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Tears of Lys

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Everything posted by Tears of Lys

  1. I know kids grow. It's just sort of STARTLING to have them do it when it seems like just a season ago they were a whole heckuva lot smaller. (yes, I know it wasn't actually a season ago.) I think they ought to have it as part of the contract that child actors cannot grow. <----- sarcasm As for Tyrion and Dany convo, I was speaking about the camera angles when I mentioned "forced perspective." I did get the gist of what they were speaking about.
  2. That's what I was wondering too. I guess they're figuring that what happened with Ramsay is some sort of proxy vengeance. I'd rate the episode a solid 8. There were a couple cornball moments. I don't like what they're doing with Sam, for instance. And hasn't Gilly's baby gotten HUGE all of a sudden? Something on the order of Rikkon's growth spurt, I'd say. And what's Bran and Meera supposed to do from this point on? She's gonna get tired awfully soon having to lug him around like a sack of potatoes. What was going on in that scene where Dany's talking to Tyrion? It looked like some sort of forced perspective going on, but I couldn't figure out why they needed it. But, really, these are just some quibbles. I enjoyed the vast majority of the episode. Good job.
  3. 8/10. Really enjoyed this episode. The only low points were how wasted Tyrion was with the accompanying drinking game. (Was that a weak attempt to inject some humor into the dark proceedings? ) And Dany's being shunted off to the Dosh Khaleen was out of character. I suppose this is a setup for a future fire-and-blood scene with the arrival of her dragons, upon whose arrival we will be duly punching the air and cheering. Well... Other than those two, the show really captured my attention - a welcome change.
  4. 6/10. Good stuff: Loved Arya's scenes, Cersei/Tywin confrontation was good, LOVED Tyrion's scenes, Jon and Melisandre's eyes meeting through the fire was great foreshadowing. Liked Jaime's contributions - he looked the hottest he has for a long time. Stannis' coming to the rescue was awesome. I really liked the way his army, so disciplined in columns, astride horses, wreaking havoc, was super cool! Varys' scene, where he takes a look at the castle, where obviously Tywin's body has been found, and decides to accompany Tyrion on the ship was well done. Neat and to the point. Bad stuff: Dragging out certain scenes when you wanted them to be done with it and move on to other stuff you want to see. Ground-sprouting skeletons a la old Sinbad movies was a bit much. That scene was dragged out past my interest quotient. Then the "children's introduction by exploding hand grenades was kinda stupid. Didn't like JoJen's death at all. Frankly, that whole scene was pretty bad. I can just imagine what people who haven't read the books must be thinking. "Jumping the shark" comes to mind. I guess I should have rated it a seven because there were more scenes I like than those I didn't, but I just feel a vague sense of disappointment.
  5. Meh. Wasn't my cup of tea, but I can see how others might like it. Glad to see we're going back to the intrigue for the final episode.
  6. Voted it an 8. Watched it twice. :D Didn't care for the Thenns being made into cannibals. Was that ever in the book?? They stand out enough as they are! Wasn't sure about Jon's reaction to Robb's murder. Thought it would have hit him more. Seems he's just moved on to bigger problems - maybe that's the point, though. LOVED, OTOH, the tavern scene. Loved in a squicky way, actually, since Arya's dispatching of the people was so... deliberate and calculated and quiet. Not at all like the Hound's slash and pummel - which of course stands to reason. He's practically a giant and she's a little girl. But man, that was brutal to watch. I almost turned away - which even the Red Wedding didn't make me do. It certainly cemented the way Arya's character is turning out. Loved Marjorie (sp?) I enjoy watching her almost as much as any other character - certainly more than Cersei. ETA: Oh, and what the hell are they doing to Daario Naharis? I don't get his character at ALL.
  7. Work, work, work, work, work.....

    1. Tellus Explorer

      Tellus Explorer

      .........and play?

    2. Tears of Lys

      Tears of Lys

      Maybe a **wee** bit of play. Not much, though.

  8. Nothing to see here. Move along.

  9. Tears of Lys

    smiley list

    No one's getting any smilies until **I** get my Snoopy Happy Dance smiley I've been asking for for years! :angry: A headbanger smiley would be cool too, though.
  10. Re: Forum names... One of the best ones ever was "A-hole Targaryen." sorry for thread-jacking. Carry on. :)
  11. I rated it a solid 9, as I see many others have also. Brienne was great! The only part I wasn't sure about was concerning Margaery (sp?) In the books she's a bit of a cipher. But it does make total sense that she has an "arrangement" based on ambition with Renly. We're not ever let in on the plotting of the Tyrells in the books, so it does really help to flesh this out more for people who haven't read the books. ETA: Oh, and thanks for reminding me! The scene with Tyrion/Pycelle/Littlefinger/Varys was EXCELLENT! Better than the book. Scenes like this really illustrate how the different mediums have their strengths and weaknesses. The ability to quickly cut to the conversations Tyrion had with each hammered the point home - Tyrion's a BAD ASS. :thumbsup:
  12. Yeah, I gave it a 6 too. I was extremely disappointed in Asha/Yara. No humor or devil-may-care at all. Just a flat character. And has anyone discovered why they decided to change her name? Did it sound too similar to Arya or something? And "Yara" doesn't? :totally confused: I get where they're going with having so much emphasis on the brothels/Ros, etc. there's a lot of things that are hinted at in the books that can be made clear through these scenes. And it gives the show a chance for more NUDITY! Yay! :P Pike was really great looking. Balon... not so much. Why do all these old, grizzled characters show up looking so good? I imagined Yoren, for example, to be a lot more skanked out looking. That reminds me, have we seen old Frye yet? If he shows up looking under 90, I'm going to kick the TV.
  13. I gave it a solid 7. I'm a purist, so I'm bound to view any changes negatively, but I understand how some of them are necessary. A lot of the changes they made this episode I didn't feel fit into that category. Random observations... a LOT of importance placed on killing of Robert's bastards. Gray Wolf was friggin' HUGE, then got smaller as he approached Jaime. Okay, okay, already. They TRAIN the whores to work in the brothels. Sheesh. Liked Davos. Still not sure about Melisandre. I don't know how I missed this, but the series is only going to have ONE dragon, right? (I was watching the reruns of Season 1 and noticed that.)
  14. What's the matter? Don't you like Dylan anymore? ;-)

  15. Stop changing your name, please.

    Thank you.

  16. Early Happy Birthday! :cheers:

  17. That link is a blatant attempt to up your board stock rating! I like it.

  18. Is this a spoiler chapter? It was pretty interesting, no matter what it was. Although, i don't think GRRM approves of such goings-on.
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