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Most overrated house


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In-unverse its the Lannisters.

In my opinion, its the Lannisters. Srsly, screw those guys! They are ranking right up there with the Greyjoys on the Please-Die-Right-Now-O-Meter

Oh yes and the Greyjoys and the Lannisters and the Boltons too. Screw all those guys, and Please Die Right Now. I hate them with the white hot hatred of a thousand suns.

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Oh yes and the Greyjoys and the Lannisters and the Boltons too. Screw all those guys, and Please Die Right Now. I hate them with the white hot hatred of a thousand suns.

Timmy Turner.

It is currently, without a doubt, the Tyrells. They amassed double or triple any other regions might without their full strength. They have the largest army, fleet, and arguably the best commander in all of Westeros. Plus, they got QoT.. She is crazy awesome. Why have we only seen their ambition, leadership, and cunning only in book 3? So it's pretty much guaranteed that whoever they side with wins the war right?

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I can't believe that people think House Targaryen overrated,they will be extinct in the end of ADOS .

STARKS OVERRATED ??????????? :bang: , pleas people they are the oldest house in Westeros , they have survived the Long Night,thousands of years of fighting , hundreds of winters , and they will survive the next Long Night and win the battle for Dawn,in the end of the series they will become the winners of all :cool4: . Winter is here and the Starks are the only Great house who knows how to survive it

I also wondered why some think that Stark's are overrated, but I didn't want to say anything incase I sounded accusing or disrespectful.

I agree so much, though. They are the oldest Great House in the kingdoms, and they have been Kings In the North for 8,000 years. I think some people think so because the fandom likes the Stark's a lot (too much, perhaps? xP) and that they're scattered right now. However, seeing as they've been around for 8,300+ years, I'd say they did face similarly dark and difficult times like these before. Yet here they are, still.

I always found their legacy, mystery and history so admirable, yet as I said, some people may find them overrated because of fans' intense reactions. (Fans like me xD)

Winter is here and the pack will survive.

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How are the targs overrated

hey let's conquer a continent the size of Argentina, and then divide 90% of the land to 5 extremely powerful families and then only keep 10% (which is not the most fertile or defensible) for ourselves! yes, that ought to ensure the stability of our dynasty. After all we got dragons so who cares about realism and balance of power?

But seriously, its a error in writing for Martin. He wanted to describe a war of roses-esque scenario where the lesser lords have accrued too much land and power and therefore are threats to the monarchs and can play kingmakers. But in history the powerful English magnates accrued power over many centuries and little by little. It's not like the five houses of Westeros where the Targs came and basically said: O I'll let you have 1/6 of the country and you can raise and retain armies at will. Yes like that won't be a recipe for disaster at all.

I guess if you want to argue sort of "in-universe" you could say that indeed the Targs had dragons so they didn't care about mortal armies and power bases. But you would think that after the dragons died, they would smarten up and move to destroy or at least reduce the influences of the other houses? I mean what is the point of have a separate Stormland or The Riverland? Why not just absorb it into the crown territories and hand out little pieces to minor lords?

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  • 3 months later...

The Stark patriarchs, Ned and Robb are wildly overrated, as is THE NORTH in general.

Cat, Sansa, Arya and Bran are all awesome though.

Where does this five to one figure come from? The CB garrison is at least 300 men and there are not 1500 wildling warriors there. With Tormund the max wildling strength is 1300 (but it could be 500 less) and they are not all at CB.

I agree with you on the North part.

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Most overrated I would have to say the Greyjoy's. What exactly have they ever contributed to Westerosi society that is worth mentioning? All they do is rape and steal. And I have said it before their words make no sense. Instead of 'We Do Not Sow.' It should be 'We Cannot Sow.'

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