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Coolest weapon in ASoIaF?

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Oberyn's spear by default.

Dark Sister, I hope it turns up somewhere in the story. Also axes, I like axes, Victarion's comes to mind, sounds like a nasty piece of steel. Araks sound nice but not that practical against an armoured opponent, great for horseback, though.

Areos axe!

Dragons, of course.

Direwolves are up there too.

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Since they haven't been mentioned yet - weirwood bows/arrows seem like they could be pretty cool. I don't think we've actually seen them in action (did Ygritte have a weirwood bow?) but we've heard about them a little with Bloodraven and his Raven's Teeth and, possibly, if Brandon Snow meant to use weirwood arrows to try to assassinate Aegon the Conqueror's dragons ;)

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Since they haven't been mentioned yet - weirwood bows/arrows seem like they could be pretty cool. I don't think we've actually seen them in action (did Ygritte have a weirwood bow?) but we've heard about them a little with Bloodraven and his Raven's Teeth and, possibly, if Brandon Snow meant to use weirwood arrows to try to assassinate Aegon the Conqueror's dragons ;)

Weirwood arrows might have magical power, but the best bows have got to be the Summer Islander bows. I think they're made from trees called Goldenheart, and they sound awesome.

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Weirwood arrows might have magical power, but the best bows have got to be the Summer Islander bows. I think they're made from trees called Goldenheart, and they sound awesome.

I agree. But if weirwood arrows might have magical powers why couldn't weirwood bows? But, you're right, the Summer Islander bows are the best, strongest natural bows :)

This, from the wiki synopsis of The Sworn Sword, is sort of what I'm getting at (emphasis mine):

Ser Eustace continues that the battle was closer than many believe, and if it had not been for Lord Bloodraven, Daemon Blackfyre might have won. When Dunk says that he had always heard that it was Prince Baelor and Prince Maekar’s flanking of Daemon’s host that had won the Redgrass Field, the old knight scoffs. He talks wistfully of how Daemon was the Warrior himself that day, slaying two renowned knights, breaking Lord Arryn’s vanguard, and fighting a legendary hour-long battle with Ser Gwayne Corbray of the Kingsguard. And therein laid his undoing, since Daemon supposedly called for his own maester to look after Ser Gwayne, rather than finish off his foe. This chivalrous move allowed Lord Bloodraven and his Raven's Teeth to gain the Weeping Ridge. Brynden Rivers, using his weirwood bow and possibly sorcery, shot down Daemon’s eldest son Aegon and then Daemon himself. When the younger twin Aemon took up ‘Blackfyre’, Lord Bloodraven put a shaft through his heart as well. According to the old knight, it was this event that crushed Daemon Blackfyre’s Rebellion, and not what the singers would have everyone believe.

So, Bloodraven had a weirwood bow and I suppose it's not beyond reason to believe he may have been using weirwood arrows as well although it's not mentioned as far as I know.

Also, this from the wiki entry on Bloodraven (emphasis mine):

A strong warrior, Brynden carried the Valyrian sword Dark Sister, but he preferred his weirwood longbow and was an expert archer. Brynden served on the small council of his half-brother Daeron II (on which he presumably served as Master of Whisperers). During the Blackfyre Rebellion, Brynden remained loyal to King Daeron, and commanded a group of longbowmen called the Raven's Teeth. On the council he advocated a hard line against the rebels, winning out over Prince Baelor's call for leniency.[7] At the Battle of the Redgrass Field, he lost an eye fighting his half-brother, Aegor Rivers.[8][9] His Raven's Teeth ultimately gained the Weeping Ridge, and rained arrows down on Daemon Blackfyre from 300 yards away.[10] Daemon and his twin sons were killed. For this, people would name him a kinslayer.

So, it looks as if, while the Raven's Teeth were raining arrows down on Daemon and those around him from 300 yards away, Bloodraven was able to hit individual targets from that distance (i.e. Daemon and his sons). Damn, that's some shootin'! :stunned:

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