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FINALS: ASOIAF Elimination Game XII: BFFs & Bromances

Q the Cat

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Welcome to the 28th edition of the ASoIaF Elimination Game: BFFs & Bromances.

This is a continuation of this thread:

The rules:
1. Every battle starts with 5 HP (healing points).
2. You can only vote once every 10 attack posts (9 between your first and last) OR once every two hours.
3. A cap of 25 HP will be imposed upon the last 5 deaths standing. Once this cap is in effect,
you can choose to hurt one option without healing another, as long as at least one of the remaining choices is at the 25 point maximum.
4. If you spot any errors during the game, please correct them and include where you saw the error happen.
5. The game starts with 150 HP total and should stay that way until the last 5 deaths standing.
6. Please note who you're healing/hurting with +/- signs.
7. Declare what you are hurting and what you are healing.
8. Once other people have voted, you may not go back and change your vote.
9. Try to avoid votes like "reverse" and "repeat" and "rinse and repeat". Such votes may be nullified at the discretion of the host (OP) if a recount needs to be done.


Eddard/Robert 5

Pyp/Grenn 5
Heal Eddard/Robert
Hurt Pyp/Grenn

Eddard/Robert 6 +

Pyp/Grenn 4 -

***Please post your vote first and then edit in the score, this way you will see who has voted before you. This helps to prevent ninjas.

***Illegitimate votes: If someone votes too early (less than 9 votes between their votes, or/and less than two hours) their vote will not be counted and they will have to vote again.

If you are voting using a mobile or cell phone where it is difficult to copy and paste and change the numbers, you may post your vote and not add the score, but please do not abuse this system, as other posters have to add your scores in for you.

The current standing is:

2) Eddard/Robert 25

11) Thoros/Beric 25
17) Dunk/Egg 25
20) Pyp/Grenn 25
22) Arianne/Nymeria 25
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I'll see if I can undo the mess I just made . . . :)

Thanks for adding my vote Cat. I removed my link from the previous thread and "cleaned up" my "continued" thread.

No worries. I don't usually start one of these threads, so I figured I should do my part.


1) Eddard/Robert 24
2) Thoros/Beric 24
3) Dunk/Egg 26 +
4) Pyp/Grenn 22 - -
5) Arianne/Nymeria 24 ++ -

Sorry, the cap is 25 points in the finals. I made the adjustment below.

Heal 5

Hurt 4

hurt 5

heal 4

Heal 2

Hurt 4

1) Eddard/Robert 24
2) Thoros/Beric 25 +
3) Dunk/Egg 25
4) Pyp/Grenn 21 -+-
5) Arianne/Nymeria 24 +-
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