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Everything posted by DMC

  1. I actually randomly saw that episode just the other day. The scene in Jerry's apartment where Seinfeld can't keep a straight face is just the best. Here it is:
  2. While being funded by the Saudis is a good way to turn public opinion against LIV, that's obviously not why the PGA is suspending the players. I hadn't heard anything about this til I read the news this morning, but the worse association for LIV to me is that it's run by Greg Norman. Anyway, I didn't read any specifics on how long they're "suspended." Seems like the PGA hasn't really decided on that, no?
  3. Easily the best role of Marky Mark's career. "I am a peacock, you gotta let me fly!!!" ETA: @Fragile Bird - it's from The Other Guys and actually it's the beginning of the movie. Great parody of cop movies.
  4. Charlize Theron? Anyway, I too like Prometheus while acknowledging it's deeply flawed. Some of that may be the expectations game - by the time I saw it in theaters all the reviews/word of mouth I was exposed to insisted the film was a complete travesty.
  5. I think TSCC did a very good job of wordbuilding/potentially expanding the universe -- that's exactly why I liked it so much. For instance, one episode revolves around Cameron (the good cyborg sent back to protect John) spending her nights at the library and eventually tracking down and killing a terminator sent back to assassinate a certain politician. Other episodes show the gang protecting a nuclear power plant that will be vital in the future war, preventing the machines from stealing and storing a bunch of coltan which the machines will use to build the terminators (and then sinking it), and protecting a pregnant mother whose baby ends up providing an immunity to a virus skynet spreads in the future. What I found most appealing about the show is the introduction of the idea that there are machines that want to resist Skynet and cooperate with humans (this is also what I find most interesting about the Matrix universe). This is explored in the second season with a cyborg from the future (played by Shirley Manson) coming back to build an AI to counter Skynet and asking John "will you join us?" I think this issue with further content in the Terminator universe ultimately comes down to what kind of time travel rules are we applying? Is it that there is only one future/timeline - so Kyle always comes back to father John and Robert Patrick is always sent back to kill a 12 year old John? Because if that's the case then, yeah, there's not much to explore. Hell, that even makes Sarah's efforts in the last half of T2 inevitably futile because stopping Judgment Day is impossible (which is basically what T3 said). Or, is it that there are alternate timelines/futures, which indeed means "there's no fate but what we make?" Because if that's the case then I don't think killing John or Sarah or anybody is off the table at the conceptual level/as a premise to explore. And again, TSCC explicitly employs this in interesting ways - e.g. Derek Reese (Kyle's brother) and his girlfriend Jesse coming back from different futures.
  6. I'm just saying I don't think there should be any strict rules on what sequels should be "allowed" to do, even ideally/hypothetically.
  7. I mean even T2 fundamentally alters the concept of T1 by saying Skynet was developed through reverse engineering the T-800's endoskeleton remains from T1 that Cyberdyne recovered. Is that "destroying" T1? I certainly don't think so, but a purist could sure make that argument.
  8. I don't think it's that upsetting and I'm a huge T2 fan... That being said, I haven't seen Dark Fate or Genisys. ETA: Ultimately anything that comes out after T2 timeline-wise would "cheapen" it because Sarah's entire purpose in Act 3 was to stop Skynet for good.
  9. So Dances with Smurfs finally got a sequel? In this one will Papa Smurf finally turn Smurfette into a real Smurf?!? How James Cameron found time to do this after raising the bar is beyond me...
  10. Yeah but it's been a few years now. Koepka was the last one and that was four years ago.
  11. Haven't watched any of it but looked up this Scheffler kid a few hours ago and saw he just became the #1 ranked player a few weeks ago. Wonder if he's got a chance to be the next big thing.
  12. So I saw that Stone Cold ended up main eventing (night one of) Wrestlemania last night in an actual match with Kevin Owens. What year is this?!? I mean, it's not nearly as bad as Michaels tarnishing his retirement match with that tag team match in Saudi Arabia a few years back, but still. Losing to Rock for the first time in their third WM match was a pretty perfect last match. I guess I don't mind him having one last match with Owens 19 years later, but (1) maybe hype the actual match more - if I knew it was going to be a match I may well have watched/bought it - and (2) if you're gonna have this be your last match, maybe put Owens over. I mean, Owens will still get rub for simply having a match with Austin, but if he won that would've been HUGE. Only thing bigger would be breaking Taker's streak. From reading recaps, sounds like Lynch/Belair stole the show and Rhodes/Rollins was really good. Still find it hilarious Rhodes is back in WWE less than three years after AEW launched.
  13. HA! Couldn't be happier UNC ended K's career in the FF.
  14. Interesting that earendel means morning star, which I most closely associate with the devil/lucifer.
  15. Plus, as Lucille Bluth taught us, wine only turns to alcohol if you let it sit and vodka goes bad once it's opened.
  16. Gin, trading off with whiskey, is how I usually get drunk. I enjoy gin with ginger ale.
  17. That sucks. Wine drunk for me is almost always very happy drunk, which is of course the best type of drunk.
  18. Wine drunk is one of my favorite drunks.
  19. 538's weekly pollapalooza is all about daylight savings. Easily my favorite tidbit - old people hate time changes the most:
  20. Considering her featured role, I'd say it's more evidence Kyrsten Sinema is the machiavellian master of our time.
  21. Yeah it doesn't look like there's gonna be a vote anytime soon: Still, I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually, not like there's a huge rush.
  22. Yeah, this is the pretty obvious reason it doesn't happen.
  23. The lunch period is included in the numbers I linked above. Hell, we didn't have a designated "lunch period" in high school, each student just had their own free periods. Anyway, maybe it's a midwest thing? Or was, at least. While Iowa's average is pretty high at 6.85, Minnesota's is fairly low at 6.28. I don't think we ever had any block classes, but we did have semester (instead of year) long courses, especially the last two years. Pretty sure there were 8 periods, yeah.
  24. Nah, still had all that. Think I took three AP courses junior year, didn't have to take math or science at all senior year.
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