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Goodkind XXX v.2.0: Coiled for Success


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Whatever happened to that pit of sorceror's sand that Ole Daddy Darken buried poor Carl in?

Suuush! Dont rain on the Yeards parade! I'm sure he thought he was a genius for thinking of the amazing last minute solution of finding some all-important sand in a random tomb.

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Suuush! Dont rain on the Yeards parade! I'm sure he thought he was a genius for thinking of the amazing last minute solution of finding some all-important sand in a random tomb.

Hey, all fifty members of tg.net are thinking that it made total sense. They also think that it's a no-brainer that Dick could take on hundreds of men at a time and not come out with a scratch. They know that men going for Dick is harmless. :mellow:

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am I alone in snickering whenever I hear or see the name "Panis Rahl"? :smoking:

How are you even supposed to pronounce that. Someone should sent the Yeard some questions about good ole' Panis. If tairy answered them on his podcast I'm sure it could be the source of much hilarity.

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How are you even supposed to pronounce that. Someone should sent the Yeard some questions about good ole' Panis. If tairy answered them on his podcast I'm sure it could be the source of much hilarity.

"Panis is very important. A lot of the story comes down to Panis and how Zedd came down on Panis and how that has effected the rest of the story. You can draw a direct line from Panis to Dick."

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am I alone in snickering whenever I hear or see the name "Panis Rahl"? :smoking:

I don't get it.

Suuush! Dont rain on the Yeards parade! I'm sure he thought he was a genius for thinking of the amazing last minute solution of finding some all-important sand in a random tomb.

It would have been much cooler if poor Carl's ghost had shown up and said, "Hey Dick, you need some sand? Why don't you just use that big ole pit of sand from the first book? It would tie the story together nicely."

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"Panis is very important. A lot of the story comes down to Panis and how Zedd came down on Panis and how that has effected the rest of the story. You can draw a direct line from Panis to Dick."

That...mostly makes sense...in a Goodkindian way. I think. :leaving:

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That...mostly makes sense...in a Goodkindian way. I think. :leaving:

I think that line in itself is a contradiction, which can't exist, so I may have just imagined your post. Otherwise the universe might come to an end.

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I think that line in itself is a contradiction, which can't exist, so I may have just imagined your post. Otherwise the universe might come to an end.

I'm used to that. The imagining part that is.

And is there such a thing a "Goodkindian". There should be.

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Panis and Dick Rahl. Sons of Darken Rahl. Guess stupid names are hereditary?

I guess they are. Panis always made me think of pansy, I'm not sure how it is supposed to be pronounced.

That bit with Rachel made me ... :rofl:

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I can see it now, after a night of barebacking it with a lovely nubile lady, saying this in a stereotypical working-class Southern drawl (which I don't have, oddly):

"Dammit, my Pa-nis is Rahl, I tell ya!"

And I would guess the sand around would explain that. Sex on the beach doesn't appeal too much to me for precisely that reason ;)

I'm tempted to put Moose's "taste of coiled dick in my mouth" quip into my sig space, but I'd have to explain the context a lot and that might ruin the joke...

And WM,

Yes, she's the one I sent the books to. As you can probably tell, I'll be grateful if she doesn't post here too much, as she'd likely make more a fool out of me than I'm usually capable of making myself to be on my own... ;)

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Theres a much more obvious one then pansy...

I know. ;)

But the first time that I read it that was how I pronounced it in my head. I remember thinking "ha his father's named after a flower, probably why hes the way he is."

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OMG. Rachel has been posessed. Or have been spending too much time with Richard.

Kind of reminds me of our red leather, but without the leather.

Kind of reminds me of fantasy, but with important human themes.

Kind of reminds me of Jordan, but with shitty writing.

Yeah, she showed up in....Chainfire? maybe Phantom? In one of those two, anyway. Shota said something about a witch being named "Six" was very ill-omened or something. She was hanging out with Violet in the "sacred caves of Tamarang" teaching the little twit to be a magic artist. They captured Rachel and almost caught Dick.

IIRC, she appeared in Phantom, I think, to heal Violet's jaw and tongue.

am I alone in snickering whenever I hear or see the name "Panis Rahl"? :smoking:

No, because aside from the er, genital reference, the word panis means 'rotten' or 'stale' in my language. ;)

And WM,

Yes, she's the one I sent the books to. As you can probably tell, I'll be grateful if she doesn't post here too much, as she'd likely make more a fool out of me than I'm usually capable of making myself to be on my own... ;)

*discreetly PMs her to join more in the discussions*

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Okay, so long discussion is going on between Dick and Nicci about the boxes of orden. Turns out that the Garden of Life in the people's Palace was built to the exact specification of conditions necessary for opening the boxes. Clever Dick surmises that this is a big reason why Jagangbang wants to get in so bad. Also it turns out that one must go to the underworld as one of the conditions and be guided by a spirit, or something. Then we learn a bit more about the people of Caska. We met them in Chainfire or Phantom, they were hiding the Book of Life (I think) and they worship Dick (who doesn't?). They are (were, most of them except Jillian are dead) dreamcasters and can send dreams to people. They were used to make the dreamwalkers oh so long ago. So Dick is preparing to go to the underworld and Jillian is starting to send nightmares to the soldiers of the order. Yawn. Meanwhile in Jagang's camp, the evil sisters of the dark have found the original copy of the book of counted shadows. Six shows up and has a talk with Jagang, blah blah blah, Jagang wants Kahlan and Nicci back, blah blah blah. Six is helping him and her price is to be queen. Of Tamarang I guess.

And Rachel is still in the "sacred caves" when her "mother" shows up again to give her a message to give to Dick. Oh boy is she happy. And Gratch is there to carry her to him. She's scared of Gratch, but he does his "Gratch luuuugggg Raaaach aaaaaarg" bit and everybody's happy.

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