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The Most Compelling Reason That Aegon Is Really Aegon

Dolorous Nedd

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Here's the problem, if Aegon is fAegon, is JonCon aware of the deception or is he a pawn as well?

Good question my guess is he doesn't know. I believe he's doin this for one reason and one reason only. Rhaegar.

If/when he finds out I think it will blow his mind and I'm not sure how he would react.on hand he will be furious and want to kill the spider and the cheese monger. But on the other I'm sure he's come to care and love fAegon like his own son.

My guess is IF they are blackfyres and IF they come clean as being blackfyres (Which I think may be hard after just convincing everyone that Young Griff is Rhaegar ' s lost son) they will "remove " Jon con before they come clean

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Here's the most compelling reason Aegon is fAegon from the Theon sample chapter of the upcoming book:

When he is asked to hire the Golden company, Stannis says:

"Do not prate at me of history, ser. Daemon Blackfyre was a rebel and usurper, Bittersteel a bastard. When he fled, he swore he would return to place a son of Daemon's upon the Iron Throne. He never did. Words are wind, and the wind that blows exiles across the narrow sea seldom blows them back."

Illyrio's second wife, Serra's family history is a mystery but she was said to have silvery gold hair. She could be a Blackfyre descendent and fAegon, her son. JonCon was surprised that the Golden Company already knew who young Grif really was. But it was Bittersteel's plan since leaving Westeros. A Blackfyre heir on the Iron Throne was the cause of the Golden Company since its' inception.

That's a story of the Golden Company that readers already know. It cannot be used as a "proof" of Aegon's true parentage. The fact Golden Company broke its contract to support Aegon can also be read this way: the Dance of Dragons happened at the height of the Targaryen dynasty. The result was that all dragons died, Targs became much weaker and Blackfyres went into exile. But, in the meantime, Targs became almost extinct and Blackfyres didn't even come close to the IR. So, it would make sense for Blackfyres to support the Targ claim, because it is the only claim that would return them to KL and close to power. Peace between two branches of the family can only make it stronger. So, with these arguments and Illyrio's money, I cannot see why the Golden Company wouldn't support Rhaegar's son.

Serra's hair colour is a joke of a proof. Essos used to be Valyrian colony and there are so many people of Valyrian origin that singling one woman out for having Valyrian hair colour and deriving the whole story out of it, equals finding someone with Italian features in Germany today and claiming they are direct descendents of the Roman Emperors.

ETA: And from the plot construction POV, if Aegon was yet another usurper that would add a third layer to usurpation of Targaryen trone - Baratheons (cousins at least), Lannisters and now it would be Blackfyres (also cousins). So, plot wise how would Aegon differ from Tommen and why would GRRM need another usuper when he already has one in KL. I suspect the main reason for people to cheer for fAegon is their obsession with Jon getting to the IT in the end. Existence of Aegon would make his chances slim. All I have to say to that is - Jon will never sit on the IT, because he doesn't care for it. His destiny is NW, north and heroism. Westeros is facing Armageddon and the IT becomes increasingly irrelevant. Only book 1 is called AGOT, the series is called ASOIAF - that is the main issue.

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The first dance was between Rhaenyra(blacks) vs Aegon II (greens). Which killed most of the dragons.The blackfyre rebellion was a generation or two later. Jon con's destiny is greyscale. (Which may be at the wall as well)

I think the second conflict will be an amalgam of both the Dance and the Blackfyre Rebellion. Which is why we have background info, including novellas, about both conflicts. The novellas aren't just for entertainment value; they also help to inform events happening in the current time period.

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I read an SSM about George's naming of places and people. He said that while working for the world map, he had some difficulty in naming places which were never mentioned in the books and never will be mentioned either.

I don’t think the First Dance or the Blackfyre Rebellions are just for world-building purposes given that George spent a lot of his precious time to write them.

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