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Why do people root for stannis i dont understand please tell me

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(1) He's an evil idiot, but so is all the competition, so you cannot count that too strongly against him; so you have to count the tie-breakers below.

(2) Davos is loyal to him, and Davos is one of the few characters in the series who does not completely suck.

(3) He occasionally listens to Davos, who is one of the few characters in the series who does not completely suck.

(4) He is the only candidate for King who has paid any attention whatsoever to the threat beyond the wall.

(5) He actually executes rapists and murderers rather than giving them rewards and medals.

(6) He claims the throne because he honestly believes it is his by right, not because of any particular power-hunger or desire for self-agrandizement.

(7) His crimes are vaguely Arthurian in nature, suggesting that, despite them, he may be a King Arthur-type figure.

(8) I anticipate he will redeem himself by dying in Battle against his own demon children.

(9) He does not spend all his time in whorehouses.

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He has a super strick sense of justice and treats everyone equally, he is a capable military commander. He thinks he is doing his duty unlike renly who just wanted to be king for the prestige he even says as much to davor (I dont remember the exact quote) he is smart enough to listen to capable ppl around him regardless of their station ie davor being a lowborn smuggler to hand of the king, jon snow technicay a traitors bastsrd who is lc of the nights watch. Both davos and jon are likeable characters who give him sound advice and he listens to them. Plus he has some of the best lines and dialogue of any character not named dolorous edd

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I think a big factor is that he doesn't get the respect in universe that he deserves. We're constantly told that nobody likes Stannis because he's stern and just, doesn't smile, and doesn't suffer fools. He lives on Dragonstone, about as grim a place as is imaginable in the mild of a harsh, cold sea, his wife is a loveless and humorless religious fanatic, his little girl was stricken with a horrible disease that scarred her face badly, and there's always a scary jester singing super-spooky shit around him.

That makes us want to like him, poor little lonely and unloved pretender that he is.

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