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Commander/Fighter on battlefield ?


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Stannis baratheon fought at the black water were lightbringer served him no better then any other sword. He also fought at the battle if castle black with Mel at his side.

Tywin also fights, at the green fork he leads a cavalry charge against the Northmen.

These are lords of westeros, they are expected to fight, even if they lead from the rear getting your hands dirty is expected.

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We forgot Khal Drogo who was a unchallenged fighter and perhaps a good commander, nobody seems to have defeated his troops. And we gotta give props to Tyrion, he try to fight during the blackwater bay, for a dwarf he had courage, more than Joffrey.

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A good commander is not always a good fighter himself, and a good fighter is not always a good commander himself.

Notably good commanders are Stannis, Tywin and Kevan Lannister. However, it should be noted that Robb Stark was an excellent commander. Sure he fought on the front lines, but I can't recall a single time his prowess with a sword was discussed (aside from besting Joffrey in Winterfell maybe?) Tyrion is another one who has been in fights, but you wouldn't call him a warrior so much as a strategist. Tyrion is a strategist in everything in life, not just war.

There are many great fighters who couldn't strategize their way out of a paper bag. They are different concepts. Just because you can pierce someone's chest with the business end of a war hammer doesn't mean you came up with a brilliant strategy... it just means you can swing a hammer really hard lol.

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Jamie didn't last long as a battle commander. He won a few scraps where he outnumbered his opponents,, then was beaten and taken prisoner pretty quickly.

Jamie was caught by surprise by Robb, that could've happened to anyone.

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Those who excel at both:

Bobby B



Randyl Tarly

Garlan Tyrell


Lynn Corbray

Blackfyre and Bittersteel

Fireball and Gwayne Corbray

Orys Baratheon

..that's all I can think of. I want confirmation if Ned lead the van on the trident though. All we have is the van being comprised of Northerners and Cat saying that Ned took the most dangerous positions.

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Robb out commanded him. Jamie wasn't that good. His first ever command, and he get's caught in a fortnight, having been outwitted by a 15 year old.

I'd say outwitted by the Blackfish, since he was the one that advised Robb to attack Jaime there.

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Jamie was also leading a small contingent of soldiers thinking he was about to take on one of the escaped river lords when the whispering wood happened.

Around 2000 heavily armored cavalry isnt a small contingent

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Didn't GRRM state that he wished he had made Stannis more of a fighter in the novels, so that's one of the reasons he's being a totally BAMF during the Battle of the Blackwater episode?

from what i understand GRRM himself wrote the episode with Stannis commanding from the rear so they seem unrelated

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