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US Politics -- Where Candidates Fall like Leaves

Lany Freelove Cassandra

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[url=http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2015/11/12/9699836/democratic-debate-schedule]Deliberately so.It's absurd that in an election as important as this one the DNC is doing it's absolute best to hide their most high profile candidate.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an incredibly stupid person who is terrible at her job. She needs to be shitcanned as fast as possible.

Bring Dean back imo. He was very good at the job.

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Initial fact checking on the Democratic Debate.  The Democrat contenders appear well informed compared to the Republican candidates.




Article does appear truncated.


Just a few posts as of yet, most of them calling 'librul propaganda' or words to that effect.


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It's amazing how events can overtake a narrative. A couple of days ago the platitudes and nonsense the Dem candidates spewed out would have been taken with serious head nodding by the love media, now it appears....well silly.

All of them furiously agreed that the terrorist attacks had nothing to do with Islam, in fact they seemed reluctant to utter the 'I' word, apparently there's a new ideology called Jihadi which the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda follow. Jihadi has at best only a tangential relation with the Muslim religion, the candidates know this because white liberals are also Islamic scholars. It's the Jihadi we have to be worried about you see, that and conservative Repubs. Bernie claimed that climate change is what's causing the trouble with Jihadi, Hillary explained why banksters are giving her millions of dollars coz 9/11 and New York and solidarity against the Jihadi. All of them agreed that America should take hundreds of thousands of Muslim asylum seekers as long as they were vetted, except giving no explanation about how to vet people from war zones, infested with the Jihadi and no functioning governments, but it will give us feelgoodz so it must be the right thing to do.

There was more nonsense and pandering, some acknowledgement of the lunatics at the UofM and the BLM crowd etc but that seemed to be the meat of it.


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That's an example of your narrative overtaking (and exploiting) events, not the other way around. It's amazing how much glee bloodshed gives you and how quickly you're prone to using it to vomit out your message of idiotic hatred. Your masturbatory Islamophobic rant makes everyone who reads it feel dirty for having done so.

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That's an example of your narrative overtaking (and exploiting) events, not the other way around. It's amazing how much glee bloodshed gives you and how quickly you're prone to using it to vomit out your message of idiotic hatred. Your masturbatory Islamophobic rant makes everyone who reads it feel dirty for having done so.

It's been established that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam, please keep up. It's OK to hate on the religion of Jihadi however. As in 'we have to unite the world to take on Jihadi, to save us from the climate change and the Koch brothers'.

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It's only a stupid night, Shryke if americans are disinterested and themselves, stupid.









Nah, I think it's silly to pretend like people don't have shit to do with their lives outside watching a presidential debate. It's Saturday ffs. I mean, shit, I spent the day at a wedding. 

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[url=http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2015/11/12/9699836/democratic-debate-schedule]Deliberately so.  It's absurd that in an election as important as this one the DNC is doing it's absolute best to hide their most high profile candidate.

I'm not sure it matters much. Barring something unforeseen, I think Clinton has this wrapped up, and the debates won't change much. (Unless, of course, during one she admits to feasting on the flesh of Christian babies, or something.) I wonder how much debates ever matter, except to the most partisan voters, and we already know how they're voting in the general election.

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I know I'm late to the party, but the best part of the Republican debate was when the moderator listed the average per month job creation for the last three administrations (240k for Clinton, 107k for Obama and 13k for Bush) and then asked Fiorina why the public should trust Republicans over Democrats with regards to the economy. Her response was "Things tend to get worse when Democrats are in office."

Facts and reality can't be allowed to get in the way of a baseless narrative and all that.

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