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J&C would the evidence stand up?

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This is my first topic thread so be gentle folks :) ........and apologies if this has been up before.

We all know that "the seed is strong" and all Robert's bastards have thick black hair and the book of the great families points out that the Baratheon gene is generally dominant.

However, would that have been enough? Is it not pretty circumstantial evidence? The Maesters don't yet have dna testing etc.

If it hadn't all gone wrong and Ned or John Arryn had lived and presented

their evidence to Robert then it would likely have gone to a trial by combat which Jaime would have won in all probability and they would have been exonerated.

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Would the evidence stand up... well, you don't need to convince a neutral court that there is no reasonable doubt, you just need to make Robert believe it. And Robert knows how his bastards look, he knows how J&C's kids look, he doesn't like Cersei, he doesn't like Jaime, and I think he would just go in RAWR mode. No trial by combat - if the twins don't manage to flee or kill him first, then they're dead.

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Well, as we already know, the looks isn`t enough. Stannis realized that when he accused Cersei of incest to entire Westeros. Some may have believed, others didn`t. In your case, I believe Robert would be so angry and he will wait no trial, just like Targaryen babies didn`t get trial. If he got the slightest doubt that Cersei is cheating on him, he would have beaten her and perhaps got the truth. and then he would kill them all.

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I don't think (in Westeros) you could really prove it. Heck, some of Ned Stark's own children look more like Tullys (auburn hair and blue eyes) than Starks, that doesn't mean Catelyn had incest with another Tully.

The books I think do try to make clear that every Baratheon for generations (not to mention all of Robert's bastards) has had black hair. That's why Stannis and Jon Arryn bacame so suspicious. But no, I don't think there's a way to prove it short of Cersei or Jamie confessing.

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Would the evidence stand up... well, you don't need to convince a neutral court that there is no reasonable doubt, you just need to make Robert believe it. And Robert knows how his bastards look, he knows how J&C's kids look, he doesn't like Cersei, he doesn't like Jaime, and I think he would just go in RAWR mode. No trial by combat - if the twins don't manage to flee or kill him first, then they're dead.


The king can disinherit for any reason really, whether people agree or not.

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Would Robert have actually killed the children or just Jaime and Cersei and expelled the kids. It's not like any of them could return to pretend (as Lannisters!). I've a feeling the gentle nature of Myrcella and Tommen would save Joffrey and land them in the Free cities somewhere such as Myr.

I'm almost absolutely sure they'd be killed.

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` Coming from Ned, Robert would have believed it. All you have to do is look at them. Golden curls, green eyes. None of them big and brawny like Robert. And if you put them up against Mya Stone, Edrick Storm and Gendry No-Last-Name, it's official!

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