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There's a general consensus that Jon's father is Rhaegar. I don't agree.

Frey Kings

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Please, it's obvious Rhaegar is the father if Lyanna is the mother LOL

Either him, Arthur or Whent. Those were the people around her when she was impregnated

Lyanna didn't want to marry Robert bc Robert was a whoremonger . What makes you believe that Lyanna wanted to be R's 2nd family?

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Lyanna didn't want to marry Robert bc Robert was a whoremonger . What makes you believe that Lyanna wanted to be R's 2nd family?

Dude, doesn't matter

how do you think she got pregnant by someone else if only Whent, Arthur and Rhaegar were the ones she was with?

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There are 55 threads on R+L=J, each with about 600 posts. I suggest you spend the next three years reading through them before posting your own theory. :cool4:

He could read a good resume on the internet about this theory, doesn't even have to be R+L=J threads

But I think he's just trolling

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I just threw that possibility up as oppose to the popular opinion that Rhaegar is the father. Which I strongly disbelieve. It could've been Howland Reed as well.

The question is why is Ned Stark still haunted MORE by the events of TOJ as oppose to what happen in KL?

Why did Benjen Stark join the Night's Watch?

Its still honorable to tell your wife that your sister's son is under your care, not your Sister + Brother's kid.

If you want to oppose the popular opinion as you claim I respectfully suggest that you come up with theories that are at least backed by textual evidence instead of throwing out there whatever pops into your head without even bothering to check simple things such as timeline. As to your questions, all these has been discussed in the R+L=J thread.

I will say nothing more, because am starting to smell troll. :leaving:

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Even if the father wasn't Rhaegar, Lyanna has an incentive to tell everyone that it was. Perhaps Ned thinks it is Rhaegar but Bran will find out the truth but won't say anything. I could see George going with something like that.

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Even if the father wasn't Rhaegar, Lyanna has an incentive to tell everyone that it was. Perhaps Ned thinks it is Rhaegar but Bran will find out the truth but won't say anything. I could see George going with something like that.

So it was Arthur Dayne?

Maybe Rhaegar was the third wheel of the forbidden romance between his KG and the she-wolf

And he kidnapped her so his BFF and Lyanna could be together

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Because GRRM said that Jon was born around the time of the Sack of KL.

So what? this isn't reality, in the real world summer doesn't last for several years, how do we know that pregnancy works the same way it works here?

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So what? this isn't reality, in the real world summer doesn't last for several years, how do we know that pregnancy works the same way it works here?

LOL, because every pregnancy that has been described in the series has lasted about nine months. Dany says in her first chapter that she was born nine moons after the Sack.

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