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''Balon was mad, Aeron is madder, and Euron is the maddest of them all''.


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1. Glib superficial charm- check

2. Grandiose sense of self/entitlement- check

3. Little to no remorse- check

4. Manipulates others for personal gain - check

5. Grows easily bored with unstimulating tasks/things- check

If anyone out there does not know what that adds up to, its super important that you find out, and never, ever let this personality type into your life!

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I would say Balon is just unhinged. Reminding you he lost his sons in the rebellion and his remaining son became a Ward. But honestly, there weren't enough scenes to prove that he is truly "mad", rather just angry, vengeful and just a hopeless man that kept trying.

Aeron... I don't understand all the hate for him. Sure, he was a bit dull, but it's not like we haven't seen religious nuts before... And he never did anything as mad or crazy such as what Melisandre practices..

Victarion is my favourite, whilst he is stupid at times, he makes up for it for being an absolute badass.

Euron is the craziest. I can understand for fighting for independence, I can understand worshiping a religion and I can understand being a stupid-killing-machine.... But this guy pretty much wants Dany because he wants to be the owner of the most "beautiful woman in the land", wants to take the Iron Throne from all other contenders and raped his own brother's salt wife....

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I wonder how significant it is that Victarion is the only one of the Greyjoy brothers not considered mad. Like Aeron, he has murderous religious fervor (sacrificing innocents to his bloodthirsty god.) Like Balon, he has huge ambitions that haven't been thought through (marrying Dany for himself.) Why was he alone left out of the madness quote?

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I think Euron is no more mad than Hitler, Stalin or Genghis Khan - he is ruthless ambitious sociopath, but quite pragmatic and calculating , he is not "mad" in a sense that Aerys was - he is a monster, albeit quite a rational one

Basically yes, I agree, but I would make the distinction of him being a dyed in the wool psychopath. I don't think he was socialized into his state of anti social behavior. But I feel that psychopathy is far more dangerous than your average deranged loony, ie Aeron.

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It's so obvious and clear what each Greyjoy is to the readers, largely because we get to view the family through the eyes of four POV characters in that family. We know the Greyjoys almost as well as we know the Starks and Lannisters, and certainly better than we know the Tyrells. Though we could debate over which of the brothers is madder than the other, we can all agree that they are all mad to a degree in their own unique ways.

All that said, I remember Aeron was always haunted by the sound of a rusty iron hinge... and I can't remember what event from his past that was referring to. Was it to do with his brief imprisonment under Casterly Rock? If I remember, it was only mentioned once... I want one more Aeron chapter before the end, that I know.

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1. Glib superficial charm- check

2. Grandiose sense of self/entitlement- check

3. Little to no remorse- check

4. Manipulates others for personal gain - check

5. Grows easily bored with unstimulating tasks/things- check

If anyone out there does not know what that adds up to, its super important that you find out, and never, ever let this personality type into your life!

He's a good fit for Daenerys.

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Balon deluded himself into thinking he could win the independence of the Iron Isles, and even more so when he tried to take the North. Aeron is the same, but also a zealous fanatic. Euron attacks the Reach when he doesn't have the dragons at hand, and thinks he can succeed with just the Ironmen at the moment, and as other have mentioned he is a psychopath.

With Balon and Euron, it brings to mind the adage: "Who is the bigger fool, the fool or the ones who follow him?"

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