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north of the wall

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About north of the wall

  • Birthday 08/22/1988

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Noble (7/8)

  1. I've given it a 5 after sleeping on it. The hard work that goes into making Got one of the best TV shows ever was still obvious, great music, great acting, amazing scenery and costumes, but the quality of writing has been hit and miss since season 5 and unfortunately there has been more misses than hits lately. After some time to think about how the series ended I realised I wasn't angry with every chararter/thread ending. But even the endings I liked didn't make sense to me. I would have rated it lower on my initial response yesterday, so I'm glad I waited to let my first impression settle down first
  2. In all honesty I will more than likely still read the books. There will be enough time for me to get over this by the time they come (if they come out) I doubt it will hurt his book sales too much. If Twow is announced tomorrow I wouldn't be in a rush to buy it though
  3. Im glad you see so many positives. Atm all I see is negatives! It was shot beautifully, everyone looked amazing and they all acted well. That's as much as I can say about this episode. It's not the story I've been imagining while waiting for new books that's for sure, and maybe time will make me ok with that but for now I am not. I'm incredibly angry with the ending itself, it makes little to no sense to me
  4. I couldn't agree more! I'm so confused and upset with he ending. I'm hoping GRRM says that's not his ending, but I have the worst sinking feeling it is (except probably a much better small council) which means I think I'm done with the books now too!
  5. Is there a way to change your rating? I rated it a 6, but after time to think about it I would probably rate it an 8.
  6. I agree it look amazing! Cleganebowl wasn't what I imagined and I'm so devastated Sandor had to die to kill his bro! What do D&D have against prophecies? Why couldn't Jaime or even Arya kill Cersei?! The northern went as rabid as Dany's troops. I'm not happy about that either. Arya is conviently the last person alive in KL and there is a surviving horse too! How's that for luck? I'm surprised she walk with so much plot armour. I feel so let down but storyline, but can't get over how awesome it all looked while destroying my hopes and dreams. Maybe I'll rate it a 6 just for cinematography?
  7. 8. I was so angry Jon gave Ghost away. I told my hubby I didn't even care If he ended up dying anymore. Then we get the Dany "mad queen" set up and I know I have to root for him again, but I just don't want to! Everything was either satisfying because it sets some things up I have thought will happen, or took me by surprise which is also good. I love that Sansa finally spoke to Sandor, he looked pleased with her when she told him she gave Ramsey to hounds. I decided if that's the closest to SanSan I'll ok wth it. I hope Sansa is quite so cold in the books though, I love book sansa and I feel like show sansa is a rollercoaster of I love, hate or tolerate her.
  8. Exactly how I'm feeling! My guess is the "same ending as the books" is only referring to who sits on the iron throne at then of ep6? There is 0 foreshadowing of arya being the world's saviour right?
  9. 8.5 Rounded up to a 9 because Drogon looked awesome. I felt Braavos was "Meh", Dorne a lot better than previous Dorne scenes, but still not great. The wall was good. Davos/Stannis and Davos/Shireen were fantastic. The burning of Shireen was heartbreaking and I'm not sure if its just because I don't want her dead or the timing of the burning or that after all D&D's good of making Stannis likeable and ruining it but I was not happy at all after that scene. Meereen wasn't as epic as I'd hoped but Drogon looked amazing and Jorah lives to see another day so I felt happy once the episode ended.
  10. By far the best episode of the season. Arya was great. WF was great (Theon finally told Sansa he didn't kill her bros) Cersei's imprisonment is coming along brilliantly, Dany and Tyrion were good and hardhome was fantastic!! Best fight scene for all of the seasons, very zombie action movie (my fav type of movies) and everyone acted well for the entire episode! Would rate it a 11/10 if it were possible but a 10 is all it goes up too :( Hopefully the last 2 episodes can be as great as this one
  11. I'm tossing up between an 8 or a 9/10. I enjoyed most of the ep. I have offically given up on Dorne though. Jorah is most likely a gonner next ep :( KL was well done. I was very pleased with Cersei's arrest and LF/Olenna scene. Olenna and the HS was also great. WF was a bit meh for me though. As was the Stannis/Mel scene. It was nice to have the theory of Shireen being burned thrown in and Stannis saying no but didn't really do much for me. (Not sure if it's the fact Balon is not dead or the acying but the scene felt wrong) Glad Sam and Gilly happened. Not so happy with the near rape/ fight. But we got to see Ghost!! Which is always a plus. Dany... hmm Meereen was ok. Glad Tyrion and Jorah have seen Dany but I'm so worried about Jorah's fate now. Think I'll give it an 8 but may up the vote after a rewatch.
  12. So the episode I have been dreading has come. Sansa is married to Ramsay and has been raped! BUT... no where near as bad and brutal as book or as I was fearing. KL was really good. I suspect Olenna will be the reason Cersei is arrested by the faith and that is exciting. Arya and the FM was done really well too. Loved Tyrion and Jorah scenes. Dorne is confusing but seems to be coming together ok. I still have some hope for it, as long as we get more Doran and less plotting. All in all I felt it deserves a 9. I enjoyed almost all of it and the ending left me happy that at least we didn't get as brutal of a Ramsay as we see in book. I felt it was done in a way that Sansa and Theon will be able to bond and escape together, hopefully giving them both new confidence and strength.
  13. I'm not sure how to score this ep. I thought the acting was good, I enjoyed the pacing and a break from KL. However I hated Jorah getting greyscale and the trip through Valyria (why???!!!) I disliked Stannis leaving without Jon telling him how to get the Northern hill tribes support. I also though Roose was going to say "don't make me rue the day I raped your mother" but instead got a sappy "your my son" speech. BOOOO!! Otherwise the wall and WF were good though. I think its worth a 7 but I may change the score higher or lower after a rewatch.
  14. 8.5 I usually round up but couldn't bring myself to. do so today so an 8 in the voting. Dorne is annoying me. I'm still worried for Sansa and to top it off I'm 99.9% sure Barristan is the book reading actor who was suprised at his characters death in show (he can't survive the attack can he?) Watched the episode 4 weeks ago after the leak and I'm still pissed off Barry dies!!
  15. Each episode this season is getting better and better imo. So far I've given a 6, 8 and now 8.5 rounded up to a 9.
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