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Futurama: The Final Season


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What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.

Personally I felt the show had lost its bite by the end of the first run, though there were some really wonderful episodes even in the final season. However, the first two revival DVD movies "Bender's Big Score" and "The Beast with a Billion Backs" were awesome. Then, when the show came back properly on Comedy Central, it started very strong indeed. Season six had a few stinkers, but overall it was great. The first half of season seven was less so, and the second half looks to continue the mediocrity. There's still some great gags, but it has definitely once again lost its bite.

However, I've already been mistaken once in writing this show off. Who knows? Maybe after another five year absence it might reappear, this time in theaters, or on Netflix, or whatever it is we'll be watching in 2018.

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The latter seasons of Futurama have been hit or miss. I recall "Naturama" sucking pretty hard. But I watched an episode a week ago called Free Will Hunting, and damn it was good. As far as I'm concerned they should make new episodes forever like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park. It's a great show, even if it's not 100% great 100% of the time.

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Really? Forever?

I find it sad to dwell on the fact that The Simpsons now has a lot more crap than classic in its long history, if they had ended after 10 seasons it would be an amazing run (even if season 8 was the last wall to wall brilliant season), as it is I roll my eyes every time they announce a new season.

Bob's Burgers is the gem in a Sunday night crapfest (okay, I find American Dad kinda watchable even though its first 4 or so seasons were terrible. It probably has something to do with the fact that of the three shows, AD is the one Seth Macfarlane has the least to do with creatively, he does a bunch of voices, others handle the big stuff. The more I see of him, the more I hate Seth Macfarlane, he can do a few okay voices, but keep him away from the writer's table.)

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Was "The Late Phillip J. Fry" really three years ago?

There have been some good episodes since the revival, but to this date, that's the only episode that I'd rate as a classic. I find it really sad and frustrating at how mediocre the show's generally been since its return.

And then there are the just plain bad episodes. While "The Late Phillip J. Fry" has actually displaced "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" as my favorite episode ever, "Proposition Infinity", "Attack of the Killer App", and "The Duh-Vinci Code" easily rate as the worst episodes of the entire series. They weren't just bad for Futurama - they were just plain bad television in general.

Interestingly, all four of those episodes were from the first season back (S5? Are we counting the movies as a separate season?). So I guess you could call it the writers trying to get back into the groove, that seems like a cop-out to me. Subsequent seasons managed to be just mediocre.

I hate to say it, but I think the show's original cancellation might have been the right call, considering how quickly they ran out of interesting material in its return.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These anthology episodes are definitely showing diminishing returns.

I liked the one with the 8 bit, old school Disney, and Anime segements, I thought Naturama sucked except for the narration, and this one was lazily parodying 80s cartoons. It felt like a Family Guy episode, bleargh.

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These anthology episodes are definitely showing diminishing returns.

I liked the one with the 8 bit, old school Disney, and Anime segements, I thought Naturama sucked except for the narration, and this one was lazily parodying 80s cartoons. It felt like a Family Guy episode, bleargh.

Yeah, when Scooby Doo begun, I though it would be fun if lasted, say, 2 minutes, but it lasted 4 times as that, and the other ones were even worse.

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  • 1 month later...

The last few episodes have all been pretty strong. Good to see them go out on a high. I did enjoy Bender tap dancing on a little girl's corpse, His shiny butt episode and Fry's dream/time travel were also strong too, I hope the finale is strong - it doesn't need to end everyone's stories to be honest.

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  • 1 year later...

Did anyone catch the "Simpsonrama" episode? Fox's latest Animation Desperation stunt?

For whatever reason, I still loved it. First time in a long, long time I could say a Simpsons was really good. And it felt just so right having a new Futurama story Sunday night on Fox.

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