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Lets Discuss Minor Characters: Ronnet Connington


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'Red' Ronnet Connington, Knight of Griffin's Roost.

I never realised how hateable he is until I did a re-read

  • The whole betrothal to Brienne / Bear and the maiden-not-so-fair fiasco
  • The fact that he usurped JC's seat (I know that's not his fault but I still blame him!)
  • The fact that when Jaime gave him command of the mountains men they were in Maidenpool for a day and one committed murder and another rape ('When soldiers lack discipline the fault lies with their commander')
  • That he seriously thinks he has a chance of killing JC and Aegon in the epilogue really annoyed me. I actually agree with Randyll Tarly for once and think that he should've been sent to the wall.

Anyway rant over, any other observations about him? Does anyone think he will have a significant role to play in the future?

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I don't think he's that bad of a character. I'd love to see him join JonCon and rebel against the throne. JonCon is not going to last long so Red Ron will just take back his seat in the end. Best the family sticks together.

He knew Brienne was no beauty but still attempted to court her. Two men causing trouble is practically nothing during war. He has to be confident he can beat (f)Aegon and JonCon. Should he be craven?

Jon Con and Ren Ron. I just noticed this lol. GRRM, stahp.

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I don't think he's that bad of a character. I'd love to see him join JonCon and rebel against the throne. JonCon is not going to last long so Red Ron will just take back his seat in the end. Best the family sticks together.

He knew Brienne was no beauty but still attempted to court her. Two men causing trouble is practically nothing during war. He has to be confident he can beat (f)Aegon and JonCon. Should he be craven?

Jon Con and Ren Ron. I just noticed this lol. GRRM, stahp.

I wouldn't really call it courting her. He went to Tarth, saw her, handed her the rose he was supposed to give her, and told her "This is all you'll have of me," ending any hopes for any marriage immediately

I don't think the fault of the murder and rape commited by the Mountains men is Ronnets. I mean, these were men who had been in the company of the Mountain for years, and they had become very much like him. Being under the leadership of another man doesn't make them change their nature over night. It takes time. After these events, Red Ronnet at least must have known exactly what he was dealing with.

I agree, Red Ronnet had to show confidence. The only other option, doubt, would not have worked out very well for him. Don't ever show your predator that you're afraid. Something like that.

His role in the future... he still has family who are now captured at Griffin's Roost. He will want to deal with that. JonCon can't slay him, since he'll become a kinslayer. But perhaps Red Ronnet once charged for Aegon, and only JonCon can jump in between? Seeing as how JonCon is already a dying man, his reputation probably means little to him anymore. All that matters is getting Aegon on the throne.

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Jon Connigton does not have a direct heir of his body and probably never will. Ronnet and his kin are his heirs and JonC has nothing against Ronnet, it was his Father who backed Robert or made a peace with him. The Griffins Roost will be turned into a great lordship if Aegon wins. Everything argues that Ronnet will desert to his Uncle at the first oppurtunity once he realizes the truth.

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