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Everything posted by IheartIheartTesla

  1. The bathos doesnt bother me as much as the galaxy-ending crisis every season dealt with, and the intrepid Disco crew were the only ones who could handle it. For some reason Paul Stamets (the mycelial scientist) is showing up on my FB feeds a lot. Believe he just did a podcast with Rogan, that might be it.
  2. The 1968 Democratic convention was absolute chaos, the Democrats themselves were in disarray, Bobby Kennedy had just been assassinated, and Daley used excessive force in trying to clamp down on protestors. The US was also directly involved in Vietnam. There are a few differences with now, for starters the Democrats are by and large united, and police tactics are (believe it or not) more evolved than then. I think another analogy to consider is how much the George Floyd/BLM protests from a few years ago persuaded voters. I think we'll see that responses to campus unrest are already baked into many people's voting preferences.
  3. Don't know why Modi is getting so desperate (in the Indian elections going on now). Most opinion polls place the ruling NDA alliance comfortably at 350 seats or maybe more (out of 543). His most recent speech was also the most incendiary, but those in the US used to Trump's dog whistles and straight up whistles will find much in common with what Modi said.
  4. Trump is visiting about 10 miles from where I live on May 1. Doesnt seem to be too much excitement about it, but I imagine he'll still get ~10k folks going to the rally like he did last time.
  5. I have absolutely no profound thoughts to add on this topic, but whenever I think of AI art I think of Data from Star Trek painting on an oil canvas, or playing the violin where he is programmed with the techniques of 200 masters. He is critiqued for the latter of having no style of his own, but still, he made Sarek cry once.....
  6. His stance on climate change has flipped, and he's now way to the right of Biden on that issue. Cant imagine many progressives would be compelled to vote for him.
  7. I was just coming here to post that, but see I was too late. Eventually 3rd (and more) party support does wane towards November, so we'd expect the effect, whichever way it goes, to also be smaller down the line. Still, every bit helps, and RFK Jr is actually on the ballot in Michigan (havent checked other swing states).
  8. Haley got 150k votes, which is not insubstantial. It may not mean much....but interesting that Republicans are still registering their displeasure with their choice.
  9. No, its a mental one for me, but I always run through it before leaving the house and before checking out at a hotel. For non-Americans, everything else indeed can be purchased, but not prescription medication. There are some emergency vacation supplies you might be able to wrangle at the holiday destination, but I want never to be in that position.
  10. Waiting on the results of the PA primary to see what lessons we can learn. Again, its going to be the number of Haley voters (she's still on the ballot I believe) and 'uncommitted' write-ins against Biden.
  11. This is all very boring and jejune for a dating thread, but here goes anyway. I have a checklist for travel always, usually its meds, electronics (like chargers, very important), toiletries and clothing. Everything else indeed is a want. For instance, protection and sex toys can and should be purchased on site. No need to give the fascist goons manning security any reason to stop you or judge you.
  12. Looks like the Indian elections will have 970 million eligible voters, so that would easily be 500+ million actually voting. But not my parents, since they moved states recently and its a pain to get on the rolls. Not sure their 2 votes would have made a difference to Modi's juggernaut though.
  13. Just to be clear, Ozempic is the version of semaglutide that is specifically geared towards diabetes, while Wegovy is the (only?) one approved for weight loss. I take the former, but cant say I've been overrun by a case of the toots. Thats pure cheeto energy.
  14. I'm sad about LD ending, but I believe they also announced that SNW was renewed for a fourth season. I'm guessing cold, hard cash is at the center of a lot of these decisions.
  15. Yes, and I think the statistics bear that out in that most successful relationships tend to be with partners in the same socioeconomic class. Also, in terms of preference its fairly common, which most people have internalized. Although I have to point out one of my favorite Onion headlines "Woman Relieved Soulmate Turned Out To Be In Same Socioeconomic Bracket"
  16. "Pays the same marginal tax rate as me" is my solution to broaden her dating pool, and best hope the US doesn't adopt a flat income tax rate anytime soon.
  17. Funnily enough, Canada provided India with a nuclear reactor (CIRUS) that eventually generated enough plutonium for the latter's first nuclear test in 1974. Mostly without the knowledge of the former of course, but they had their suspicions. There are other nations using Canadian nuclear technology mostly for power production, I think safeguards were put in place to prevent use for other stuff. I grew up...about 2 miles from where the CIRUS reactor was.
  18. I mean, sitting through 6 hours of baseball* would be equally dull, if you're not into people ambling across a diamond (occasionally). The things we do for lust, eh? *pick your boring sportsball game of choice
  19. For those of you thinking the ballot measures will make Florida competitive, I just saw a recent Emerson College poll (and they are decent pollsters if I remember Silver's ratings from last cycle) that had Trump up +13 (1000 RV). Still early days, but my prognosis at this time is that Florida will flatter only to deceive come election day.
  20. Michigan legalization appears to have been seamless. Or at least, I didnt notice too many hiccups. Note that it was a petition that got on the ballot because of enough signatures and passed pretty easily. I'm not sure why that was the case, but my own town still doesnt have a dispensary because it is a bit old fashioned.
  21. The less you vote, the more you back Trump - ABC News (go.com) 538 has a recent article about some of the things we've talked about here, namely the impact of turnout and frequency of voter participation in elections. Well, who knows what turnout will look like in November. But still, interesting to see how high turnout for minorities who infrequently vote will be.
  22. The Arizona SC just upheld an 1864 law basically banning nearly all abortions, and I think there is a move there from pro-choice proponents to get a prop on the ballots in November.
  23. Being smart in bed is underrated Apparently it's a nickname for Detroit (based on rock and roll no doubt). I'm more familiar with motor city or motown.....
  24. Forecasts have been trending towards warmer temperatures and clearer skies here in mid-Michigan, so it should be great viewing. Looking forward to even the partial eclipse.
  25. To be precise, Eddington and his colleagues provided experimental evidence that validated Einstein's general theory of relativity, by measuring positions of stars normally not visible during daytime compared to their position at night.
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