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Everything posted by Myrddin

  1. They should call the movie The Mandalorian and Child. Title + title, not Title + name.
  2. I finally got around to watching Rebel Moon. My expectations were low, so I probably enjoyed it more than it warranted. True to Snyder fashion, there were a lot of cool looking set pieces with little substance to string them together. Each new addition to the Seven Samurai team needed an epic fight to justify their inclusion apparently, which sadly ended up being the only time they added to the fight in end for some reason. Lots of exposition that went nowhere this installment (like the droid guardian race). I'll still watch part two. Part one looked great, anyway, and was a low commitment and enjoyable evening. I saw a comment on Reddit somewhere saying Snyder should be only allowed in the director's chair (or in the cinematographer role) and away from writing/story development. I agree. He makes gorgeous empty movies. ETA: We started watching Fool Me Once on Netflix. It was bad. We suffered through the middle of the second episode before pulling the plug. Let me save you from this one.
  3. So like almost every video blog on YouTube.
  4. My 18 year old son asked me to reinstate Disney+ for this. It's his favorite series he read growing up. I guess it's his Lord of the Rings, in a way. Or maybe his "Harry Potter" would be a better comparison. I hope it's at least better than the movie.
  5. Majors is a very gifted actor. He's one of those rare performers that commands your attention in about any role. Any one who steps into the Kang role is going to have a hard time stepping up.
  6. My wife has asked me to go on the Dragon Diet. Or at least, the Warder Diet. Instead I do well-practiced forms of Racoon Sneaks to the Pantry and Midnight Raven Visits the Fridge and Hippo Sits at Desk.
  7. I can't believe that gamble didn't pay off for him! Surely the retainer attorney firms for Amazon and Tolkien estate would just let the little guy win in this. Is /s really needed here? Fine. /s
  8. My head canon puts GotG3 as the epilogue of Phase 3. It wraps up those characters and their arcs. It's the only post-Endgame movie I've bought. Actually, I did buy Spider-man too. I watched the behind the scenes features for GotG3. It was interesting to hear Gunn breakdown the trilogy into Mother, Father, and Self. The father theme was obvious for vol2, but I hadn't really thought about Mother being a theme in the first one. I thought of them all as orphans, so I guess mother-less.
  9. While The Marvels looked fun, it was Ant Man 3 that kept me home. And Secret Invasion. And Eternals. And Thor 4. Costs too much to see a movie in the theater to drop money on meh.
  10. My assumption before watching it was it was an "anime", but you're right: It's definitely a western production. More of an adult Avatar: TLAB or Dragon Prince (which I've only seen the first few seasons of). I grew up watching anime shows (Robotech/Macross, Gatchamen/Battle of the Planets, etc) but never really cared for the movies like Bubblegum Crisis or Akira (sacrilege, I know).
  11. This bodes well for the OG show continuing to the end, I guess. As long as the prequels don't screw the darkpooch.
  12. Time to pull out my Casio out of storage for my single finger solo.
  13. Watched Blue Eye Samurai last weekend. Wow. I was not expecting such a good show. I haven't watched any anime past the first episode in years, so I had no expectations. Very pleased with the characters and that it got renewed for a second season. And I'm very late to the game (just got Apple TV recently) but we've been watching For All Mankind. Nearly done with season. Such a great concept for an alt history show. Looking forward to seeing the story jump in subsequent seasons.
  14. Considering that the time that separates our current time from this fictional one by far exceeds our own recorded history, this seems like an odd hill to die on. Language changes. Words that were taboo in my youth are now normalized. Other words that were thrown around without a care, are now verboten. Whether they say "holy war", "crusade", or "jihad", the spirt is the same: fanatics killing over belief.
  15. Glad to see they rolled out Taggert and Rosewood for the nostalgia sequel. Hope it's better than the 3rd one.
  16. The fan theory that Neville Longbottom is a backup Kwisatz Haderach held in reserve by the Aes Sedai should Katniss fail to cross the Dothraki Sea and destroy the One Ring in the Fires of Mustafar.
  17. The Knights Who Formerly Said Ni "Hit her with.... A HERRING!"
  18. Was Pugh hit in the face with a fish??
  19. Which, thanks to the price hike, a lot less households will probably see it. D+ has now joined the rotational streaming channels for us. We'll tune in sometime next summer to catch up, if there's anything worth catching up on.
  20. Have the French produced an epic movie around Napoleon? A quick google just showed me that Napoleon and Me was made in 2006. And more importantly, I somehow missed seeing a Monica Bellucci film. brb
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