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Three for Dinner?


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Hmm. So far, no one wants Ned, Jon, or Cersei. Are these people too boring? Too moody? Too high maintenance?

Ned and Jon, as much as they are great characters, wouldn't exactly be exciting dinner guests. Too serious and honor bound. Cersei, I wouldn't want Cersei just because she's a total psycho bitch. They're no way around it. She is selfish and rude and would just not be a fun guest.

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I would get Jaime good and drunk... I don't know if I want anyone else there.

ROFL - I'd definitely agree with that suggestion!

Three for dinner with some great stories? Jaime, Bronn and Davos Though I think they would be much more comfortable if you invited them over for a nice relaxed backyard BBQ rather than a formal dinner.

A really "interesting' girls' night - Cersei, Lady Olenna and Arianne.

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Varys for the answers to my questions about the last few years,

Bran the Builder, because nobody knows what the hell went on back then.

The last hero (of he isnt Bran the Builder) for the same reason.

And if BtB and LH are indeed the same, Howland Reed, because everybody's been waiting years to meet that little dude.

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Inspired by another conversation. I did a quick search, and it doesn't look like there's been a specific thread like this in a while.

Which 3 ASOIAF characters--living or dead--would you like to invite for dinner, and why? What will you talk about?

I'd like Arianne, Jaime, and Davos. There would be lots of laughs and good stories, I think. And spicy food.

Aside: I really wanted to invite Dany or Tyrion, but I figured their conflicts with Jaime would overshadow the night!

Was this inspired by that nonsense about GRRM being a sicko for willing to take out Daenerys for dinner? :D Just curious...

Anyways... hmm, only three? Uff...

Doran Martell for sure.

Varys for sure.

And... a Targaryen... or... a wildling. Tormund Giantsbane or Aerys Targaryen II.

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BBQ at my pad. Tormund Giantsbane and Greatjon Umber to swap stories about bear shagging, first nights and raiding. Third would be Jon Snow, need someone to offset the boisterous loudmouths. Would invite Wymen Manderly as well but he'd probably insist on bringing his own meat (god knows where that came from) and he'll probably clog my toilet. But if he promises to eat what I serve him and doesn't move his bowls at my place he can come too...

Of the women, well, I can't think of any one of the major characters I'd invite, either they're way too young or they're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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I don't like hot spices, and to my deepest regret that pretty much rules out the Martells, even if we could get along very well as for strongwine (Dornish strongwine, dark as blood and sweet as vengeance) and fruits.

Just imagine the Red Viper whining about sullen skies, bland food, shy women; the general mood would turn sour.

Olenna Redwyne, Walder Frey and Wyman Manderly would make an intriguing company.


Oberyn Martell – who better than the Red Viper could cook a snake stew with the proper venom bite? I'd only have a nibble, but as far as food is concerned, I'm curious and open to experimentation, and I've never tasted snake.

Wyman Manderly. I love fish, and the man loves his food and know how to throw a feast. He can cook whichever dish he likes, as long as it is fish. Even his dungeon fare would do: fresh-caught fish, bread still warm from the oven, carrots (love carrots), crabs. Please no meat pies: I don't like meat, and you never know what gets into one.

Asha Greyjoy. To balance the men/women rate. She is witty and intelligent. Love the idea of her bantering with Oberyn. I wouldn't let her cook anything, though, the Ironborn cuisine seems awful and she is anyway far from the model housewife. I take it Lord Manderly provisions would be more than enough for a hearty meal.

me: desserts. Hot dark bitter chocolate with cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Nuts cake. Apple pie, with pine nuts, raisins and cinnamon. Almonds, pistachios, sour cherry jam cake. Almonds pie, spiced with cinnamon and cloves, and cranberry jam. Grains pie flavoured with orange flowers, a pinch of cinnamon, and candied citrus peels.

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Hmmmnnn . . .

The "deep background" dinner

Bloodraven (who won't be eating much)

Howland Reed ("Wait. You did WHAT with Jojen?")

Old Nan ("If you boys stop arguing I'll finish the story . . .")

The good-time boys dinner, Southern Division

Jaime Lannister

Renly Baratheon

Oberyn Martell (provided he won't poison the other two; food taster definitely required)

The good-time boys dinner, Northern Division

GreatJon Umber

Tormund Giantsbane

Wyman Manderly

(Weapons checked at the door; I do the cooking)

Ladies-in-the-know Night Out


Olenna Redwyne Tyrell


Feisty Little Girls Tribute Dinner

Arya Stark

Lyanna Mormont

Wylla Manderly

My Special [Poison] Mushroom Risotto Dinner

Walder Frey

Petyr Baelish

Roose and/or Ramsey Bolton

("Don't wait for me, dinner will get cold!)

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