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Why didn´t Dorne just declare independence?

Beorn Snow

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After Robert´s rebellion what reasons had they to stay in the fold?

History demonstrates that it is very, very hard to conquer Dorne. The Targaryens at the height of their power couldn´t. The Martells may have enjoyed joining a stronger dynasty and sharing blood, with all the prestige that entails, but Dorne lost it´s independence for merely 100 years. Why not f.x. rebel at the same time as the ironborn? Or declare independence at the same time as the north?

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After Robert´s rebellion what reasons had they to stay in the fold?

History demonstrates that it is very, very hard to conquer Dorne. The Targaryens at the height of their power couldn´t. The Martells may have enjoyed joining a stronger dynasty and sharing blood, with all the prestige that entails, but Dorne lost it´s independence for merely 100 years. Why not f.x. rebel at the same time as the ironborn? Or declare independence at the same time as the north?

Because Doran was already planning to put Viserys on the Iron Throne with Arianne as his queen.

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Because he wants vengeance, and revenge is a dish best served cold. Much more satisfying to wreak havoc on the Baratheons from within the Seven Kingdoms, at an unexpected time of his (Doran's) choosing, than go independent and have to wage war to exact revenge for Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys.

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Because they knew if they asked for independence they would be attacked, they were in the loser side of the Rebellion

Of course, they could simply clog the Prince's Pass and Yronwood territory with Dornish spears and keep them out for some time, and when that eventually fails, retreat to the desert where the men from the north will die in droves due to the heat. It worked against Aegon iirc.

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Doran Martell is just to cautious to do some thing like that.

Exactly. And Doran was already planning on his daughter being Visery's Queen, and later Quentyn being Daenerys' King/Consort.

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It's not just a caution thing. War isn't cheap or easy. As Doran points out, a lot of Dorne's power rests simply in the bravado of 'Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken'. Yes, Dorne could survive and win a war for independence in the long run, but they would be invaded. The mountain passes would bleed invaders, but by sea most settlements would fall rather easily, like in the Young Dragon's conquest. Eventually of course, it would be impossible to hold Dorne, they'd throw out the invaders, and win the war, but before that there would be immense suffering, pillaging, sackings, it would not be a fun time.

I'm sure that if King Robert had pressed down on Dorne after the war, they'd have revolted. But he didn't. In fact they had a very 'hands-off' policy regarding the Dornishmen. They were basically independent as is, and benefited from trade and political connections to the Seven Kingdoms that probably compensated for the limited fealty owed.

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Most characters seem to hold the belief that Robert would have crushed them. Barristan, Quentyn and Doran express this. The reason the young dragon failed was because he left a Tyrell in charge. If he had let the Martells rule or given the Yronwoods power his conquests may have held. Jon Arryn would know this.

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Robert is a legendary commander every bit as impressive as the Young Dragon. Don't let his fall from grace taint what he was. Stannis himself is a formidable commander and he knows he cannot compare to his brother. Robert won victories outnumbered 5 to 1. Dorne' chances of standing against him bringing all 6 kingdoms against him is not good. Made worse when you consider Dorne had losses, but the Tyrells and Lannisters had very few.

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Robert is a legendary commander every bit as impressive as the Young Dragon. Don't let his fall from grace taint what he was. Stannis himself is a formidable commander and he knows he cannot compare to his brother. Robert won victories outnumbered 5 to 1. Dorne' chances of standing against him bringing all 6 kingdoms against him is not good. Made worse when you consider Dorne had losses, but the Tyrells and Lannisters had very few.

I think the issue isn't is Robert able to take it, it's is it worth it. Aegon the freaking Conqueror didn't think it was worth it after a while... And we don't exactly know how the Dragon took Dorne do we? They may have decided against a guerilla war that worked against Aegon, but what if they did the same against Robert?

I think Dorne could stand a chance against Robert and the IT.

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