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Conflicting Thought

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Everything posted by Conflicting Thought

  1. Im sure this wouldnt be used against black families at all, who are disproportianally targeted by the justice system. Fuck minorities right? Maybe you should think a little bitnmore about the consequences of this "brilliant" idea
  2. thats your emotions talking, i think. what is the logical conclution of that. are you locking away parents that have kids that are gang members?
  3. Seems like they are all (or the majority) intentionall, wich is crazy and very very sad
  4. the alexander docu got my attention, but i have such a hard time trusting anything historical or science related on netflix, ive seen to many "debunking" of netflix produced programming that i just dont watch anything related to that on netflix unless i know its something that it wasnt produced by netflix like planet earth or something like that
  5. Ok? If you think music and movies (or art in general) is somehow worse, im sorry to tell you but that is a you problem. The argument that is all about making money has been true for decades, thats capitalism for you. But its also true that people are making amazing art, specially in the last 10 years or so, thanks to technologicall inovations has made it possible to make some awesome things with very little. And with the internet we have allot more acces to art from other places that we didnt have before.
  6. i think is more than that, its much more than just atracting a large crowd. and i dont really know how is it relevant that you personally dont know any of her songs, like you are clearly disconected. she alone is having an incredible impact in politics and in buisness just look at this https://www.marketwatch.com/story/taylor-swift-is-worth-331-million-and-counting-to-nfl-and-the-chiefs-05e4dbf9 i think you are severly underestimating her power, just her popularity alone, and again she is a billionaire too. you could also look at bono, he has had allot of influence to (negative in my opinion) policy in africa.
  7. i guess its funny to see how the horrible trolls of the republican party become crazy cuz of taylor swift...but is it a positive thing in the whole? she is a billionaire , she has an incredible amount of power to sway public opinion and maybe policy, she is a pop singer, but her influence in the real world is problematic (in my opinion). and she is not all good, for example, she is the number one pulliting celebrity.
  8. or like when you deserve it, like in this case.
  9. at least they are taking steps in the right direction. and getting such a big "player" behind bars (for now at least) is something that i wish happend everywhere
  10. dont this charge stations consume like a shit ton of energy? more when its charging (meaning that i saw a video where they messure charging stations, and even when idle they are expending allot of energy) and even more when its very cold outside? i think that EVs are kind of a distraction, specially when it comes to cars, like we shouldnt be aming to replace all combustion cars for EV ones, we should be getting cars the fuck out of the streets. also maybe it would be a good idea that this change was in the hands of the state, so companies like tesla cant just put their chargers and make them exclusive to teslas, and things of that nature... one can dream
  11. we shouldnt left corporations out of this inflation conversation https://www.epi.org/blog/corporate-profits-have-contributed-disproportionately-to-inflation-how-should-policymakers-respond/ from the link: "Many of those most dismissive of claims that increased corporate power has driven recent inflation adopt the view that generalized macroeconomic overheating is the culprit. But in dismissing the increased corporate power explanation for recent inflation, they also seem to be discarding any useful information that recent sky-high profit margins might provide about the validity of their alternative view. Profit margins may not be telling us that very recent increases in corporate power are the root cause of inflation. But they are telling us that a simple macroeconomic imbalance of supply and demand is not driving inflation either, unless the relationship between a “hot” economy and profit margins and real wages is just coincidentally behaving entirely differently in the current recovery than it has in the past."
  12. i guess it depends how you define occupation, haiti has been occupied or semi occupied, and france has just recently been leaving africa, its not conventional occupation though.
  13. except...thats the problem or at leat a part of the problem, those kinds of beliefs breed other similar beliefs and you end up with people not trusting anything science related. i mean where does that little wierdenss stop, or when do they start to become problematic at a societal level, does belive in treating ilness with bach flowers and other homeopathic "remedies" count as a little weirdness?. i dont know, but i admit that beign a "man of little faith" this things scare me, cuz i see them become extremely popular and with them come a host of other belives and problems. just recently a "healer" came to my country to perform mass healings to people with cancer, saying that cancer is produced by trauma and things like that, now cancer is a serious subject so maybe you think that this is outside of just a little weirdenss, but i see it as being a part of the same problem. many many people that belive in this "healer" person (and others "doctors" that heal you with energies that they send from their phones and that are thousands of kilometers away), also belive in things like astrology and the like.
  14. thats an illusion, right? it is good, i guess, if you want to contemplate but people realy think that retrograde mercury has an effect in their lives. many base important decitions on this, when it doesnt mean anyhing.
  15. sorry, wasnt my intention to take him out of context. i think that mystically minded people that are not impiding science are a very small fraction of these kind of people. idk maybe i am being unfair about all of this becaus i see that mystically minded poeple impide science (when they can) and they belive (in the mayority of cases) very unscientific things, that i considere to be very dangerous. i see how people that self identify as mysticall or spiritual often fall into a rabithole of increasingly unscientific thought, and it has to do with many factors, not just being spiritual, but i do think it plays a mayor role (being "spiritual" or "mysticall) in people going anti science. maybe its cuz how i think of the world that i have a hard time seeing spirituality or/and religion as a good thing or compatible with scientific thought. though i do think some concepts attachted to spirituality can be good, like for dealing with existential dread, etc. i just wish people that self identfy as spiritual wherent so conspiracy minded, but is see it as a logical conclusion of being "spiritual" or "mystically" minded. (sorry if its kind of rambly, or i dont get my point across well, adhd mind is a bitch)
  16. Yeah i think all those problems are not from science but from capitalism. What do you mean by a more mystical mindset? Today its becoming very rare to see someone that has "mystic" mindset that is also not opposing acientific progress, many of them held some belive in some form of psudoscience, specially comon in these mystics is to be anti vaxx, anti "western" medicine (that i will admit has problems with the more human side of medicine). And in my mind most of this mystic kind of thoughts can be traced to a religeous kind of thought. The problem (as i see it) with potential allies that are on the mystic spectrum belive thing that take them away from a materialistic analysis of the world and allot of times leads them to reactionary philosphies. Its very easy to fall down the alternative therapies and such rabbit hole, and that almost always ends up with the conspiracy mindset, to me the two are extremely interconected.
  17. They coexist, but religious people belive things that go against science, like thats a fundamental thing that separates the two, there will be a point in wich they go against each other. I mean the church did science in the middle ages( im talking about europe), cuz everithyng went through the church, like they had the absolute power, and they famously wherent very science minded people. And you could get in very serious truble if you whent against what the church said. Thats not very conducive to science.
  18. science and religion can co-exist, thats a fact, but....i do think that religion goes against scientific progress and its often (or always) a limiting factor, i mean yes newton was a very smart man that was able to somewhat escape the chains of religion, but was still tied by them. i would say that religion impacted negativley on his scientific output. and i think that religion is negative force to science, conservatism is in its nature, and its self limiting because it will almos always go against science that can disprove it or bring doubt. i also think that religious faith goes against a scientific mind. i think that religous people that are scientist are often fighting against two conflicting forces inside them, and i think the religeous side is ultimelty a hindrance to their more logical, scientific side.
  19. she doesnt think palestinians are legetimate citizens of israel, at least she is honest. that is the reality of the millions living in the best democracy of the middle east, when they say that israel is not really an appartheid state cuz of the palestinians living in israel, this is the reallity of it, they are not israeli citizens they are temporarly living in israeli territory. and this is not the first time jace has gone masks off, she is a liberal after all, she is with us, she is a realist!
  20. not acording to people that know wtf they are talking about
  21. Kal showed you that HRW "disagreed" with your horrible take. But why even bring it up, you dont care if they do it, they have done it but you question it, the reallity is that if they did it (and they did) you dont care, in your mind it is justified, same as all the dead children, you will find i way to justify it. Bombing refugee camps (that israel told them to go)? You justify. Schools bombed? You justify. 70% of infraestructure leveled, you and other here simply dont care about it. What you seem to know doesnt matter, cuz in reality you dont care. Neither jace or chatywin. Just admit that you think all those crimes against humanity are justified in your views, it will be easier for all of us when we discuss this things.
  22. are they rooted in bilogical determinism? it is not so clear to me that they are, but im still learning. i guess my criticism with EP is that i see it used as a way to justify some very sus shit like sexism and misogyny, or anti semitism (cuz its always lurking everywhere i guess) with the case of one kevin mcdonald. i found this noam chomsky quote that gives light to some of the problems i have with EP "You find that people cooperate, you say, 'Yeah, that contributes to their genes' perpetuating.' You find that they fight, you say, ‘Sure, that's obvious, because it means that their genes perpetuate and not somebody else's. In fact, just about anything you find, you can make up some story for it."
  23. its wrong and unjust and its there and it is used. maybe they are not sold but they are transfered to other prisons.
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