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Everything posted by TheLastWolf

  1. Yes but I guess in ways similar to Mon Mothma, evading suspicion by fronting harmless causes. I agree, that does entail grey acts "for the greater good". The ambush Rael prevented Saw from walking into, yet had to allow the rest to perish in order to protect the golden goose (mole) now comes to mind.
  2. But Bail Organa is from Alderaan. Princess Leia. Name me as many as committed to the cause. The peaceful facade wasn't for the likes of Luthen. And Luthen wasn't a mad radical like Saw ended up. Pragmatic, Machiavellian even I'd say. But I agree with what it demonstrated in way of garnering support for the Resistance.
  3. Possible, but my bet is that it was an unintended but welcome layer
  4. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/10/un-general-assembly-backs-palestinian-bid-for-membership
  5. Spot on RDJ as Petyr Baelish Next: Klaus Kinski
  6. Mind blowing stuff, you should do this more often when not bashing your favorite- Just saw it. Never mind.
  7. Fortunately I had the chance to have a look at your umm... content here on the board, couldn't tell when you were joking or serious. Either way I'll refrain
  8. But American policy to the war had a lot of questionable choices.
  9. I wasn't even talking about Ukraine. It was you who pulled it out of your hat. I started off tangentially from Gaza and now-
  10. Younger Leo as Joffrey Next: Ewan McGregor
  11. If its Ukraine specific, that's a can of worms I'm sure already opened many times in this board. But what we were generally talking about, "Uncle Sam meddling in half the world's affairs, many of which ended disastrously for a large section" doesn't warrant repetitive explanation. Read history man. I'm tired of my inability to do anything other than just jot down transgressions. If you know, you know. Nothing I say is going to make a difference and I'll save myself the effort. It's a simple enough search in the unlikely case you don't already know of multitudes of troublesome US butting-ins.
  12. I meant nothing but what I said. Go read it again before applying twisted reductionism.
  13. Plumm! That reminds me, since in disguise... Lars Mikkelsen could do it, resemblance and all. As for the youth, any lean Skarsgard brother left (phew how they've all bulked up).
  14. Mads Mikkelsen would be great for BR, saw a fan casting with Benedict Cumberbatch, that pic looked apt but seen as a whole doesn't quite work for me.
  15. Good thing the dragons died out before his time
  16. And that's just the women
  17. Citizen Mane- a late 70s Lynch picture about a leonine blacksmith in search of his lucky st(r)eak, quite rare.
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