloaks I'd basically be inadvertently supporting the Thalmor I knew the Empire was the way to go.

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I grudgingly joined up with the Imperials because during the Main Quest when I broke into the Thalmor Embassy, I stole a Thalmor book from Elenwens room that mentioned Ulfric Stormcloak and essentially revealed that during the Great War the Thalmor essentially manipulated him into hating the Empire via torture and all that. Truth be told I was never a particularly big fan of either side and originally planned to stay neutral but I very quickly began to despise the Thalmor and when I saw that by supporting the Stormcloaks I'd basically be inadvertently supporting the Thalmor I knew the Empire was the way to go.

Damm thalmor ....... Is that book actually truthful ??

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I never do the main quest with most characters. I usually do up to the quest where I receive the Jagged Crown, wear it then stop doing main quests. All the main quest does is damage a few useful towns making them an eyesore.

True story :( to be honest I liked Oblivion more and Morrowind even more then that ..

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Skyrim is the superior in many ways but Oblivion was my fav of them all. I switch between Skyrim and Fallout 3. Is there a Fallout 3 thread? Love me some post apocalyptic survival.

I play games to enjoy them ..... Skyrims just too dark

Last Fallout 3 thread I saw was locked :(

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Can we make this a fallout thread?

no matter what bethesda game I am playing the strategy is always the same.

1. Do as few missions as possible. level from fighting.

2. Hoard anything of Value, weapons, ammo, or arrows esp. Sell everything else.

3 Make lots of money

Go ahead just make it a massive gamer thread and I won't care ;)

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Played through once on the Imperial Side first time, on the Stormcloak side the second time.

The pro-Stormcloak Jarls are terrible and the people of each hold are better off under the pro-Imperial option (with the possible exception of Riften, where both options are a raw deal for the people).

Plus, Ulfric has cooler clothes than Tullius, so I'd rather loot Ulfric's corpse at the end of the questline :)

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I've played the game three times, once I joined the Stormcloaks, twice the Legion, but every time I take great pleasure in killing Thalmor. Even if I join the Legion, I still do the quest where you have to rescue that Gray-Mane from the Thalmor, and I slaughter the entire fort to do it. :devil:

Though I like the Nords, I dislike the Stormcloaks' racist attitude towards the Dunmer and others, and I also happen to like Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun, so I would much prefer to join the Legion.

On the grander scheme of things, I think the Stormcloak rebellion ought to be put down, as the weakening of the Empire would only favor the Aldmeri Dominion. During the Great War, Emperor Titus Mede II was able to counter-attack with reinforcements from Skyrim. Without those reinforcements, the Empire might have fallen.

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HUH !!! Just found out Liam Neeson plays James in Fallout 3 !! EPICNESS !!

This is day 1 stuff my friend. Any child of Ras a Ghul and Brian Mills will destroy in that setting.

I've played the game three times, once I joined the Stormcloaks, twice the Legion, but every time I take great pleasure in killing Thalmor. Even if I join the Legion, I still do the quest where you have to rescue that Gray-Mane from the Thalmor, and I slaughter the entire fort to do it. :devil:

Though I like the Nords, I dislike the Stormcloaks' racist attitude towards the Dunmer and others, and I also happen to like Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun, so I would much prefer to join the Legion.

On the grander scheme of things, I think the Stormcloak rebellion ought to be put down, as the weakening of the Empire would only favor the Aldmeri Dominion. During the Great War, Emperor Titus Mede II was able to counter-attack with reinforcements from Skyrim. Without those reinforcements, the Empire might have fallen.

That silver belongs in Skyrim!

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