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Another decent nights 10m raiding right before the reset, got auriaya, freya and hodir dead. Auriaya was ridulously easy with a fresh raid. Loved the hodir fight, lots of fun, our shaman and rogue were putting out 7k+ dps on him. Freya was annoying, lotsa trash leading up to her, then an annoying add zerg before the real boss fight. We pulled thorim a few times at the end of the night and got a feel for that fight too, seemed pretty fun.

9 Bosses down first week. Making good progress so far! :cheers:

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It's probably just a case of 10-man Ulduar being tuned for people who've only done 10-man Naxx. Groups in 213/226 gear going into the normal raid should be able to bludgeon their way through some of the tricksier encounters.

It would be interesting to find out how people wearing solely 10-man stuff fare. If there are any out there.

Yeah absolutely. It seems tuned to not great dps, we've been beating most enrage timers by minutes. And work needed until it all 'clicks' with 10 people is much much less than 25 (or 40). It's all still great fun though :thumbsup: And there's always the hardmodes...

Was pessimistic at first but now I'm glad blizz gave the option to still see all the content without having to go through the pain of raiding with a large group.

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It's probably just a case of 10-man Ulduar being tuned for people who've only done 10-man Naxx. Groups in 213/226 gear going into the normal raid should be able to bludgeon their way through some of the tricksier encounters.

It would be interesting to find out how people wearing solely 10-man stuff fare. If there are any out there.

I would guess there are not many raids that are entirely limited to 10 man gear. But there are probably more than you'd figure who only do 10 man raids as a guild and have 25 man gear just because of doing some pickup groups from Naxx. That is my guild's situation. Probably half limited to 10 man Naxx gear and half who have a bunch of 25 man pieces and the rest 10 man gear. We only killed KT with our team a month ago and have never done Maly or Sarth with any drakes left up.

We pretty much got shitstomped by the Deconstructor for two hours. Our early problems were figuring out how to handle positioning for the light bombs and healing for the tympanic tantrum. But once we had those down it was plain we were handicapped by insufficient DPS and too much melee DPS for dealing with the adds. We had one ranged, a hunter. By the second wave of adds we kept ending up with bomb bots exploding in our midst and pummelers running loose because our OT couldn't pick them up fast enough. I'm wondering if we'd be better off going with two healers and only the MT in a tank spec so we can shorten the time before he first brings out adds, knock off more health while his heart is exposed, and have more people to bring to bear on the adds as well.

Lots more dying will ensue.

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Out try at Deconstructore was painful too, as I mentioned. Everyone in group had at least Nax10 and a few pieces of Nax25, but only 3 people were completely decked out (tank, main heal, and 1 mage). We were no where near the dps required to down the boss. We figured out the bomb run after 2 tries, but we could not beat the enrage timer.

And last night I ran VoA25, and because I was Lootmaster, I passed the glove token to a whiny dual-spec pally because he needed the 4th piece for his second set. I just hate saying "no, I'm taking the gloves" when I'm LM. Meh. Plus, our tanks have become unreliable all of a sudden with people's work and family obligations flaring up, so we need to get some back-up tanks and blah blah blah. So, no 4pc bonus for me yet. And also, no Illustration of the Dragon Soul. Also also, we did not manage +1D because people cannot avoid giant gaping blue circles on the ground. Seriously. We don't deserve to progress when +1 is giving us so damn much problem.

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Also also, we did not manage +1D because people cannot avoid giant gaping blue circles on the ground. Seriously. We don't deserve to progress when +1 is giving us so damn much problem.

May I suggest the addon: Failbot. It will publicly call out (in raid or /say or /whisper or whatever you want) when someone fails at something avoidable, like stands in a voidzone, gets hit by a flame wall, as well as a handful of things in Naxx and Ulduar. You can set to to /raid if you want to embarrass or call out the people who suck, or just set it to whisper you if you want to keep track for yourself.

I have yet to see any 3.1 content other than the Argent Tournament. We've been guild hunting but finding a guild that meets our criteria of: 1) isnt just starting Naxx, 2) raids at 7 or later server time, and 3) needs a tank (or part time tank, and I'd give that up for fury for a while if it came to that) seems to be impossible.

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Guest thebadlady

C - can you play tonight? There is supposed to be a 25man run that looks promising (more than your usual pugs anyway) in like, an hour or so.

BTW, we have a new healer and she is good and cool. Happy day!

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Greetings from the Vent Co!

Had some guild dramah over the last few weeks as we have now enough members in Guild to run 25 man content. Just some minor growing pains. Lost some folks, then got some folks back. Oh well, the plus side is we are large enough now to call the PUG run we were sponcering...a Guild run instead.

Not that it really makes much difference to me. We pretty much had the same people coming to our 25 man Naxx runs (in Guild and out of Guild) over the last few weeks. Finally downed Kel right before the new patch lol.

New patch is bad timing for me. Its the end of the semester and I have cut down on my raiding the past few weeks as profs try to get in all their last tests and projects. Not to mention exams next week. So, no new content for me yet. Most likely wont see Ulduar for at least 2 weeks. Which is fine, we have a few more folks to gear up through 25 man Naxx anyway. Id say we only have about 10 people ready to hit 10 man Ulduar at the moment, and these 10 folks will be split into 2 groups to get 20 folks geared up through Ulduar. That and still hiting Heroic Naxx and Maly, and Sarth + drakes is going to make for some interesting scheduling conflicts.

And I wonder what will happen when the summer hits. I am guessing we will lose some folks for the summer, just like last year. Currently sporting 4 pieces of tier gear (1 Heroic, 3 Valorous)...just missing the helm. As a frost mage, hitting around 2.8k dps in 25 man, and 2.3-2.5k dps in 10 man (depending on boss fight). With the dual spec out, Ill try the FFB spec and see what happens. I tried it a few weeks ago, and my dps went up about 500 from Frost. But, I am the master kiter for Gluth so I went back to Frost when we failed 3 times on 25 man Gluth. Lol. The sacrifices I make!

Looking forward to Ulduar and actually having to fight Trash. I can already see that we will have problems since everyone has just AOEd the past few months. Should be a riot.

Emily is now 4 months old and is sleeping through the night. What a relief that is! She is rolling over and is never quiet. Very good baby though. Only cries when she is hungry. So unlike our first child who seemed to cry a good bit more at those early stages.

Hope everything is well with you and yours!


Stark Out!

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So Algalon will despawn after 1 hour each week.

If my guild ever even gets to spawn him, I highly doubt he'll get downed. Sort of lends to the transfer servers possibility.

I doubt there's anyone quite 100% limited to 10-man gear. Mostly in the sense that Archavon exists as a massive joke that's trivially puggable for anyone who chooses to. I tended not to bother, so my warrior has just 25-man gloves from my first (of 2) Sarth 25s, and the rest is 10-man gear. But most of the guild has probably half 25-man gear at most.

Still really just tooling around with dual spec and nothing yet on new content except that one night in Ulduar for me. I haven't even dual-spec'd my paladin or DK yet, let alone gotten 2h maces to 400 skill. Last night I was only on long enough to pop some gem cuts for a friend and do the JC daily. My prot spec wasn't reconstructed post-patch even.

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Dinged 80 yesterday! So now the grind for XP has become the grind for rep. Starting off with some Wyrmrest quests to get to honored for some tanking gear (Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions, Sabatons of Draconic Vigor, and Breastplate of the Solemn Council). Got my first 80 epic this morning when someone made me the Titansteel Shield Wall. Next I think I'll get the mats for the Tempered Titansteel Helm and working towards the Titanium Earthenguard Ring with my JCing (although it may not be worth spending all those dailies on the recipe I'll only use once or twice..). Anyone here on Quel'dorei (I'm Azorahai) able to make the helm?

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New week, slightly less failure in Ulduar 10 - I'll take the progress. Tanks finally figured out how to pick up the adds normally on Razorscale, it's just the Sentinel kept fucking us with only one ranged DPS to burn through its health. Even for this we almost made it to the second phase but our second tank taunted the Sentinel off the first in the middle of the whirlwind without saying so first and the mob ran through the healers. That wasn't bad for an hour or so worth of attempts. Makes me feel like there's hope for moving on slowly but surely, at least - which I did not have last week.

Am now raiding a couple of nights a week both Alliance and Horde side on the same server. I feel kind of conflicted in my loyalty because the Horde is always like "Fuck the Alliance!" and the Alliance is always like "Fuck Horde!" I'm tanking with the Alliance crew and healing with the Horde crew so it's two very different experiences - plus Alliance is a 25 man raid where Horde is only a 10. Both are fun in their own way. Glad I can play both sides.

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I bid for and won the Leviathan dps ring, which is nice, but for some reason the master looter couldn't send it to me. And I couldn't loot a badge either.
This happened to me on 10-man too. Sigh. So many, many bugs for this stuff.
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I think the vehicle aspect of the encounter is why the looting is buggy, and that is relatively new, introduced in the expansion. But then again, one wonders what the PTR is for if this shit isn't getting debugged.

10 man Ignis has been nerfed to shit :( This makes me a sad panda. Razorscale seemed a bit lame compared to last week as well. Meh. Last week's high hopes for decent 10 man content has pretty much been obliterated this week. I guess I should be grateful for hard modes.

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