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Everything posted by King_Tristifer_IV_Mudd

  1. Everyone in the Old Faith practiced human sacrifice, even families south of the Neck. And no. I’m sorry they weren’t. Taking part in human sacrifice, like everyone else did thousands of years ago isn’t the same as habitually flaying people alive and wearing their skin as cloaks. One is a fucked up religious act and the other is fucking psychotic and sadistic. And who? Tell me who is traditionally loyal to the Boltons? Who would side with them over the Starks? The only northern families who are currently “aligned” with the Boltons are the Dustin’s and Karstarks, and both are very questionable for different reasons.
  2. I think the Targaryens and the other 39 dragon families of Valyria all have/had literal blood of the dragon in their veins. From centuries of human experimentation and blood magic conducted by Valyrians and the GEotD. It’s how the valyrians gained control over dragons in the first place. The more the Targs bred with Westerosi families the more their blood deluded. Leading to a loss of control of the dragons.
  3. To be clear, anyone who thinks a certain family will be the main heroes of the story or the main villains has another thing coming. None of the Starks are crazy, or evil (yet, Arya has a chance) and none of the Targaryens are gonna be insane (Jon or Dany). Both ancient bloodlines are going to have to come together to save the world from the Others and I believe it’s Jon who will unite them. Daenerys will bring her magic blood that can take dragons and Bran will bring the visions he sees through the weirdwoods (which I’m certain will help fight the Others) I also think it’s a distinct possibility that Bran will Warg one of the dragons during the fight. Jon’s role will be uniting all the warring parties together and his blood of ice and fire will aid him and bringing the North back into the fold with the rest of the 7K while his experiences in the North will bring the 7K into the fight with others by convincing Daenerys. And I’m betting that Jon will survive the fight against all odds, and be King by the end. Where I’d expect he’d not only be miserable, but I’m not certain he’ll be a great king. I think Bran and Sansa will do most of the political work. Possibly Daenerys if she survives. But the game of thrones will never end, even after he saves the world.
  4. The whole race of them practiced Blood magic, I’d find it hard to believe they were the only ones with prophetic visions. Like the Starks aren’t the only ones that can Warg.
  5. Historically there have been many more ruling Kings than Queens, so statistically it makes sense that there have been more insane male rulers than female ones. It doesn’t mean Kings lose their mind more than Queens.
  6. I think she will burn, but it’ll be Melisandre and her mother that offer her up.
  7. I agree. They need to do something in TWOW. Something that makes them real to the story and not just a threat that’s been coming for 30 years. I think the Wall will fall at the end of TWOW and the NW will be destroyed save for Jon and a few of his loyal comrades. I think once they cross the threshold all the dead from the War of Five Kings and fAegon’s war will rise and all of Westeros will be disarray
  8. The rumors that Leyton and his daughter Malory haven’t left the Hightower in a decade, and they’ve been supposedly practicing magic and reading from magic tomes.
  9. Predictions 1. Dany finally gets to Westeros near the end of the book. 2. The Ironborn win the Battle of Oldtown at great cost, Euron was in cahoots with the Hightowers the whole time, and they are his servants. 3. Euron uses the massive amount of lives lost to power his magic, he blows Joramun’s horn and shatters the Wall, or the magic in the wall. 4. Victarion dies blowing the dragonborn that was already bound to Euron, and binds one of Dany’s dragons to Euron. 5. Jon is resurrected by the Others to be the NK, but his Targ blood eventually releases him from their control, and his mind returns to his body from Ghost.
  10. The debt of the Red Wedding isn’t paid until those that planned are dead full stop. Walder Frey will die, hopefully painfully, and the rest of his family will “eat each other” fighting over his title. All the whole Lady Stoneheart and Arya whittle them down, and if the survive as a noble house long enough Dany will finish them off to buy herself some good grace with the Westerosi. Considering how the majority of Westeros will hate her when she gets there, she’ll need the good PR.
  11. Just factually incorrect on a number of fronts. Her experience is near constant failure. She isn’t stupid but she isn’t that intelligent. The majority of Westeros will hate her. Jon is probably the only rational human being that can lead the NW. and while sending Mance did backfire on him, I’d say there are several more damaging things done in the history of NW. mainly the Night’s King. Jon isn’t some super genius but he isn’t stupid. He is definitely more intelligent than almost all of the NW.
  12. What if Arthur committed suicide and Ned was honoring Arthur’s final wishes, to protect Jon? He made the promised to a dying Lyanna, and made the same to Arthur to protect his King. But Arthur knew, as long as he lived, Jon would be in danger. He is the most famous Knight in the 7K, brother to one of the most famous women in Westeros, and best friend the recently deceased Crown Prince. He’d have to flee very far away to diminish any risk of being recognized.
  13. I like to drag Dany whenever I get the chance, but she isn’t mad, just kind of incompetent at ruling. It’s possible she may be going mad as of the end of ADWD but I doubt it. Targaryen madness is pretty overestimated, Baelor the Blessed, Rhaegal, and Aerys II being the only ones I would consider actually insane. Daenerys just isn’t a great ruler. She is a great conqueror, and it’ll be far too easy when and if she gains control of her dragons. But thus far her rule has been a disaster. I don’t think she’ll go mad, I think she’ll make bad decisions that could eventually lead to her death near the end of the series.
  14. I think Edric’s father had to know Jon’s true identity. And it makes sense for him to keep it, considering it a way to honor his brother’s sacrifice. I also think that perhaps Arthur either let Ned and Howland kill him, or he in fact committed suicide. Think about it, if the most legendary knight survived and runs away, people would look for him. They’d wonder about why. When they’d find him with Jon they’d probably be able to put 2 and 2 together. At that point either Arthur has an army to surround Jon or he has to die, in order to protect him. Him being alive raises too many questions.
  15. Perhaps he still respected what Ned did. Remember the situation he was put in. Nobody expected Rhaegar to do what he did. Nobody expected the Rebellion to happen the way it did. Ned married Catelyn because he had to defend himself and his family. He killed Arthur Dayne because he had to save his sister. And he didn’t disrespect Arthur at all, he honored what Arthur did, and showed respect to the Daynes with bringing Dawn back. He probably concocted the plan in Starfall. While it may have been bitter, it was truly the best of a shitty situation. I would have respect for a young man like that. Hard as it may be.
  16. They are an old house with a good name. A good match with a second son of a major house. I think Ned and Benjen were there at Rickard and Jon Arryn’s behest to find fitting brides. As well as strengthening bonds with the south for the coming coup de tat. And I think Ashara was there to find a husband as well. It was well past time, especially for a woman of her beauty. I think she genuinely liked Ned as a match, and it turned into a young love from there.
  17. At least how I think it all went down is, Ned and Ashara had a bit of a fling at the tourney. Ned vowed to marry her after, and he would be a good catch for Ashara, who I think did like him, but was probably after his status first. The stuff with Lyanna went down, the war broke out, and Ned had to marry Cat for his own sake as well as to keep the promised Rickard made Hoster. But Ned did not know Ashara was pregnant at the time. Fast forward to the end, Arthur is dead, all her friends are dead, and the father of her child is married to another. Not for love, but for duty. Either she tells Ned, and begs him to take Jon and run away with her and their unborn child, and he refuses. Or, she doesn’t tell him, so hurt by his marriage and killing her brother, that she just doesn’t. Results the same, Ned rides away, she has a miscarriage, and she commits suicide. And I do think she is dead, not in hiding somewhere. Her body not being found is a red herring.
  18. This. And not to sound chauvinistic I hope, but Brandon was a boisterous, handsome, larger than life kind of man. The heir to the entire North, and a bit of a bad boy to boot. He honestly probably had his pick of the eligible ladies at the tourney, and probably of some of the not so eligible ones. Him choosing to bed his shy brother’s crush is just such a dick move, that I don’t see why he would.
  19. I think Ned and Benjen were specifically sent to the Tourney to find brides. In general I think all the Stark children were sent to the tourney to make political connections for the future with the other houses of the South. Because I do think Rhaegar was planning a coup.
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