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  1. There is nothing in the Aeron chapter to suggest that Euron has successfully channeled any kind of "dreaming" power the way Bran has. IMHO, Euron is capturing members of different Faiths and Knowledge, i.e, Septons, Pryee, Aeron, is partially to degrade the Faith's they represent but also looking for someone who can help him gain information he can't acquire himself. He is actually correct in doing this. But he's also a fool. After what he's done to them, no one is likely to gibber out information even in a drunken stupor. Aeron, in fact, seemingly has a dream of the future, something akin to Bran's after being forced to drink the purple liquor. But he doesn't tell Euron that he sees him on the Iron throne, his head resembling a Kraken's. Or about the tall white woman who will be his Queen. Nor was he likely to. Unless, Euron merely forced Aeron to see a dream he himself is aware of to prove to his little brother he is God-like simply out of malice.
  2. So much to speculate about on Euron. Is it possible in his raiding that he perceives how weak and chaotic Westeros has become and decides to raid KL instead of going to Mereen?
  3. Maybe they are but they are not aware of it because it dovetails so nicely with their own ambitions?
  4. Wow! Could Dany on Drogon be the tall terrible bride with hands of white fire? Danny marries Euron for his fleet and sitting on Drogon fries him. From his POV she looks like her hands are flame? Couldnn't be Brienne as Azor Ahai? Euron clearly wants submission and subservience.
  5. She could go after Daemon Sand returned and said it was safe. She still has Ravens she can send to Dorne about her situation. She should be using that as leverage. To my mind she is as much as likely to be killed or taken captive by Connington, or a returning Lannister/Tyrell forces. Her instincts tell her as much but, like Quentyn, she fails to listen out of a sense of duty, curiosity, youthful invincibility, and her own sense of self and Dorne's importance. A clue to Arrianne concerning marriage would've been how she was received. She was not received as a potential bride of a potential King. She was received as an envoy and now, likely, hostage. As others have stated, Connington wants FAegon to marry Dany. But Arrianne's only safety may be in either she or Elia seducing FAegon.
  6. From what I gleen from the chapter so far, Arrianne is way in over her head and has stumbled into becoming Connington's hostage. She doesn't want to go to Storm's End, though may not have much of a choice. Still, isn't she behaving just like Quentyn by not allowing Daemon Sand go in her stead? Connington will say he want's "friendship" with Dorne. What he wants is gold, provisions and men and having Arrianne is one way to get what he wants. Why doesn't Arrianne see that? Is she, like Quentyn blinded, by what they think is the importance of Dorne?
  7. I think this may frame a conflict within this particular Khalassar and the conflict for episode 1, at least. But many within the Khalassar will have heard of Dany's conquest of Mereen and Astapor and will realize that a Unsullied army may be on the way to find her and destroy them if they harm her. ...and then there is Drogon. I'm sure Kevan, Pycelle, Littlefinger are in the know about Stannis.
  8. I disagree. I don't put this scene in same category as Sansa's rape. Meryn in the throes of hurting the girls and Arya avenging herself, and girls as a whole upon him was dramatically satisfying. The background rapes happened in the books as well.
  9. It makes Arya's reveal and revenge that much sweeter. That's why it was done.
  10. Dany is eating the burnt carcass of a dead horse along with Drogon when the Dothraki show up.
  11. Have you seen the endless complaints on these forum boards from book readers about how boring Dany being stuck in Mereen is; or that Sansa hasn't been heard from in ten years; or how boring the Brienne chapters are and what was the point of Quentyn's chapters after how he ended up? The show is only a condescended version of the books. Yet it has the power to move people to move people, millions of people, disgust, horror, triumph and discussion of the many important themes GRRM raises in his magnum opus.
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