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Everything posted by Heartofice

  1. Amazon is also the most infuriating provider of content. It’s too concerned with upselling you paid content, even though you already paid a subscription. Im sure they will just hide this all behind a separate paywall and leave us plebs to trawl through their piles of garbage
  2. I think there are a few contestants who just don’t get the show, trying hard to think of examples now but there are a few who just do the bare minimum or the most obvious answer to a task. The best contestants are the ones who think outside the box and go completely creative
  3. The show is very good at creating an atmosphere where I’m allowed to like people who I ordinarily wouldn’t watch. That was my first introduction to Nish Kumar, who is painfully unfunny at the best of times but that kind of worked on this show because Greg could just rip into him. There have been a number of pretty sub par comedians who come out looking pretty good on the show, like Iain Sterling or Ed Gamble But at the same time the show has attracted some serious comedic talent, Bob Mortimor of course is a national treasure and should be on every show going! Think probably earliest seasons were the best? But then think the Phil Wang one is a highlight too. Depends on the chemistry between the contestants
  4. Has anyone seen the US version? I’ve heard it’s horribly misjudged.
  5. Love it. Haven’t watched it in a while because quite frankly some of the latest seasons haven’t lived up to many of the great contestants of the past. Rosalinds a nightmare with Bob Mortimer and Asling Bea is my highlight
  6. Getting through Immortal Hulk. It really is outstandingly good.
  7. Like I said, there are loads of highlights this season, but I have to admit it’s overall plot arc wasn’t that gripping and I feel like maybe there were just too many threads going on, leaving a lack of structure in its storytelling. I agree with the above, there were points where I wasn’t all that bothered about continuing or watching the next episode even though I enjoyed them.
  8. Er? He’s exactly the face type.. not that I’m recommending him
  9. I think whoever you cast, the movies need a clean break from the previous generation, so no cross casting.. no Judi Dench in Bond scenarios. Start again from scratch.
  10. I think the way to frame the story would that your average joe was ok with Superheroes, because they were there to save humanity and protect people.. well up until Age of Ultron and Civil War. Now most people are at the very least suspicious of superheroes. But Mutants are something else. If the numbers of Mutants started to increase then you start to have a paranoia from humans that Mutants will replace them and wipe them out. A Cap America or Iron Man is just a couple of supes, but if you start seeing a huge rise in Mutants than suddenly people get scared and over react. That is how I would frame the story and it would pretty relevant politically.
  11. I’d really like to see a proper attempt at the OT, with Angel and Beast as well. However I really think that ship has sailed, they’ve tried so many times to get the formula right and it’s always been subpar. I can’t imagine the horror of another Phoenix story! So yeah, it’s a good point, what is the differentiation for the X-Men, what makes them different to Avengers and Fantastic Four? Depends on what era really. The original squad were pretty much the same as FF in a lot of ways. I got into X-Men because it was a bit grittier, more adult and less silly, than most Marvel comics of the time. Right now I don’t know where you’d fit an X-Men movie. If they do Fantastic Four then that should be ‘fantastical’ and high concept and use the galaxy they’ve set up. You could use X movies to be more political and serious and more adult.
  12. Well actually the big question is, if you are going to do an X-Men movie.. which characters do you use? Is it the OT cast of Cyclops and Jean Grey etc, the Claremont crew with Wolverine and Storm, or do you use later incarnations? Or is it a messed up mix like most of the existing movies.
  13. Obviously not Devito. The Wolverine I grew up with was a short grumpy asshole, I’d like to see more of that.
  14. Whoever it is.. can we get someone short please.
  15. Avatar Last Airbender really is the wire of animation. I also mean by that it might take a bit to get into it ( that was my experience with both anyway) but once you do you’ll understand it’s greatness. It has some of the most thoughtful characterisation I’ve seen in an animated series anyway. Plus the fights are beautiful. Korra is skippable I think. I really liked it in parts but it doesn’t really come close. The setting is interesting though and I liked how it was an extension of the world created in the original show.
  16. Thanks, I made the mistake of starting the ‘House of M’ storyline and it was clear within a page or two that it was much much worse. So I stopped. As someone who grew up on Claremont it’s hard to ever see anything hitting those highs. Even the Grant Morrison stuff was only ‘pretty good’ in my eyes, and never got on board with Whedons run. This Hickman stuff was the first time I felt genuine excitement at an X title in a long time. So yeah maybe it’s beat to look forward not back
  17. I finished House of X / Powers of X and it rekindled my love of X-Men again. I loved the way it managed to combine a bunch of older story arcs together without really requiring me to have intimate knowledge of everything that had ever happened. The level of detail was great too, that I could skim through and also go back and really go deep on the knowledge added extra value. Think it also helped that I got to read the whole thing at once too, would have gotten lost if I’d been waiting or jumping around. Not perfect though, overall it felt like a prologue to something else rather than satisfying as an arc, and at times it needed patience to get a sense of where everyone was an when. But now I want to go back and read the arcs that I’ve missed in the past
  18. Well the price of my Netflix account went up today. I'm going to assume this will simply keep happening as they realise how hard it is to profit whilst throwing money at so many new tv shows and movies. I'm probably going to downgrade my package anyway.
  19. I’d find it disgusting but it’s actually amusing. The streaming market is getting more competitive by the day. Netflix wouldn’t be pulling this crap so why would customers put up with that level of service from Amazon. If Amazon are serious about their product , as they seem to be from the investment in TV shows then you’d expect them to pay attention to their customers. However Amazon in general, from its site to its business practices, seem manipulative and bordering on evil. None of this surprises me.
  20. Jesus. I never thought they could sink that low. I mean.. I did. But it’s nice giving people the benefit of the doubt. Amazon scum.
  21. I could spend 20 hours discussing the poor interface of Amazon Prime, its truly mindblowing how poor it is in comparison to Netflix, but much of it seems to be due to a business decision to view Amazon Prime as an upselling tool for getting customers into other areas. For instance, I have Amazon Prime, so why is the app showing me content that isn't included? Why is the first line of content stuff I would need to pay for? Why does Amazon Prime have such a hard time understanding what TV shows I am watching and putting them front and centre when I log in. Sometimes I need to actually go to search to find the next episode in a show I've watched 3 seasons of. Netflix would make that easy. Why does the mobile app and TV and web app never correctly sync up? Why doesn't it know I already finished that episode or start me at the place I left? Sometimes it manages it and sometimes it doesn't. Its syncing is very bad. Why does amazon push its other channels so hard at me. Why is the Prime content so meh, yes there are the occasional great shows and if you search hard there are good movies on there but its barely updated and you'd never know it when it is updated. Why is it so hard to filter by tv show genres etc. They used to have rows that sorted by genre, but now its very hard to find. Why is the player so hard to scrub through, it really makes you appreciate the way Netflix shows thumbs of the action along the bottom when fast forwarding. I know that Amazon is basically a bolted on Lovefilm, so possibly the legacy code is in a bad state, but they bought Lovefilm a long time ago so I would have assumed they'd start from scratch at some point. Either way their cynical view of users as nothing more than potential customers they can squeeze more money out of is one of the reasons I tend to hate Prime. If Amazon really don't care about it then just ditch it.
  22. I've considered this option, but it's not that easy really. For instance Amazon Prime is pretty much a yearly chunk of cash, and you have the delivery advantages that go with it, which makes cancelling a bit harder. Secondly lots of these channels keep introducing new series I will at some point really want to watch. I considered getting Disney or DC to watch a few of their shows quickly and then just cancel, but then I see something else I want to watch and I know I'll be locked in.
  23. How much are you guys paying in total for all these streaming services? I find downloading via other methods a bit of a pain and its certainly less than ideal, but part of me just feels like there is a limit to how much I am willing to part every month just to watch some TV.
  24. The channels model feels really unpleasant to me. I really dislike Amazon Prime as a streaming service for a number of reasons, and its seeming push towards getting you to pay even more for their channels is part of the issue. There are some fantastic channels on there with a load of good classic movies I would like to watch, but I won't be paying extra just to view them. I wonder at what point there would be a provider who does streaming bundles that covers Netflix and Amazon Hulu etc, at a discount? Would that ever happen and what would the market be like for that to be a thing.. It feels like all these disparate streaming services are going to reach saturation and nobody is going to be willing to pay for everything. Right now I've stayed away from torrenting and streaming sites on the web because Netflix and Prime cover much of my needs, but if it becomes too difficult then I'd go back. I'm going to assume other people will do the same.
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