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  1. This is props my favorite episode ever - show at it's peak. So sad it fell so far.
  2. Yea, I thought that too - obviously they were lying to try and keep the ghost reunion a secret. They have had a terrible run with leaks.
  3. I agree - and I rated episodes 3 & 4 a 1/10 because their story telling and lack of any king of coherent sense just made them shit. But this episode I gave a 9/10. I had read the Bran thing and was dreading it - but it played far better than I thought it would. This season has been so up and down.
  4. I liked it - it was bittersweet, in the end. 9/10. It was a decent way to wrap it up. So some of the story telling without the books absolutely sucked. Biggest disappointment for me was the NK, followed by Arya's training and Dany's descent into despair - but it came together in the end. Oh and it seemed like someone better than usual wrote the dialogue this episode?
  5. Best episode this season. 8/10. Major issues I had I though the Dothraki were supposed to be extinct? Jon and Arya's escape the burning city plot armor was a bit naff - one of them should have burned to a crisp. Probably Arya, I'm totally over her - have been since season 5 - would have been nice to see her get barbecued this episode. D&D obviously think Arya is untouchable though, so she will probably survive everything. Not enough time was spent explaining why Dany fully spat the dummy - I kind of got it and almost felt sorry for her. I mean I get why she hated them all, after sacrificing so much for the Westerosi ingrates and I understood her doing the first pass after the bells rang but not why she kept going and going - perhaps the Targ madness took her. Regardless, it made for some spectacular fantasy imagery as a whole city crumbled around a dragon. Clegane bowl was cheesy as fuck but still manged to be fun.
  6. So we just have to accept that all of these people live on a planet with an orbit so bizarre that the seasons are entirely inconsistent and this has nothing whatsoever to do with the magic the author claimed it did? GRRM promised the seasons would be explained, with magic - if D&D didn't ask what the explanation was and plan it into the writing at all, they are bigger fuckwits than I released. Not only is 'winter is coming' (given special weight when in long summers) pivotal to the shows mythology, it also sold a heap of tshirts for D&D.
  7. Enough to know that they just had a particularly long summer and were expecting a particularly long winter - which, sans any other explanation, must have been due to the magic imbued in the NK, who is now dead. So I repeat, why is it still winter? Even if you say well, the NK is dead so they just return to normal seasons - that doesn't cover that they just had a particularly long summer, so there is no reason to assume winter is the current season they should be in.
  8. I found book Cat kind of mean and heartless and show Cat much nicer. Show Cat was maternal to a fault though. Perhaps it is because I have both a mother and wife that are maternal to faults that I can see the character clearly for what it is.
  9. I read the books after I watched to season 4 - they felt consistent before then. Cat was extremely maternal - it was in character for her to free a captive to try and save her children. Ned was extremely honorable - it was in character for him to treat Cersie with honor, even if she did not deserve it. Robb was a young, dumb and full of romance - it is perfectly reasonable that he fell in love outside of his arranged marriage. I got all of that from the show alone.
  10. Those failings were all consistent with the characterizations, so they never felt hollow, like now.
  11. I did endure it - also rated it 1 higher than the last episode. Was bad but not as bad.
  12. Euron finally did something useful - which makes him now equal to the NK in the emotional stakes. If you dislike the stupid fricken dragons, like me, then that makes Euron worth 1 point. Why is it still winter? And what are these Dothraki that Varys speaks of, wasn't their entire race wiped out last episode? It's almost like Varys has been asleep for half a season and now has woken up like 5 episodes behind everyone else. Jamie leaving Brienne was cool, I 'll give it a point for that. Brienne should have went with Tormund, the dude who genuinely liked her and not the dude who was using her to try and reconcile his own soul. I get she is emotionally innocent and didn't know better but still, good to see the show still throws some vague emotional punches, after how pissweak it has become of late. If this was Survivor, Cersie should win. But it is still one of the later, bad seasons of Survivor. 2/10
  13. I haven't seen it yet - thought I'd check the scores first. 25% give it 1/10 - seems to have turned form to divisive to disliked. I'm afraid to watch it now.
  14. I feel much the same - it is the first episode I gave a 1 also. Even the Sand Snakes, Waifenator and Zombie capture team didn't get a 1 from me - but this did.
  15. Sure, the NK had more fans, like me, that are sad to see their heroes demise. The King is dead - long unlive the King! But serious, yea, I get why it is so divisive. It is exactly like The Last Jedi, which was extremely divisive. It is subversion without earning it and without satisfying payoff - it is the narrative version of a jump scare. And everyone who likes horror knows that jump scares, whilst they can be effective in the moment, are dumb.
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