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Favorite quotes of all time


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"Is there gold hidden in the village? Is there silver, gems? Is there food? Where is lord beric? Where did he go? How many men were with him? How many knights, how many bowmen? How many, how many, how many, how many, how many, how many? IS THERE GOLD IN THE VILLAGE? *STABBY STAB*

-Arya Stark
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Since I was reading that chapter less than an hour ago during my re-read of ASoIaF...

[quote name='A STORM OF SWORDS']Clegane's mouth twitched. "Caught you? My brother [i]caught [/i]you?" That made him laugh, a sour sound, part rumble and part snarl. "Gregor never knew what he had, did he? He couldn't have, or he would have dragged you kicking and screaming to King's Landing and dumped you in Cersei's lap. Oh, that's bloody sweet! I'll be sure and tell him that, before I cut his heart out."[/quote]
Poor Gregor. Missed the chance to score big time.
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I'm quite partial to this one:

"He favored Jon with a rueful grin. "Remember this, boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs." And with that he turned and sauntered back into the feast, whistling a tune. When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood as tall as a king."

And of course:

"You raped her. You murdered her. You killed her children...I will hear you say it. She was Elia of Dorne."

goosebumps. :thumbsup:
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Bran- "Can a man still be brave when he's afraid?"
Eddard - "That's the only time a man can be brave."

"If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and here his final words. And if you can not do that, then perhaps the men does not deseerve to die. [...] A ruler who hides behinds paid executioners soon forgets what death is." - Eddard Stark

There are many more but suffice to say I would mostly copy Ned's chapters from AGoT.

Truly he was a man among men.
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[quote name='snake' post='1634643' date='Dec 31 2008, 00.22']Bran- "Can a man still be brave when he's afraid?"
Eddard - "That's the only time a man can be brave."

"If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and here his final words. And if you can not do that, then perhaps the men does not deseerve to die. [...] A ruler who hides behinds paid executioners soon forgets what death is." - Eddard Stark

There are many more but suffice to say I would mostly copy Ned's chapters from AGoT.
Truly he was a man among men.[/b][/quote]

Thread Hijack: True, but it is his values that killed him and his family, and plunged the seven kingdoms into a war which could have been avoided.
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"[i]A brave young boy with hair of gold[/i]" his players chanted, as a woodharp and a fiddle began to play.
"If I am ever Hand again, the first thing I'll do is hang all the singers" said Tyrion, too loudly.
Lady Leonette laughed lightly beside him, and Ser Garlan leaned over to say, "A valiant deed unsung is no less valiant."
"[i]The dark lord assembled his legions, they gathered around him like crows. And thirsty for blood they boarded their ships[/i]..."
"... And cut of poor Tyrion's nose" Tyrion finished.
Lady Leonette giggled. "Perhaps you should be a singer, my lord. You rhyme as well as this Galyeon."
"No, my lady," Ser Garlan said. "My Lord of Lannister was made to do great deeds, not to sing of them. But for his chain and wildfir, the foe would have been across the river. And if Tyrion's wildlings had not slain most of Lord Stannis' scouts, we would never have been able to take him unawares."

That was a bit long, I know, but I think it illustrates Tyrion's wit and guile perfectly. Plus, Ser Garlan rocks... Just saying...

But there are many other quotes that I love. This is just one of them.
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I second Lord Stark's exposition of his execution philosophy.

Arya's Braavosi mantras are pearls making other quotes look like fewmets.

[i]"Swift as a deer. Quiet as a shadow. Fear cuts deeper than swords.
Quick as a snake. Calm as still water. Fear cuts deeper than swords.
Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. Fear cuts deeper than swords.
The man who fears losing has already lost. Fear cuts deeper than swords.
Fear cuts deeper than swords. Fear cuts deeper than swords."[/i]

And the Quote To End All Quotes:

"Winter is coming."
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Night Watchman,

Because the antagonists were the Band of Nine, a league between nine dangerous men and women in Essos to support one another in pursuit of crowns. Someone would come to remark that kings seemed to be nine a penny when hearing of their efforts.

On topic:

[Tyrion at the Blackwater]: "Those are brave men," he told Ser Balon in admiration. "Let's go kill them."
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Most of my favourites are taken but here's a few:

[i]“Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly. Rhaegar fought honourably. And Rhaegar died.”[/i]- Jorah Mormont.

[i]“Only a man who’s been burned, knows what hell is really like.” [/i]- The Hound

[i]“Lord Tywin the proud & splendid, Warden of the West, Hand of the King, oh, what a great man that one is, & his gold this & gold that & lions here & lions there. I’ll wager you, he eats too many beans, he breaks wind just like me.” [/i]- Walder Frey

[i]“The things I do for love” [/i]- Jaime Lannister
“…and when the Faceless Man comes to kill me, I’ll tell him “You have the wrong man, I’m a different dwarf with a hideous facial scar” [/i]- Tyrion Lannister

[i]“If I could pray with my cock, I’d be much more religious”[/i]- Tyrion

[i]“Because it will not last. Because they are the Knights of Summer and Winter is coming” [/i]- Catelyn

Dolorous Edd- [i]“I never win anything, the Gods smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice, deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks”[/i]
Grenn- [i]“Was it a long fall? Did landing in the pool save his life?”[/i]Dolorous Edd-[i] “No, he was dead already from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks.”[/i]
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