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Everything posted by IlyaP

  1. Why did Nemesis Games win an award this year if the show wrapped up a few years ago? *confused*
  2. Having needed a long break from the Assassin's Creed games, I finally loaded up Assassin's Creed: Syndicate on Sunday afternoon, and was pleasantly surprised to find a surprisingly enjoyable and gorgeous game, albeit it one with systems and mechanics that I predict will grow stale over time (go to new part of London, level up, take over gang, complete templar mission, develop support against Big Bad, get thrust in a slight moral quandary before finally taking out big bad in a three-part end fight that goes on for too long). And oh look, they have the winch gun from the Batman games! Fun enough game, but I still love AC3 the most (wandering around 18th century Boston will never not make me the happiest kid in the room.)
  3. MEA has constant loading screens? I've done over a hundred hours of that glorious game and the game pretty much loaded with no real issue for me quite quickly 95% of the time. There was the occasional shader loading issue on one planet (Kadara, I think), but aside from that it was fine!
  4. Hot damn folks, the new Blink-182 album slaps real good!
  5. 3km in one minute? Pfft, that's a bit much.
  6. Must not have had those yet. Have only done a few for capitan before getting distracted by shiny objects.
  7. I get the feeling this show would have worked better as one big release, rather than as a weekly release, as that would allow for everyone to enjoy the plot in one go, rather than have to make sense of the slow burn.
  8. That for the Capitan carjacks? They seem fairly easy to me. Anyone comes at me, I engage auto-break on their car and drive away cackling while they fly through their windshields.
  9. He should be in a boxing match somewhere nearby. No crowds anywhere near the map quest marker?
  10. At Freddy's House, right? (I'm so sorry.)
  11. Shout out to Inon Zur for a truly gorgeous score. He's spent years working away on that thing, as the demo music he recorded (not featured on the album) was used to help give people an idea of what they were building/striving towards. It's cool that the music came nearly first in the pre-production process, instead of being one of the last pieces assembled during the production process.
  12. Same. I just bought it 'cause, as we would say with a shit-eating grin in Russian, "КИБЕРПААААНК!" (Cyberpunk!), and it just looked like the Saints Row/GTA games with a cool SF sheen. Which was a win in my book.
  13. This is, I think, intentional. Ever notice that people can walk right through you? I think it's meant to stop collision issues.
  14. Correct - they are. Made me suddenly wonder if the recent Activision-Blizzard sale to Microsoft would change the presence of their games on Steam (and hopefully GoG!), a la Diablo 4...
  15. Is that...legal? To make him....legally....blond? *ducks*
  16. Personally, as a member of the facial fur club, I hope not, 'cause I think beards rule, but...
  17. Have finally met Solomon Reed and now the world has become an open world again after a few hours of being stuck in the impressively vertical Dogtown. The game seems to have changed up how it introduces some of the fixers, with a mission that involves stealing cars for El Capitan resulting in me meeting him out near Santo Domingo rather than out near the dam next to Laguna Bend. Wakako and Regina still seem to have the same introductions, as does Padre, but the rest - who knows. The car combat is an adjustment and I'm still working out how to make my horrifically ADHD-y brain manage to pay attention to driving and car combat and not hitting pedestrians and thus alerting the police. It also seems like the 2.0/2.1 patch has also made slight tweaks to the world map as well, including: Fixing the visual clipping issues with the monorail Adding new micro-encounter locations around the city Adding a few new smaller locations/buildings/routes around the city Clearly, Mister Hands has grown a beard (finally, someone from my tribe of The Heavily Bearded), which is rad as hell and I fully approve and dig. The interesting question will be whether or not CDPR has had a chance to add Johnny back into the Pan Am quests, as I believe that was one quest that was tweaked after Reeves recorded audio, which is why Johnny oddly vanishes for a good duration of the quest - which always struck me as odd. Did Harvey just not like the Aldecaldos or something?! Meanwhile, every single time I exit the game, I get a "your game has crashed" pop-up after I've already exited to desktop. Yet the only mod I have installed is the one that skips the opening black screens (the ones in multiple language, the CDPR logo, etc.) and instead takes me to the opening picture of Night City in the distance with garbage in the foreground. Very weird. Now if only CDPR would release the scores for the new radio station tracks that have been added, as they have with every other station, as I am almost certain that an Australian scientist got name-dropped in one of the songs I heard on the radio...
  18. Totally wondering if anyone here might be able to answer this query: has the music in Diablo 2: Resurrected changed somehow? I get the feeling that either the audio has been remastered or rerecorded and that one or two new tracks might have been added? Are there any D2 fans here who can speak to this at all? Also: now that Diablo 4 is coming to Steam, does this mean Diablo 1-3 will also make its way there as well? Or does the fact that Sierra made the Hellfire expansion, which is apparently (still?!) an unresolved legal issue mean that won't likely happen any time soon?
  19. A haircut and a shave and he'll be a new man! Literally!
  20. Patrick K. Mills would like to remind you that this is a really pointless exercise in comparing two completely different things. https://www.pcgamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-developer-defends-bethesdas-work-on-starfield-they-are-just-doing-something-different-with-their-time-and-thats-cool/
  21. Also why compare two *completely* different games? No matter what you do, you're going to end up with one or the other looking less than flattering based on the skewed criteria used to judge both. Seems like a rather wasteful use of one's time, comparing apples and oranges, when they're just two different things that appeal to two different types of people.
  22. So does this mean we're basically skipping the Stone of Tear sequence and callandor altogether?
  23. For those itching for some season 3 info, a few new articles have shed some info on the next season: https://www.wotseries.com/2023/10/15/the-wheel-of-time-season-3-filming-south-africa-new-york-comic-con-news/ https://www.aol.com/wheel-time-season-3-everything-170000359.html
  24. Sounds very Wibbly Wobbly Kangy Wangy. (I'll see myself out.)
  25. The recently-released Star Trek: Infinite is also partly an rts, as I understand it?
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