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Everything posted by Zorral

  1. Turkey halts trade with Israel over 'humanitarian tragedy' in Gaza https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945380
  2. BTW -- her church taught her, as so many have believed since the Greeks lost their dominance in the world of thinking and culture, that gay men weren't men either. This despite. you know, having all the items, including prostates. I'd kinda like some of those who are still saying this stupidity to meet some gay men from around the way and see them with their manly weapons and their fists, for that matter -- since so many of them think gay men aren't men because, you know, they can't fight (tell it to Alexander, Hadrian, etc.) IOW, we contemporary enlightened ilks really should know better than have this endless scroll as to who is what, where and why, gender, sexually, etc. But no we'd rather go around hurting people, insulting people because -- l guess it makes us feel good.
  3. I didn't give a damn, knowing better, and as I said, not giving a damn. Ya, by the end she was sorry for the many and variety of harms she caused with her faith in her religion, which ultimately let her down. She even came to the shocking irreligious conclusion that Gay Men were actually OK.
  4. My own mother, no less, told me in no uncertain terms, that if I didn't get pregnant and have babies, I wasn't a woman. That's what her church was starting to say. This, despite possessing uterus, etc. all these items, despite having periods starting at age 11, etc. I find these sorts of wide-eyed we care for the health and well being and safety of anybody out and out liars, or at the very least deeply in denial about their own motivations and certainly don't want the rest of us to know (coz rhese ilks don't give a shyte about safety of anyone, from unborn children to women, to antisemitism, and certainly not women AT ALL anymore than LGBTQ+AI people). However, yes, lets grab on this manufactured issue in order to further divide and hurt more and more and more people -- for political power and even for, you know the lols. If any of these sorts of ilks cared at all we would have gun control, decent health care for all, not only women, not only pregnant women, etc. -- but we hardly have health care for anybody, and particularly anybody who isn't rich. So these ilks should just stop with this bad faith pretense of care about anybody's welfare because the bad faith declarations are as transparent as just Windexed windows.
  5. My response is, like the media's breathless coverage, your question is a distraction from the horrors the students are protesting, and making the reason they are protesting irrelevant. Which is the plan, yanno, so thnx so much for falling for it. And, o yes, thank you also very much for your patronizing, condescending attitude.
  6. One should be very careful about such predictions. One should not even try to make book on it. Bibi has done everything to make the entire world hate not only Israel but Jews all together. This is a tragedy and a great horror in the making.
  7. Show me how many cases there are. You also just stated that trans people are not smart.
  8. What happened to this guy? I mean, why? Too much plastic in his diet?
  9. When this happens here, it's because Partner failed to set the alarm correctly.
  10. O for pete's sake! That's on the same preposterous level as insisting there are men who will transition in order to gain entry into women's safe spaces and commit horrors upon women. You know what? Trans women are as subject to rape as are, well, women are, and they need safe shelter too. Good grief, grow a pair you guys and get some basic understanding of what any of this is. It's not hard. And yes, sexuality is a fluidity. Something most of us figured this out while we were in college, along with diversity and equal pay for equal work, if we were fortunate enough to be born in the liberated, sexual acceptance narrow window of decades. Some of you clearly were born in the frackin' comstock era if not before.
  11. And just like now there was outright lying and reporting and repeating of what didn't happen. And just like now there there were provocateurs, plants, and all the rest to make the protest and activist movement people look bad. And just like now the media was totally complicit -- until it wasn't financially/eyeball convenient, so they started to change their stories. Plus the activists and antiwar people were a lot more fun. And just know, there are all sorts of middle-aged, elderly (white) men writing up the history who weren't really there to start with. These propaganda wars didn't start with Kuwait and premie babies torn from their incubators.
  12. Still repeating that same old fictional tale. Just like the early second wave feminists burned their bras. They did not do that anymore than the vets were spit upon.
  13. A while back wasn't there a question about Palestinian-Gazan non-violent protest? ‘Where Is the Palestinian Gandhi?’ Issa Amro, who has been arrested and beaten for simple acts of defiance, is trying to pursue nonviolent resistance in the West Bank at a time when violence has become inescapable. Gift link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/magazine/issa-amro-palestinian-nonviolent-activist.html?unlocked_article_code=1.o00.oAct.PVLGyKEc6yrn&smid=url-share
  14. Yet it seems never necessary to pass a specific anti-racist African American law. That's racist right there, right? Yet more reason we utterly despise and loathe these useless jerkwaddies. Moreover -- So much for this charlatan, criminal, corrupt, cretin congress wanting people 'to be safe' here in the good ol USA -- they won't allow a thing to be done about women's health -- or gunz. As commented previously, in fact more than once, just about anyone younger than 35 has been traumatized all the way down, and particualrly this generation of university students by these terrorist actions. Another school shooter, just hours ago. 'I don’t think I’ll ever be the same after this': What happened when a student brought a gun to Mount Horeb Claire Reid Laura Schulte https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2024/05/02/what-mount-horeb-experienced-when-suspected-shooter-came-to-school/73532907007/
  15. Will there be any sort of investigation? From the details in the report, it sounds as though it would be difficult to conduct.
  16. That's why one reads these books -- to see things differently, to learn something not already known. I am hoping for some more light on the ever elusive "Sea Peoples" among other things. Also perhaps more information about the ever-with-them-history-begins, the Phoenicians.
  17. https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/columbia-and-cuny-students-hold-a-joint-press-conference/2024/05/01/d40b26db-5a30-4efb-ba55-00b28b4add2c_live.html Live. Now. Complete with Orthodox men in the group. The NYT isn't doing this. The divergence between the WaPo and the NYT gets wider all the time.
  18. Say sorry. We effed up. We won't keep treating Palestinians like vermin, and will certainly remove the settler movement from the West Bank. For starters.
  19. It would be far more useful and effective for both us and Israel to seriously look at why Hamas got to be there and an entity at all. But that, neither you, the media, and so many others refuse to even allow to have happened. Erasure of history. We haz it in spades. We don't need to go back as far as the mythological Jewish captivity in Egypt, just to, well, 1947-48.
  20. Just an aside here: all women are not the same, and they do not manifest either their womanhood, femalehood, in the same way, and never have, anytime, anywhere. At the moment we are in tiny window for the first time in the history since at least the Bronze Age in which there can be overtly and in understanding even ourselves in which we ca manifest out whatever chosen hood in public and to ourselves, understanding who we are, and hopefully our friends and family are with us. Anyway a friend is having a Transwoman Day birthday party for herself, and we will be there.
  21. Right now Workers for Palestine, a thousand strong, are marching up 6th Ave. here. It is May Day after all. Long live Karl.
  22. To which we must add that these students have ALL grown up all their lives with terrorist threat all the way down, from mass shootings of all kinds, starting with drills in the classroom for preschoolers to try and be safe in such condition, to knowing someone who was in a school where kids got killed, to knowing themselves kids who got killed. Seeing on tv the innocent people many times a year killed by cops. This for starters. Given these kids some credit. They of course empathize and understand what it's like for the Palestinians even if some of us here do not. Right now, again, on this beautiful May Day, with perfect weather, my peace is utterly shattered by endless cop helicopters and cops standing around all over doing fucking nothing. Like they always do nothing unless they can beat on people who don't have the means or wherewithall to evade that.
  23. They can't wait! They aren't waiting!
  24. It's the cops in NYC you really need to be afraid of. Honestly. Not university students who are protesting the murder of Palestinians. Really, honestly and truly. NYC is not North Carolina, in case you hadn't noticed. We don't have open carry and all the rest that those red states have got. Yet.
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