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Your Theory is Wrong

Sour Billy Tipton

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I figured gendry would have donned the helm and picked up a war hammer at some point by now

I actually think that will happen eventually. I dunno if it is a coincidence that this guy is a smith and has spent the better part of his young life with a hammer in his hand.

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I've had one of my theories knocked down by the app (that Jeyne Westerling was pregnant; I still think she escaped Riverrun, though). You deal with it. I have a few other theoreticsl frameworks — three heads of the dragons and the Night's Watch as Lightbringer, for example — that may or may not be blown.

Really though, I'd rather think critically and come up with offbeat ideas that may be proved wrong than just repeat what's spelled out in the books and requires no real analytical thinking (Dany is AA and Lightbringer is a sword, for example). I'd rather use my mind and be wrong than parrot what's spoonfed and be right (and who's to say that what's spoonfed is even correct).

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I've had one of my theories knocked down by the app (that Jeyne Westerling was pregnant; I still think she escaped Riverrun, though). You deal with it. I have a few other theoreticsl frameworks — three heads of the dragons and the Night's Watch as Lightbringer, for example — that may or may not be blown.

Really though, I'd rather think critically and come up with offbeat ideas that may be proved wrong than just repeat what's spelled out in the books and requires no real analytical thinking (Dany is AA and Lightbringer is a sword, for example). I'd rather use my mind and be wrong than parrot what's spoonfed and be right (and who's to say that what's spoonfed is even correct).

Indeed. So the app says Melisandre's leeches were a farce? Fuck it. Wasn't sure; now I am. At least that's a small morsel of certainty to get me through the long winter of unknowing. We've all got a long time to wait before we get the answers we truly want, so the more interesting we keep things here, the better. These books have moved into my brain, set up camp, and declared it theirs by right of conquest; seems I'm going to be obliged to think about them for a good long while, so I'd damn well better diversify. Since I don't know anyone who has read the books, I do that here, when I can. So keep it all coming.

Secondly, I also lean toward Jeyne's escape.

And I really do want to hear more from the guy who said Ned raped Jon's mother. If it wasn't a joke, I'd be very interested to hear all about it (without ever believing it for a second).

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I remember having this crazy theory that after Danys dragons were born she'd get her ass on over to Westeros.

Still waiting to see if that theory will ever be proven true.

I think your theory is wrong.

I almost always know what is going to happen in books and movies. I had never been so wrong, about so many things as I was while reading aSoIaF. I couldn't be more happy.

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The best — or most maddening, depending on your perspective — thing about GRRM's writing is that while some of it may be shocking or a surprise, almost all of it (including the "shocking" Red Wedding and even Ned's death) can be reasonably foreseen or at least, clued into in hindsight. That makes being wrong all the more frustrating, because "I should have seen it!"

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The app proved one of my theories wrong. Mostly. It was a bit of a burn. Not because it was a theory I cared about (had to do with Loras and Dragonstone) but because I couldn't figure out how it made sense. I've since updated my theory to fit with the confirmed info in the app.

That, there, is the mark of greatness...or at least of madness. Which is pretty much the same thing, as we know. A good theory never collapses before even totally contradictory facts (I have no idea about the details of this one) but incorporates and corrupts them, to rise up harder and stronger.

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People rarely admit they're wrong on the internet I find, but I'm not afraid to admit it generally. It's not like I'm gonna get Dany's floppy bunny ears hat of shame if I'm wrong.

I don't have all that many theories to be honest, I tend to develop those of characters I'm interested in and read the rest here. If the theories I did develop proved totally wrong I'd live with it. Part of the fun in Martin's ASOFAI work is theorizing - with the full potential that you could be mistaken.

Just keep reading...

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That, there, is the mark of greatness...or at least of madness. Which is pretty much the same thing, as we know. A good theory never collapses before even totally contradictory facts (I have no idea about the details of this one) but incorporates and corrupts them, to rise up harder and stronger.

What is dead may never die

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Your theory is wrong... And you should feel wrong.

(Sorry couldn't help it)

I love speculating and have flipped my mind on more occasions than most people, so I won't be really pissed about almost anything.

There are three however that I feel stronger about:

1. R+L of course. Not that it's my theory or something, but if it turns out to not be true, I won't know how to reason about anything in life.

2. If Syrio is Jaqen, I will be utterly pissed with Martin. I firmly believe it's not the case.

3. If the Hooded Man turns out to be Harwin from the BWB, I will be popping a champagne. Not that it's my theory as well, but I have contributed to it with some arguments I find kind of solid, so I still feel it as my (bastard) child.

By the way, I know that before ADWD it was predicted that the 3EC is Bloodraven, and that Aegon will show up. Respect.

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I feel relieved. Who wants to see Celine Dion as Queen of Westeros anyways?

It's not like I want it to be true...it's just so fucking obvious that it is.

With Michael Bolton ascending to the Dreadfort after eliminating his brother and unruly bastard nephew. Indeed. It Is Known.

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There's a lot of potential here in this notion of letting us know that we're wrong.

This could be an enormous help.

Is there a way that this can be turned into a permanent part of the site?

Not a sticky topic even, but something that appears whenever someone posts!

Like, the response window would include "Your Theory is Wrong" as part of it, right below the lineup of Bold, Italics, and Underline options.

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When first reading the first part of the first book....noone could have told me that Ned wasn't going to take the black, become Lord Commander, grow close with his son, and defeat the others. Noone. It was fact in my brain, from the moment he was arrested, all the way up until his head came off.

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With Michael Bolton ascending to the Dreadfort after eliminating his brother and unruly bastard nephew. Indeed. It Is Known.

Michael Bolton, Peter Dinklage, and GRRM at the Emmy's.

GRRM on the right at 1:52

Dinklage under Bill Macy at 2:00


Freak Bill Macy, Freak Bill Macy, Freak Bill Macy, FREAK BILL MACY


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