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if stark = ice then martells= fire?


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why starks = ice? because they lives in north? and ned having sword named ice? ...or starks have blood of ice dragon?


if its because they lives in north then umbers or wildlings more ice than starks?  then if stark = ice then martells= fire?

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Starks are associated with ice because they're the most well known house in the North, and winter is coming and all.

You could argue that the Martells would be fire since they live in a hotter climate- but we kind of know that the Targaryens are the fire, or well, it's the most logical sounding. They came from Valyria, a place where fire ruled the world, their house motto is fire & blood, and well, dragons and all.

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Yeah, I think we will find out something about the Stark bloodline that embodies ice. Could be actual intermingling of bloodlines between Stark and Others, or something like a blood magic bond to seal an ancient treaty. I think the same of Targaryens - something in the blood is an embodiment of fire, again, most likely a blood magic ritual to bond them with dragons.

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Nah, there's really no connection at all between House Stark and House Martell if you're indicating the song of Ice and Fire refers to them respectively. There's not much ambiguity with the Fire being the Targaryens. The only question is the exact details of the connection between the Starks and Targs.

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Ice not associated with the Starks because of geography alone.  The fact that it's cold in the north and not the south is incedental I think. And Dragons have a strong tie to Fire so I think the equation is more like:

Stark = Ice and Targaryen = Fire.

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10 hours ago, blckp said:

why starks = ice? because they lives in north? and ned having sword named ice? ...or starks have blood of ice dragon?


if its because they lives in north then umbers or wildlings more ice than starks?  then if stark = ice then martells= fire?

The Starks were the Kings of Winter. Their words are "Winter is Coming."   They had and Age of Heroes era sword named Ice (bronze or Iron most likely)  and valyrian steel sword of the same name

The Targs were Dragon lords. Their words are "FIre and Blood.

Once it is told to you it seems quite simple. 

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