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Favourite and least favourite POV characters and why?


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Hi, this is my first post so be kind! Sorry if this post has come up recently.

I was just wondering what POV chapters you all enjoy most and least as I was really surprised to see my favourite Davos was unpopular with so many people in the confessions post?

Of the "main" characters my favourite is

  1. Cersei because shes just so much fun to read
  2. Davos as he seems to be the most "good" character save Ned
  3. Jon/Sansa (Sansas been in it too little over the past books for my liking) they move the plot along really well in the space of one chapter

Least Favourite:

  1. Tyrion since Essos, bored of hearing about Tysha and hate the whole slavery story, Penny etc.
  2. Arya since she came to Braavos, has veered too far from why I loved her as a character in GOT, COK
  3. Catelyn just so repetative and draining... surely her place was with her youngest two children alone in winterfell not her oldest who was capable of leading an army without her

of the least common characters my favourites are:

  1. Melisandre, need I say more?!
  2. Reek/Theon, so exciting to read
  3. Barristan, gives a nice backstory of Westeros

Least favourite:

  1. Victarion/Aeron, hate the iron islanders really...
  2. Anyone from/in Dorne, I just haven't made a connection to them - introduced too late
  3. Brienne her obsessions from Renly to Catelyn to Jaime are pretty unhinged... loved her prior to her own POV but her internal monologue is so dry to read.


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Jaime Lannister: the wit of Tyrion while being one of the most badass knights

Ned: one of the few, imo, inherently good characters in the whole series, death was a tragedy

Davos: see ned, also my man looking glass into the wide and wonderful world of Stannis Baratheon


The fuggin Ironborn. The Kingsmoot was like medieval C-span.

Brienne: I'm looking for a fair girl of 13 with aub....oh whats the point.

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Thats a good point about Davos being a looking glass into Stannis, a lot of what is good about the great POV characters is that they allow you to get to know other characters really well. The problem about the Dorne POV is that I really have so little interest in who they talk about that it's hard to concentrate i.e the vipers.

I have to say I did really enjoy Bran until the final chapter of ADWD. I actually found it so disturbing, the thought of him becoming a tree underground for eternity and whispering peoples names is just so sad and a waste of a character i.e. the rightful lord of winterfell. Not to mention it was quite dull to read...

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Arya and Bran are favorites, mostly cause I like a good superhero origin story.

I have issues with Cersei's POV. It bothers me that she gets torn down, but has no real possibility of redemption. Her treatment (as a character) feels, to me, much more sadistic than Theon's, in that I can see him redeeming himself, though she doesn't suffer the physical abuse he does.

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Tyrion: 10 points

Arianne: 9 points

Connington: 9 points

Davos: 8 points

Jaime: 8 points

Arya (post Braavos): 8 points

Bran (after becoming a tree): 8 points

Victarion: 7 points

Theon: 7 points

Areo Hotah: 7 points

Cersei: 7 points

Sansa (post eyrie): 7 points

Sam: 7 points

Jon: 6 points

Dany: 5 points

Melysandre: 5 points

Sansa (pre eyrie): 4 points

Damphair: 4 points

Arya (pre Braavos): 3 points

Bran (before reaching bloodraven): 2 points

Brienne: 1 point

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For the quality and intrigue of the writing/plot/characterization, it's ADWD Reek so many times over.

Least favorite? I guess that is the best way to put it, since I liked them all. I don't know, I don't think there's any I really dislike at all.

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Jamie- straight talking character once he got his demons out

Cercei- batshit crazy. love the Napoleon complex in her.

Least Favorite:

Brienne- Terribly predictable, terribly boring, not at all relatatable.

Tyrion- Started out as a awesome character, but slowly I feel like JRM made him dumber and less complex. He was the smartest character in the game in AGOT, and by ASOS he appeared not only out of the loop, but devoid of any of that mental strength that highlighted him early on.

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Davos is one of my favorite POVs, if not my absolute favorite. I love him as a character, I love the non-POV characters he interacts with, I'm always interested in what he's up to. His chapters in Dance were some of the most thrilling in the series for me.

Yes, there are a few naysayers when it comes to Davos but I would say he may well be the most universally liked character in the books. There are a lot more gripes/arguments about other characters' POVs than there are about Davos, which is nice- something we can (almost) all come together on for once :)

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1. Arya Stark. Such a little badass! Her chapters are always some of the strongest IMO, even the ones in Braavos. I also really like her change in identity throughout the novels, from Arya to Arry to Nan to Cat of the Canals to Beth and so on... It's fascinating to see her transformation.

2. Theon Greyjoy. If there is a character who I feel for the most and sympathise the most with, it's Theon. What an amazing character he is. In CoK, I love the moral dilemma he has over which family he belongs to. He can join with either House Stark or House Greyjoy but he will never be truly one of either of them. He has no place in the world. And then we have his chapters in DwD, which contain some of the most moving and beautiful writing I have ever read.

Least Favourites:

1. Daenerys Targaryen. Uggh, If she says "If I look back I am lost..." one more time I will throw my book across the room. She is such an entitled spoiled girl who would be a terrible queen of Westeros.

2. Areo Hotah/Arys Oakheart. Why weren't all the Dorne chapters from Arianne's POV. I still do not know the answer to this question.

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I loved the Dorne chapters. They were some of my favorite in the last two books. I also really enjoyed Barristan's chapters in ADWD. Arya has been a favorite since AGOT, she's just such a badass as someone else said and I can't wait to see more.

Least favorites have had to be Dany first and foremost. I liked her in AGOT and ASOS, but she seemed very boring in ACOK & ADWD. I had such high hopes for her after book 1 and am disappointed by the lack of movement. I hated Sansa in AGOT, but by AFFC really liked her. I like Asha, but wasn't as big a fan as some of the other Greyjoys.

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Davos is the man! I like that he's able to juggle honour with street smarts in a way that Ned wasn't able to do. He's tough as nails, raises his kids to the best of his abilities, and just generally has all kinds of stuff going on. The fact that he's so loyal to Stannis is admirable, considering he both made and maimed him. He's your classic underdog type character and it's fun to see him win and I feel for him when he comes up short.

Arya, since book one, then more after I watched Season 1. It's not often I'm impressed by people who recite words for shit tons of money, but that young actress really captured her spirit and brought her to life. I was devastated when she woke up blind; I thought it would be permanent a la Jamie's Hand.

Does Mel count? It was a good chapter and shed a lot of light on an otherwise shadowy character, and my love for Davos extends to Stannis' allies.

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Davos and Bran are by far my favorite POVs. Tyrion also, only if ADWD is not included.

Cersei's POV made her more of a straight up "Evil Bitch" than the somewhat more complex character she was before. Brienne was the first time I genuinely wanted to skip a character's chapters. I don't hate either POV, I just think they diminish the characters and in Brienne's case is very boring.

On a side note, while not my favorites by any means, I like the Ironborn POVs, especially Asha's. I even like the Damphair's. Yes, I know those past few sentences may be considered completely insane by some.

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Arianne- Such a fun and sweet woman. She has her flaws, but she has good intentions, and she's an exciting character to read about!

Asha- I adore Asha's POV. She's tough, salty, and witty. Similar to Arianne for me.

Jamie- Just love his POVS. Always moves the story forward.

Sansa- Oh sansa, after GoT , Her POV's were fantastic and again moved the story. I really enjoy Sansa as a character.

Samwell- I adore Sam Tarly and any time he does something badass or has sex I'm like "THERE'S MY SLAYER!!!'

Reek- It was so sad but so beautifully written. Really shocking but wonderful.

Davos- Upstanding man. Like him and his storyline a LOT.


Jon- I just don't like his POV. I don't know why...

Dany- UGH. I DREAD reading her POV....It's HORRIBLE for me. She's so uncomplex/one note.

Bran - Only in Dance. Not fun to read imho.

Areoh- BORING.

Arys- such a fool

Theon - I just hated him in CoK

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Fav's : Would be Arya, Bran, Jon

Hate : Cersei I would rather beat my head against a block wall 100x AFTER I pulled my own teeth out with a pair of pliers, then read from her POV again.

Dany what going on around her, is good read, but her and her suitors is just boring

Cat, was kinda glad she died. she was starting to act like her sister (Thank you GRRM for not making Lysa a POV)

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It's so hard to pick favourites since the different POVs have different highs in their story arcs. For instance the birth of Dany's dragons or Drogon in the fighting pit are amazing, same with a lot of Jon chapters in ADWD, or Brienne's meandering in the Riverlands, Davos meeting Manderley, Bran meeting Sam, or Jaime at Harrenhal (or anywhere), Sansa at the Blackwater and in the Eyrie, Arya at Harrenhal and the BWB etc etc. The list goes on.

If I really have to pick two POVs I most enjoy reading, it will have to be Sansa and Jaime, but there's fierce competition for the top spots.

The only ones that are really a chore are Victarion (although he's so dumb he's a bit LOL), Damphair, Arys Oakheart and Areo Hotah. Probably because they are more disconnected with the greater story though. I actually found Vicky's chapters oddly amusing on a reread in a sort of *facepalm* way, and Damphair is poetic in his craziness.

Characterwise, I have to agree with mythsandstuff above in that Cersei's character description in AFFC and ADWD leaves me wondering about what is meant with her. Is she just cardboard cut-out evil, or is the Walk of Shame a marker for that she can change and/or grow?

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Jon – Heh he is my favorite character (obviously) and I like to see how he changes

Davos – Davos is a fascinating character from being blindly loyal to Stannis, being a little more good-guy loyal (after helping Edric)

Arianne – Strong, smart and sweet nice compination and she is my favorite female character.











Melisandre (But I don’t like her)


Hate (skip the chapter)

Catelyn – I just hate her

Daenerys – She is so boring and megalomaniac psycho.




Jon Con.



Don’t care

Sansa – Hated her at GoT, started to like her at ACoK don’t really care about her now.

Brienne – A good-girl, nice and with good qualities but so boring



Areo Hotah




edit spelling and why

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