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A True Kaniggit

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Everything posted by A True Kaniggit

  1. This cover of "The Other Side" from The Greatest Showman. https://youtu.be/7jyuhwVSCks Love it.
  2. Wooooooo! Better go clean the kitty litter while I'm too drunk to give a shit.
  3. Tanya the Terrible's speech. From the anime. https://youtu.be/i7TQcQUfGUo
  4. Fallout songs playlist? I do not hear it. This is the drunk thread. You want something to happen here? You better be drunk enough to make it so. Yep. I should contain myself here the rest of the night.
  5. Ha. I made friends with my “neighbor-to-the-right’s” brand new dog. He left her out back, so I went over to make friends. No matter how much of an asshole her owner is, she is a very sweet girl. Within 2 minutes of seeing me she had walked to the fence and was wagging her tail and licking my hand.
  6. Ha. I couldn’t sleep after the flight back. So now it looks like I’m stuck with a 30 hour day at the minimum. Bring it on. (Grabs a lot of caffeine)
  7. Oh! Because my avatar is a penguin. Now I get it. Ha.
  8. Well I’m now wearing black socks. Does that apply for the riddle?
  9. Damn. I’m a fairly pale guy so am usually careful when applying sunscreen at the beach. Yet I missed a 2 by 2 inch area on my right foot which is now bright red. Whatever. Worth it. Edit: Also saw a couple humpback whales spouting off in the distance.
  10. Well my current job isn’t really a career. It’s just something I’m doing to make some money. But at least I earned PTO time! I’m now off for 10 days and headed for Hawaii tomorrow. Wish me luck in catching a tuna! Edit: There isn’t a vacation thread .
  11. You’re halfway done! I did a half-dry January. Younger sister changed jobs recently and needs me to babysit my 5 y/o niece regularly because of her changed hours. But now it’s MLK day weekend and I can drink some Jameson! Wooooo!
  12. Damn. Lost $420 at the casino. Hell of a fun time though. Shit. I have work in 9 hours.
  13. Or whatever the equivalent is in magic European measurements.
  14. Ugh. I weigh 139.6 lbs. The most I’ve ever weighed in my life. And it is not muscle. Damn desk job I’ve been working at for a year. The counter attack starts now!
  15. Luckily I’m a damn good gift buyer and can usually figure out something nice to buy anyway.
  16. Do you know who is evil? People that won’t straight up say what they would like for Christmas. ”I want nothing” ”You don’t have to get me a thing” Bullshit. If you actually received nothing for Christmas you would be sad. Just tell me want you want. That’s what I do. Keep things simple.
  17. Bwa ha ha. The tickets are bought for my Hawaii trip in a couple months. Them tuna should tremble with fear.
  18. Wooooo! Creed is a fun drunk movie to watch. But now I can’t find my copy of Creed II .
  19. Hmmmm. The specific episodes I was thinking of are listed as “anime canon”. I give my memory a C- . Edit: Episodes 213-216.
  20. I suppose filler episodes are still episodes. Damn fox pirates.
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