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Everything posted by TheLastWolf

  1. There's that spider thingy from Stranger Things scribbled If I had Danvers for a mom I'd become Holden too (The Judge, Blood Meridian) Naturalamente the natives keep dropping off like flies... And Ange goes on to ask what I've been ranting since e1, anyone Liz hasn't fucked yet? Successfully got me to hate the protagonists beyond redemption. First class arseholeness which no half assed trauma backstory can rationalize. Writing drops even more than the shitty acting. Poor man's horror moments. Budget that bad? I'd drop if it wasnt just 2 eps left to wind up the shitshow. Ugh No wonder I get flak for having True Detective in my top 5 fave shows serializd profile. Just for the first season I endure.
  2. Just finished Dark and now the burnt eyeballs and ruptured eardrums here in TD:NC... And Otis Heiss is a German national who mapped the CAVES
  3. I'm going to finish Dark waiting for the next True Detective episode lol
  4. Don't forget the mine owner and another whatshisname. Husband and whoever the father of that kid in the dreams provided she's the mom Hell, I've never crossed 66.5N and am willing to bet otherwise
  5. I've been ranting on that since E1. I can't think of any reason the show is helped by why her having sex with half the characters or insinuated to have done so/ will do so. How many times do you use that in a single episode. And those guys are fighting because someone called them so. Near the damn North pole. Wasn't Texas or shit. It's a weak substitute for any trigger happy fool imo Ugh, anything would shine in comparison to s2 Nice, I like that. Since I've been fixated on the awoken one to be Gaea, more greek mytho please
  6. damn polar bear son again and even me in the sweltering tropics knows nobody freezes to death with such an expression on their faces. No need to call the caribou (damn missed that word earlier) expert or shit edit just going to ignore the fishing line licking and the woken female whoever. Exhausted fucks to give. The under 30 guy cracked the phone huh. What a surprise Anne, nothing new though in your video so you can poof off
  7. oranges, in the title sequence, peels too. Ange picks 1 up dropped by the hillbillies (foster uses the same word more than once, thrice. And redneck, srsly writing though) Hank recruits. Then the rest supernatural shit The wheeler case parallels the marsh "shootout" s1 blue hair dye, anne and ange's sister both oliver tagaq the hair lady susan used to see the guy hunting elk/moose/reindeer rudolph for all i know in ep1? and I've had it with the pervading nympho vibe. Lost tally, like the domestic abuse cases. She's on tinder after she's fucked half the state. Keep up the "empowering" characterisation. And who doesn't ask to spell Tagaq on the radio, numbnuts that's who numbo doesnt know mrs robinson!? srsly she watches netflix ariana grande she prays!? Lady, this is the show that gave us fucking Rust Cohle. Now what. join a cult? And stomping around blasting off is not simply equal to good acting . Neat way to explain off a boston accent. ok I didn't ever see the credits for the names only the easter eggs but i know now it's written by a woman, call me sexist or shit but I'm giving up trying to figure shit rationally. Emo shit. Meta moment when Foster copes, telling all is well, there's a reasonable explanation Like hell there is
  8. In regards to the John Wayne and John Ford collab westerns and others too, painting all the Natives as savages and and condoning the manifest destiny idealogy, I know of the social ramifications but anything deeper politically?
  9. Pardons for my oversights You might like Malaikottai Vaaliban (Malayalam), the latest from Lijo Jose Pellissery whose Jallikattu (2019) was the official Indian Oscar entry that year. I won't try explaining what it's about, the gorgeous trailers give nothing away either. But it's right up your alley. Kurosawa and Leone meet big time Lynchian mindfuck Polarized reviews but I voutch. And whenever you're free, March or thereon, ask away!
  10. Far better dances in the regional woods imo After all guys up North borrowed everything from AR Rahman, Aishwarya Rai to Prabhu Deva (Mani Ratnam notwithstanding) to stay afloat Fire away then! What will it be ma'am, the usual horses-and-elephants, or are you willing to try the day's special?
  11. Those of us who care, anywhere in the world It's all but sealed, the election
  12. Well, we are worried that all the major allies the west makes these days are either fascist or en route to being one. Speaking of propaganda, Battleship Potemkin is a masterclass in editing. And the BnW cinematography uses gorgeous smoke and shadows, decades ahead of it's time. Kino fist huh
  13. Boardwalk Empire S01E09 So far, so good. Barring the fantastic pilot (Scorsese and excesses, wah) everything feels content to be just good enough, nice and easy. The writing and performances and technical team all same, content to make us more than interested but I'm not getting any whoa payoffs like The Sopranos did early on. Both are paced similarly yet...
  14. lol, thanks. I needed that Nothing my bitching and moaning can do about that huh. Smh
  15. India will go deeper far right wing with this being an election year, neat stunt. The general trend of lots of countries is abandoning ineffective (corrupt even in cases) liberal left only to be swallowed up by the conservatives campaigning for the good old with a dash of what the future holds. All coinciding eerily together. Ominous.
  16. That doesn't anger me so much as the stupid reasons we intelligent fucks fight for. So easy to raise a rabble of roused runts baying for blood. Sone reason or the other is enough. I concur, we'll have no space to stand and breathe soon (forget the other vital resources), seeing as we got rid of most deaths and have babies like crazy. Ugly nasty things await us around the corner. No time for space cowboys to get eaten if we keep up the quantum leaping self destructive pace
  17. I mean if you and I and a million others can come to the conclusion that war is evil, why can't the billions. Excluding the profiteering amorals. That part irks the intelligent social animal aspect for me. What use is the IQ we've gained if its just to prolong this cycle of misery. We know better, but that's worth shite
  18. Animals fight for food and to fuck. And the territory that provides it. And not by the millions, detailed like a sport. Well you don't need me to know what we fucking fight over. The same tbh. But on an insanely blown up scale. Replace the simple food and fuck with every single commodity and service civilization has thought of. Oh yeah preserving the x y z <fill_in> way of life. Oh we're heading towards that, don't worry. No more bald monkey virus on Earth soon. Selfsame monke will take care of that.
  19. Maybe we'll see a resurgent northern fleet come spring, if it ever does lmao rofl Doran really pulled a badass moment in that tower uh okay then fair enough but the Starks gave a real hammering to quiet the Skagosi. Didn't kill em off. Something like that maybe mounted and armoured Tyrion ploughing through agrees
  20. We are just monkeys with upgraded weapons. A systematic conflict where organised hordes kill each other is a fucking crime against the laws of nature in my book. When the idea of defender extends to a mob, it loses all semblance of rational purpose in no time as it sets to exacting its own brand of justice. Even when it remains within an individual, it can't last forever Profit, might makes right huh
  21. Kafka on the shore can never be overrated enough. I'm about halfway through a planned dozen rereads and something new pops up every time
  22. War crimes? I thought war itself was a crime
  23. Fuck Tyrion being privileged. In this day and age the standard of life we lead with nil exposure to anything resembling those medieval horrors, we are in no position to refute or support his statements. I'd like to think what I'd do and how I'd think in his position, but one can never really know until it you stare it in the face. Sorry been reading too much McCarthy of late
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