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Jace, Extat

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Everything posted by Jace, Extat

  1. I'm definitely enjoying Cyberpunk this time. But I feel... tethered... at unexpected moments. Knotted, even. Frustrating
  2. Half the player on twice the team. At this rate Lamar will be making 100 mil a year with just a Lil more patience. A rare miss from Howie, The Guy, Roseman. Not that Hurtz isn't good. He's real good. But the team is better than the QB in Philly Not so in Bal tee more OR I've been wrong this whole time and collusion is too powerful for such beautiful, pure, notions as free markets setting free values on free talents. But capitalism is pure! It would never betray itself to... to... coercion Would it? All that aside, Idk. Whatever man. The Colts should offer #4 and their two this year for Lamar. To remain valid until there's five minutes left on that picks clock. WHY? It's not really about Lamar. The Colts haven't been this interesting: Re: Interesting at all Since they drafted Luck. I remember when they traded down for the guard pick at six. First commercial was when they went on the clock. The pick was in by the time commercial ended. I don't think I've heard of the Colts on the TV machine since - could be wrong Whatever So just string this out for the interest if nothing else. Take your favorite LT at 15 or whatever after you trade down. Roll into the season with Minshew as your starter. Play this game with Lamar again next year. This is a freak show horseflesh auction of human dignities. I'M not the one who turned it into a cottage industry or didn't leave your stupider squads without an instruction manual on how-to-not-be-the-boringest-team-in-the-fucking-league Entertain me or begone Any questions? I mean its all moot anyway because the reffing is terrible and the rulebook is a joke but I was trying to just talk about the Colts for a while Am I being good?
  3. Paused my Hogwarts campaign to try for the umpteenth time to finish Cyberpunk. Maybe they fixed it. Maybe I'm on the right meds. But I'm loving it this time
  4. A sudden and crushing urgency not to get a few hundred thousand American boys and girls massacred in Asia. You do realize that Americans are no longer a rah rah expeditionary cowboyland people right? Like, we're all factoring that into our projections right? Americans are fat, lazy, entitled pieces of shit who wouldn't piss on a passerby if they were on fire unless there's a crypto scam involved. Any of the ones who aren't as described have money. Why would they give up their Youtube starlet careers to get murdered by communists in a war for a currency (the U.S. Dollar, keep up) they don't believe in? I mean, the idea that the U.S. could have the POLITICAL willpower to trade punches with a kind of enemy that views human life as just another calculus is... I'll just say it... STUPID Sorry. It's dumb. We were checkmated here in 2016. No, China doesn't want to flatten Taiwan. No, they don't need to. They're already winning. They've just gotta wait. Not all wars are fought with battles of tanks and battalions of men. This is a -new- kind of war. And you're llllllllllllooooosing! It'll be a helluva day when Marjorie Taylor Green and Ben Shapiro team up as the Peace at All Costs (FOR THE 'CONOMY!) ticket. I'll have my popcorn. PS: Is Shapiro an American? I don't care, he talks fast and has a distinctive speaking style. He could be president if he wanted to. All those back catalogues of podcasts or whatever would be like crack cocaine to his new Con-serv-a-Right political coalition. It'd be fucking awesome. After years of being incel fuckwads who have to pretend to not-not like Jews all of his fanbois could evolve into incel fuckwads who get to wave the fact that they voted for a Jew like it's a fucking pride flag, but for the political right. And that's just ONE random example. I'm not -predicting- Shapiro gets into politics or teams up with MTG. But it really ain't as farfetched as you'd like it to be when you start thinking about it. And that's the proof that we're doomed. I can feasibly posit circumstances in which a mental invalid and a whatever-youtuber become leaders of one country. China, different. Better. I'm out
  5. gizzz gixzxxxx gissss gisss!
  6. IF first you dont suckwest, try try ere'gain
  8. Negotiate with nothing and you'll never lose. Catch.
  9. Still workin my way through season 2 of my rewatch. Good show. Great, even. Not the BEST show. But it's pretty fucking great. HBO makes good stuff.
  10. Eh, if there's gas in the tank I say just go. Good ol' American spit and ingenuity'll figure it out on the way.
  11. I like real motherfuckers. It ain't gotta be any more than that. By the standards of the almighty 'market' I hear so fucking much about, he DESERVES it. He's worth more. He's standing against billionaires. This is football. He makes his own life choices. I'm rooting for entertainment. This entertains me greatly.
  12. Maybe Lamar is done? Callin' it quits? Wouldn't be the first time the league blackballed a motherfucker for not falling in step. Then again the season is like literally a half-a-year away so what's the rush to decide today?
  13. I started listening to The Stormlight book on the audible. But I actually had to stop because Sanderson was frustrating me. He had the best, as far as I'm concerned, top-down description of a battle I've like ever read. It was like Dan Carlin was describing it off Sanderson's fingertips. Really great shit. But then there's HOURS of like... craaaap man. And I'm over here trying to keep to 120k word limits and shit... Like yo, motherfucker... No offense and shit. LOVED Mistborn (1) The others were alright.
  14. If my game got interrupted for something like this I'd be spittin mad
  15. What if someone's just trying to be honest? Like, I loved Mistborn. Loved it. The other two are alright. But I mean... I don't mean to be mean Endings are waaaay overrated. They're also literally the most important part. And can make or break your entire story after it's already over. So... Good luck!
  16. Hey I've been wrong before. I don't claim to be some political science wonk. I'm just telling you what makes sense to me. I can be obnoxious, perhaps. And could do better in managing that condition.
  17. Never tried it. I didn't care for the Imperator: Rome game and Crusader Kings III was unplayable and unrecognizable as the Empire of Rome so, y'know. I'm out. I'll stick with the games that work.
  18. tsk tsk 1) You think the Chinese will be sanctioned??? And the American people will be ok with that? That's fucking adorable. 2) Prove it. Like, prove that China is making bullets. Go prove that to the Republican party when Donald Trump is all of a sudden saying "we can't lose trade with Ghinaaa, deeep state". As if he's never flip flopped before. 3) Russia is playing short game, China is playing long game, America is playing suicide games Russia is fucked when Putin dies. I don't know what he thought was gonna happen after him, but nobody does. He's a dog caught chasing cars. Ukraine will be his grave or the thing that historians look back on and say "It changed him, and he died a few years later." I'm sure he knows this. He just doesn't care. 4) China is smarter than you. Xi isn't stupid because he's not infallible. He's smart because he learns. The party adapts with him. Bye bye Hong Kong. Nice to know you. How long did outrage last over that? What happened with those sanctions eh? You think old Joe is gonna do... what exactly? To the "news" that some shell casings have Chineseish rightin' on 'em? You think he's gonna put it all on the line. All of it? All of it. Over China doing the exact same thing we're doing? Just imagine what Donald will say on that debate stage. My god, HE'LL BE RIGHT! He'll be right! Again! Xi doesn't need to like Donald Trump to do things that will help him. He just needs to like a broken America. 5) All you care about is money. In a general "western values" kinda sense. Yeah, yeah, democracy or whatever. But c'mon. What China gains by Russian war with Ukraine is the STAG GER ING expenditure of western money and resources on a war that they don't have very much to gain from. I mean what do you -get- at the other end of this fight? Ukraine has been ruined for almost the last ten years. Rebuilding is expensive as well. Meanwhile China can make a little dough or trade for cheap oil or gas or whatever with Russia (they're literally next door, friends) while aiding their psychopathic dictators' ruining of his country. Like I said. He ain't gotta send troops (which America has in Ukraine atm) and tanks and planes. What if he only sends "medical and quality-of-life" equipment? For "humanitarian" reasons? And of course the trucks and whatever else to transport them right? You think the American economy, it's corporate masters, are gonna let you ruin their profits to stop the "alleviation of Russian suffering"? THEY'RE COMMUNISTS
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